Chapter 574

Chapter 574

In the palace, there was a scene of singing and dancing, but this full moon night made people panic.

Liu An'an seemed a little uneasy, but the old man smiled slightly when he saw her tangled appearance.

In a joking tone:

"Little girl, why are you so troubled by this matter? In my opinion, you just need to be well and wait for the full moon to pass."

Her mysterious tone made people even more puzzled.

Liu Anan fine-tuned her eyebrows:

"You said it lightly. If you really lose control again, I'm worried that I will be seen by other people's eyeliner, and the matter will be difficult to explain."

Even though she said so, she couldn't help beating drums in her heart.

How to solve this matter?

Situ An finally finished his work, but she was holding a small bamboo basket in her hand, so she couldn't see what was in the bamboo basket at all.

There was a doubtful light in Liu An'an's eyes, and he stared at her softly.

It seems that because of today's full moon night, he looks even more uneasy.

Although she comforted herself in her heart, things are likely to develop in a good direction. After all, he has never had another illness on the night of the full moon in the past few months.

Maybe these soups of mine can heal her, she thought happily in her heart, but she also knew that things could never be so simple.

Situ An didn't seem to have so many thoughts today:

"This is a jujube sent from Yangzhou, it's really sweet."

At this time, he carefully opened the bamboo basket, and only then could he see the lush green jujube, which is quite different from other dates. Its skin is condensed with green brilliance, like emerald, crystal clear.

Liu An'an never thought that she could still eat dates in summer, she seemed even more confused.

She asked suspiciously:
"Why are there still jujubes? Doesn't it mean that dumplings can only be eaten in autumn? Why do Yangzhou's jujubes mature so early?"

Although I was very curious, I still grabbed one in my hand and wanted to taste something new, secretly took a bite, and found that the jujube was crisp and pleasant.

After taking a bite, it was sweet and greasy.

Instead of the sour taste she imagined, what filled the mouth was a sweet aroma.

She was moved in her heart, knowing that the dates were extraordinarily fresh, and she must have searched for a long time to find them, so a smile appeared on the corners of her lips.

Situ An shook his head slightly:

"As long as the lady likes it."

Just a few words made her heart surge.

Liu An'an smiled lightly.

She hadn't thought it would be like this.

Situ An just fed one jujube after another into her mouth.

Looking at her satisfied appearance, her mood became even happier.

While eating, Liu An'an couldn't use her appetite to dispel her anxiety. Although the time was quiet, she had to admit:

"My lord..."

Situ An squeezed her hand and shook his head involuntarily. He didn't want to make her feel more uncomfortable because of this incident.

She also thought very clearly that the matter was over and it was over.

Staring at her lips with a soft smile, Liu An'an smiled softly:

"I'm not worried. I've also made a mistake. After all, there hasn't been any change in the full moon night for so long. On the contrary, it makes people pay more attention."

As soon as she said this sentence, her confidently swaying eyes suddenly dimmed.

Originally, she had enough confidence in her medical skills before, and she believed that her symptoms could be alleviated under her own treatment.

But the words of the old man are also reminding himself that if this is really the case, there seems to be a problem.

How could it be so simple for her to deal with everything? She herself seemed a little disbelieving.

Situ An seemed to have noticed that she was tossing and turning, confused and confused.

He proved everything with his actions, and he pulled people into his arms without saying a word, and he could feel the strong heartbeat of each other.

Bang bang became the best commentary in the silent night.

Liu An'an only felt that the broad shoulders made her breathless, but she forced herself to relax, after all, she also felt that the best solution was to let the passage of time prove everything.

But I can't help but feel anxious.

What should I do if I can't solve it by myself?
This matter is not related to anything else, but human life.

If it was an insignificant person, she still felt that she had a glimmer of hope, but when the hope was condensed and the person connected was Situ An.

She could only tell herself to be cautious.

The two of them started admiring the moon in the back garden, and the moonlight reflected on their brows as brightly as before, as if adding a pure white color to them.

Situ An lowered his head.Liu An'an raised her head, and the eyes of the two were entangled vaguely in the air.

But just holding hands tightly together, the two of them can feel the beauty that belongs to them.

It also seemed that this incident made her feel relieved.

Liu An'an smiled slightly.

Time passed here bit by bit, and finally the dark clouds gradually covered the moon, which was as wide as a washbasin.

Nothing happened.

Liu Anan blinked in bewilderment.

Situ An said softly at this time:

"It seems that the medicines chosen by Madam are very effective. I haven't felt its commotion for a long time."

Liu An'an nodded thoughtfully, and lowered her head to think carefully.

But she was also worried about what the old man said, if she was really sitting on the sidelines, how would she deal with it?

So she had a rough prototype plan in her heart, and decided to try again, prescribe the right medicine, and she already had a rough outline.

The next step is to use a burst of strong medicine to completely remove obstacles.

She thought with satisfaction in her heart.

It's just that when she was calculating, she ignored the brilliance that faintly swept across those noble purple eyes.

It is a deadly, blood-red feeling of indifference.

Situ An strongly suppressed the throbbing and manic changes in his heart, and showed a charming smile.

He looked very dull.

But such an appearance made Liu An'an feel that things were going in a good direction, so she mistakenly thought that nothing happened.

Soft and ethereal.

The moonlight insisted on going down like this, no one knew how much sin and helplessness was hidden in it.

After Liu An'an felt that nothing happened, he and the two of them returned to the wing room again and fell into a sweet dreamland.

But no one has ever thought that under the cover of the forest, there is also a pair of purple eyes staring at everything.

You can also hear the cold smile that goes with the wind.

(End of this chapter)

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