Chapter 456 A Dangerous Appearance

Chapter 456 A Dangerous Appearance

But in fact, the most unlucky person was Murong Huazhi who was tied into a big board on the carriage and couldn't move or make a sound.

He felt that he had never been so embarrassed before, but there was nothing he could do.

Liu An'an also specially instructed the hidden guard to pay close attention to the movement of the carriage, and never let him escape.

The red maple leaves fell on Liu Yuanbao's face, making him even paler.

Situ An kept thinking. She knew that entering the Butterfly Valley meant the beginning of tempering. It is said that only after going through 81 or [-] hardships can she reach the center of the warm spring.

Feel the washing of the spring water, and then all the viruses will be excreted from the body.

Everything in Butterfly Valley is as beautiful as a fairyland on earth.And the accident happened suddenly at this time. Suddenly, the wind blew down, but the maple leaf stabbed at them directly like a sharp knife.

Where has He Yuanhu seen such a formation?

The knife in Situ An's hand shook slightly, and quickly swept all the maple leaves to the ground.

He Yuanhu could only scream, and covered her eyes in panic:
"My lord..."

She cried and wanted to find someone to rely on.

But Liu An'an had already moved forward, and no one looked back at her at all.

The unwillingness to prevent it permeated her heart, why can't she have anything.

Liu An'an didn't care about her thoughts, just ran forward against the clock, and after passing a semicircle-wide path, they faced new difficulties.

When you look up, you can see a steep mountain of several tens of feet, and you can only move forward if you climb straight up.

No detours possible.

Without further ado, Liu An'an directly grabbed onto the solid rock and climbed up, step by step with extra strength, but there was no way, the moss slipped, and even she was not behind by accident, almost fell down.

Situ An's eyes were quick, and he swung his hands upwards, quickly giving her a support point, and then he was relieved to see her gradually climb to the top.

He Yuanhu hesitated at the bottom.She had a long way to go, and it was inconvenient for her to climb. Besides, she was spoiled and spoiled, and she had never suffered such pain. There were crystal tears in her eyes, and she looked at the two of them pitifully.

She said softly:

"I've never been able to climb mountains, and besides, I'm weak now."

She said this on purpose, with a soft tone.

In fact, she was showing off that she was pregnant.

So it looks extra special.

Liu An'an didn't care about these bells and whistles, he circled around quickly with his eyes and hands, found the vine, quickly chopped off the vine, weaved it into a long rope, and then threw it down.

Listen to her decisively say:
"Then you can use the long rope of vines to climb up, we will pull you up, otherwise, you can go back to the carriage and have a good rest."

Now that she has come to this point, how can she still have the idea of ​​going back, and if I leave, maybe the two of them will continue to have a deeper relationship, she thought unwillingly in her heart.

He Yuanhu could only grit her teeth and nodded, then grabbed the long rope hanging down, and under the pull of the two of them, finally climbed up without any danger.

He took a deep breath of relief.There was a haggard light in He Yuanhu's eyes, as if she was exhausted, she shook her head lightly, then rubbed her forehead.

at the same time.Her feet also twisted crookedly, and by coincidence, she fell into Situ An's arms.

Her feet also twisted crookedly, and by coincidence, she fell into Situ An's arms.

Situ An subconsciously wanted to let go of his embrace, but she hadn't pulled his arms out, but she directly grabbed his sleeve and raised his head pitifully.

Her tone seemed to have been greatly wronged, she sniffed, and said softly:

"Aren't I going to be welcomed by the prince like this? After all, even if we did something wrong before, my fetus is innocent."

The person who said this was a little suffocated.

After Liu An'an sighed lightly, he asked softly:

"Did the prince show some impatience somewhere? But you should be clear. I told you repeatedly before that the fetus has not yet recognized the blood, so whether it is the prince's own child or not?" The flesh and blood have to be considered again..."

She was very clear about this matter.

It's hers, it's hers, it's not hers, it's absolutely impossible for her to accept it with a broad mind.

Situ darkened his eyes.

The movements of his hands were exceptionally regular. He slightly supported her waist, and then motioned her to stand up.

He Yuanhu couldn't feel his alienation, but she was unwilling, why couldn't she do intimate actions to her?

What exactly is Liu An'an?
No one told her exactly what it was for.

After finally climbing this towering mountain, the dangers that followed did not diminish in any way. The endless accidents such as traps and insect attacks seemed to be considered trivial things in Butterfly Valley.

Huang is still tirelessly singing that the branches are brightly blooming with a touch of green.

Liu An'an looked around vigilantly, and even guarded every step carefully, who would know what kind of crisis he would encounter if he took another step forward?

The three of them set off just after taking a step forward, and the trap was finally escaped.

I saw the three of them walking forward, walking through a narrow path, and then what came into view was a hidden cave, with a waterfall rushing down.

He Yuanhu sighed softly:
"Is this the spring scenery of the legendary Butterfly Valley?"

It can be seen that the place where the waterfall falls is followed by a small hole of spring water, and the spring water is clear and transparent.

Liu An'an had a bad premonition in her heart, so she shook her head.

Situ An also observed carefully, and there were not many people who entered the Butterfly Valley and finally found out where the spring was, so there were very few descriptions of Butterfly Ancient Spring in ancient books.

So he can't be sure whether the spring water is it or not?

But after He Yuanhu sized her up curiously, she nodded decisively:
"Look at the distance for a few miles, there is only the sound of water here. It stands to reason that places where sinking water appears are usually in groups."

If you look carefully, you can really see that there are several small spring water holes beside the spring water hole, and there are also several clear and shallow hole water in the place where it spreads.

It didn't seem like there was any danger.

(End of this chapter)

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