Chapter 451 Dilemma
Chapter 451 Dilemma
The aroma of soup medicine lingers in the room.

Liu An'an gently stretched out her hand, and stroked Liu Yuanbao's pale face. After sighing lightly, she heard the sound of footsteps, and turned her head subconsciously.

Situ An also walked over worriedly, his purple eyes rippling with incomparable scenery.

He asked softly:
"He Yuanhu agreed."

Liu An'an smiled coldly again, and shook her head:
"Sure enough, she still misunderstood, thinking that you invited her, my lord, so she must be happy about it, but she always feels that I will harm her."

I feel somewhat disdainful in my heart.

Does He Yuanhu really think of herself as a fool?

Situ An looked at her more or less jealous, and lightly rubbed her forehead before comforting her and said:

"An'an doesn't have to pay too much attention to this matter. Logically speaking, all this is just a misunderstanding."

The implication in this sentence is also obvious.

The fact that He Yuanhu was pregnant was just a beautiful mistake, and when the two of them find out the real culprit behind the scenes, she will be the one to look at.

There was a little warning light in Situ's dark purple eyes.

Liu An'an smiled softly:
"If that's the case, I don't think I need to pay too much attention to the previous things."

The two finally got the topic out of the way, but when they both looked at Liu Yuanbao who was still in a coma with the same worry, they didn't say a word at the same time.

Situ An stroked his face.

Liu An'an looked at it carefully from the side, and after helping him see and hear again, he put the medicine bowl that was just served on the table.

She also seemed helpless about this. She had exhausted all means, but she had a rare taste of frustration.

Is Butterfly Valley really their destination?

The answer is definitely not necessarily.

Situ An keenly sensed her small emotions, gently held her hand, and said every word with great solemnity:
"Madam doesn't need to care too much about these things, or we're just going to find out."

These words did not mean to belittle Liu Yuanbao, only to see that he added next:

"I feel sorry for Madam, if Madam tosses and turns every day just for this one thing..."

A sly light flashed in Situ's dark eyes:
"Actually, I have said so much, but I just want to tell Madam one thing."

He held those little cold hands again.Liu An'an suddenly felt her heart thumping, and could feel the forceful atmosphere oppressing her.

Situ An's aura was too strong.

Every word almost swallowed her up.

It shouldn't have been so forced.

But Liu An'an could feel his incomparable dominance, the corners of her lips slightly curled up slightly, and she didn't want to get tangled up on this topic, because she knew it.

Situ An is deeply in love with her.

After getting this answer, you can breathe a sigh of relief.

The more leisurely time passed, of course, the two of them were not idle during this time, and prepared a lot of tools for going to Butterfly Valley.

After all, as I said before, the terrain of Butterfly Valley is rough and uneasy.

At this time, Situ An said rather playfully:

"Why don't you take them with you?"

Of course he knew who they were in his mouth.Liu Anan smiled softly:

"My lord, why does he sound jealous when he speaks now?"

The deliberate joke also eased the tense atmosphere just now.There was a smile on the corner of Situ An's lips:
"That's not because of you."

At that time, he never thought that he would be so straightforward and honest. After nodding slightly, he firmly held the warmth of those big hands, and the worry in his eyes slowly receded now.

In the end, they finally packed their bags and prepared everything, but they didn't expect that an unexpected visitor would come here.

Epic Rhyme's outfit today is extraordinarily elegant. The combination of tassels and pearls makes her outfit extraordinarily stunning.

She just came over.He just stared at Liu An'an with an extremely subtle look.

Then he said unkindly:
"I heard that the two of you are about to go on a trip, but where are you going to take Yuanbao?"

Thinking of Liu Yuanbao being an eyesore, she gritted her teeth.

If there is no him, will my own path be easier to walk?
She thought silently in her heart.

However, Liu An'an put on a relaxed and light appearance, and smiled lightly:

"It can't be said where to go to play, but to go out with Yuanbao for some experience, which is considered a good thing."

They were busy with Liu Yuanbao's unconsciousness before. After all, he was still a child, and it didn't matter if he slept for a while.

But Epic Rhythm seemed to be here to make trouble today, so he raised his head leisurely, and brought a big red gift box over.

She smiled very deliberately:

"Thinking of what you are about to do to play, and the previous things have been kind to our family, it is essential to repay you."

The curve of the corners of her lips became tighter and tighter.Then he took another deep breath.Said softly:

"So I hope you can accept this gift from me. It may not be to your liking, but after all, courtesy is light and affection is heavy..."

After saying this, her face glowed with emotion, and when she looked carefully, it seemed that someone was deliberately picking on her.

Liu An'an seemed to be in a dilemma.

Tell her directly that there must be something wrong with this gift box, but if you don't accept it now, won't it appear that she is the only one who cares about it?So I still stretched out my hand to look at a copy first.

Aren't there not many times when epic rhyme steals chickens and loses rice?
She also watched with satisfaction as Liu An'an reached out to take the gift box, and then happily opened it.

At the same time, she added in detail:

"I heard that this agate jade has the effect of nourishing people, and my father has always liked it, but when I heard that you are going to travel far away, he specifically asked me to bring this gift to you."

Said calmly and generously.

However, Liu An'an could hear something was wrong.

Since when did their family become so generous, and they only told the people they knew well when they obviously went away.

When did they know about this?

Layers of questions were mixed together, but she still showed a calm look on the surface, you are an innocent epic rhyme.

Then the box was opened, and as expected, the agate was exuding a transparent and pure light.

So she said thankfully:
"Thank you."

(End of this chapter)

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