Confucianism and Taoism

Chapter 87 Are there real gods in the world?

Chapter 87 Are there real gods in the world?
After exchanging a few pleasantries with each other, Qin Zhiyong directly explained his purpose of coming, without any pretense.

Many people have misconceptions about Confucian culture, thinking that Confucian disciples are eloquent talkers, high-minded and low-handed, and boastful.Actually, not so.Those who really understand and study Confucianism will know that Confucianism is pragmatic.

Honesty, truth.

If you are sincere and upright, you will be pragmatic.

Everyone in Confucianism is moving closer to the "unity of knowledge and action", and they will never play tricks.People who play with falsehoods can certainly gain temporary benefits, but they will definitely not have good results in the future.

Tang Zichen was able to achieve something spiritually and comprehend the "way of sincerity", which was very accidental.In other words, Tang Zichen reached his current spiritual state by chance and coincidence.Tang Zichen himself couldn't explain how to practice the "dao of sincerity".

Know it, but don't know why.

Chance, chance, these things, there is no logic, no reason.There is simply no way to explain it scientifically.

Tang Zichen's spiritual practice is like reaching the sky in one step.

When the opportunity comes, you will understand the "way of sincerity".

Qin Zhiyong's practice was different.His practice is one step at a time, completely demanding himself according to the standards of the ancient sages and sages, which is traceable and full of logic.

Tang Zichen's practice cannot be copied, but Qin Zhiyong's practice can be copied.

As long as someone strictly follows Qin Zhiyong's cultivation methods, self-denial and self-cultivation, with a sincere heart, sooner or later he will reach Qin Zhiyong's current achievements.

There are certainly advantages to reaching the sky in one step.But the flaw is also very big.Tang Zichen is very confused now.She couldn't find the way ahead.Because her practice is illogical and confused, it is inevitable.

In the long run, Qin Zhiyong's cultivation method is better, advancing layer by layer, improving steadily, full of logic, and not losing himself.

Qin Zhiyong said: "Master Tang, you said that your state of mind has reached the Confucian 'sincerity'. I wonder if I can ask a question?"

Tang Zichen said with a smile: "Mr. Qin, you ask."

Qin Zhiyong asked: "Do you think there are gods in this world?"

Tang Zichen was taken aback.She did not expect that Qin Zhiyong would ask such a question.

immortal?It would be great if there were gods in the world.In that way, it is possible to become a fairy by yourself.It's a pity that throughout the ages, no one has really seen a god, whether it is a trafficker, a pawn, or an emperor.

Immortals are nothing but spiritual sustenance imagined by people.

A trace of confusion flashed in Tang Zichen's eyes: "I don't know. I hope there are gods in the world."

Qin Zhiyong smiled and said: "A person with a sincere heart will never be confused. Tang Sect Master has doubts in his heart, which means that he has not truly enlightened himself. Immortals are originally idealistic things. We think there are, There is, we think there is no, there is no. However, the premise is that once we are sure, then our minds must not be shaken in the slightest, and we must firmly believe in our ideas."

Spiritual practice, psychology research, and psychological suggestion are one of the training subjects.Psychological suggestion is also called self-hypnosis.

According to Qin Zhiyong's inference, when the psychological suggestion reaches an extremely deep level, there will be incredible changes in the body and mind.

If there are no gods, then self-suggestion, self-hypnosis, there are gods in the world, and you must become a god.The spiritual realm has reached a certain height, stimulate the body with the spirit, let the genes evolve, maybe one day, I can really become a "fairy".

Of course, this is only theory.

It's almost impossible to do it.

People's thoughts are too complicated, and they can think wildly all day long.

Even a person who has achieved something in spiritual cultivation, such as Qin Zhiyong, when he is making psychological hints, deep down in his heart, he still remains "sober", and there is a voice telling himself that gods are fake, and the psychological hints are fake. is fake.

The impact of reality on our hearts is too great.It is very difficult to change one's ingrained beliefs.However, the world we see with our naked eyes may not be real.

Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism all have spiritual practice.Ask for peace of mind.Only when our mind is extremely quiet can we "see" things that cannot be seen with the naked eye.

We just stagger forward in constant denial and constant affirmation.

Qin Zhiyong understands the truth.But he just can't do it.

As the saying goes, it is easy to attain the Tao, but difficult to practice it.

There is a big difference between knowing and doing.If you can attain the Tao, practice the Tao, and appreciate the mystery of "the unity of knowledge and action", then you are not an ordinary person, but a sage.

Qin Zhiyong slowly explained his understanding of spiritual practice.Qin Zhiyong never kept his secrets when exchanging his practice experience.

After hearing Qin Zhiyong's theory, Tang Zichen's eyes lit up.There was a sense of enlightenment in my heart.

Tang Zichen said: "There is no road in the world. The road is made by people. If there are gods, I will follow in the footsteps of gods and become a god. If there are no gods, then I will become the first god. All blessings are inseparable. If you look for it, you can feel everything. Haha, I understand."

I figured it out, and there was no doubt in my heart.

Tang Zichen's mental state suddenly changed from before.

Qin Zhiyong was very happy.

He hoped that Tang Zichen would be successful on the road of "cultivating immortality".If Tang Zichen can succeed, it means that the theory he deduced is reasonable and correct.In the future, I will be successful as well.

Wang Chao could understand Qin Zhiyong and Tang Zichen's "discussion".Boxing is not fairy art, he thinks the two are too crazy to discuss how to become a "fairy".

However, what Qin Zhiyong said was well-founded and logically sound, it was by no means nonsense, and there was no room for people not to believe it.Wang Chao was confused.Could it be that the cultivation of the mind is so strong that it can really drive its own evolution?

Qin Zhiyong said: "Master Tang, your spiritual practice is different from mine, but you do have something unique. Can you perceive Morgan Tang Suiyun in your 'way of sincerity'?"

"Mr. Qin wants to arrest Tang Suiyun?" Tang Zichen said with a smile, "I can find him. Tomorrow, I will take you to find him."

Qin Zhiyong said gratefully: "Thank you very much. Master Tang, Master Wang Chao, Qin will take his leave first."

Tang Zichen and Wang Chao personally sent Qin Zhiyong out of the manor.Qin Zhiyong wanted to leave, but they didn't keep him.Such a character as Qin Zhiyong would definitely not live on the streets without a place to live.

The two watched Qin Zhiyong leave.

Tang Zichen said: "Little brother, what do you think of Qin Zhiyong?"

Wang Chao said: "Very strong. Mr. Qin doesn't seem to have the aura of martial arts on his body, but if you look closely, you will find that there are almost no flaws in his body. Mr. Qin doesn't seem to take Morgan and Wharton seriously. .”

Tang Zichen said with a smile: "Qin Zhiyong's martial arts and boxing skills have almost reached the level of the strongest. Even compared with the long eyebrows, I'm afraid they are almost the same."

During the conversation, Qin Zhiyong mentioned more than once that he is not a warrior, but a scholar.Only now did Tang Zichen know what this "scholar" meant.

Guoshu has an end.However, Qin Zhiyong's practice theory has already surpassed the scope of martial arts.

In particular, Qin Zhiyong's attainments in psychology are unparalleled.


the next day.

Qin Zhiyong, Tang Zichen, and Wang Chao came to Singapore.

Arriving outside a slum, Qin Zhiyong said, "Master Tang, are you sure that Morgan Tang Suiyun is here?"

Tang Zichen nodded and said: "It should be here. Let's go, let's go in and look for him. However, this time it's not just Morgan Tang Suiyun alone, Wharton Tang Lianxi is also there."

Wang Chao is eager to try.After he succeeded in holding pills, he has not fought against the great master yet.As a martial idiot, Wang Chao wants to compete with these two Great Tang Ssangyongs from the United States.

Qin Zhiyong said with a smile, "If you're sure it's here, then Tang Suiyun won't be able to escape."

Tang Zichen walked to the slums first.Qin Zhiyong and Wang Chao followed behind her.

A dilapidated private house, decorated very luxuriously inside.This is a secret stronghold of the US intelligence agency.

Morgan and Wharton sat in front of a man in a cloak, somewhat restrained.

The cloaked man is the leader of the GOD group "Long Eyebrows".Long Eyebrow is currently the only Boxing Xeon.His physical strength and willpower have surpassed the limits of ordinary grand masters.

When Tang Zichen, Qin Zhiyong, and Wang Chao approached within a hundred meters of the houses, Tang Zichen and Qin Zhiyong suddenly stopped in their tracks, and their expressions became very serious.Tang Zichen felt a tingling pain between his brows.

In the room, Long Mei was stunned for a moment, and then said with a smile: "Morgan, Wharton, aren't you going to arrest Tang Zichen and Wang Chao, and disintegrate the Tang Sect? You don't need to look for them, they will come to you automatically. My opponent, here too."

The only person who can be regarded as an opponent by Long Mei is currently Qin Zhiyong.

Long Mei stood up and walked out of the house.

Tang Zichen said: "Mr. Qin, let's go. In addition to Morgan and Wharton, there are powerful enemies in the room. The other party is so capable, I didn't even feel his existence before."

Qin Zhiyong took a deep breath, regained his mood in an instant, and said gently: "I can't go away. Since the matter has encountered, then face it calmly. Master Tang, Master Wang Chao, Morgan Tang Suiyun and Wharton Tang Lianxi, You guys deal with it. As for the long eyebrows, leave it to me."

Tang Zichen nodded and said: "Okay. Mr. Qin, you have to be careful. The strength of the long eyebrow is stronger than before."

Qin Zhiyong said: "It's stronger. If I'm not wrong, he must have been injected with 'Life One'. This time, he won't have the chance to sneak attack again. It's better to hit the sun than to choose a date, and it's better to meet by chance than to invite each other. I happen to Want to meet him for a while. Then, today."

Long eyebrows, Morgan and Wharton walked out of the house and saw Qin Zhiyong and the others.

Morgan Tang Suiyun laughed, and said, "Mr. Qin, you came to Singapore just after Ito-o was arrested. Are you planning to attack me? Tang Zichen, Wang Chao, you are here today to seek your own death. Don't even think about it!" Walk."

Qin Zhiyong did not answer Morgan Tang Suiyun's words, but walked towards Long Mei step by step.

Long eyebrows didn't look at Tang Zichen and Wang Chao, and focused on Qin Zhiyong.

(End of this chapter)

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