Chapter 111

In the elegant and simple attic room, a man in white was sitting on the floor. On the table in front of him was a half-person-high phoenix-headed harp. The warm sunlight shone through the window paper and cast a golden light on the man, smiling softly. , just like the mansion of God.

The slender fingers with well-defined knuckles gently pluck the strings, and the melodious and ethereal sound of the piano like spring water flows out slowly...

On the seventh day of the seventh month of the first year of Emperor Yun, Yun Ge, the eldest princess of Emperor Yun, was born.

On March 18th, [-]th year of Emperor Yun, in the outskirts of the capital, in the gardenia forest.

"Princess, you are here again"

With a clear voice, the flower farmers on the large fields on both sides of the official road leading to the capital raised their heads to look at the official road. The white-clothed girls who approached them slowly, with joy on their faces, put down their hands in unison. Tool, call the princess cheerfully and freely.

"Princess, I just came here a few days ago, and now I'm here again. I told you that the gardenia trees are fertilizing the soil in the past few days. If you come back to the palace with a dirty body, His Majesty the Emperor should scold you." It's gone." The aunt who thought she was simple wiped her hands, went up to greet her, and persuaded her earnestly.

Yun Ge smiled lightly, "It's okay, the gardenia trees transplanted from Baiyunju finally survived, how could I not come over to have a look, lest they won't recognize me by the time, I'm inside Let's go, auntie, you can do your work." He rolled up his sleeves and walked into the plowing field, looking at the branches with buds in front of him, thinking that in the spring of next year, he might see a large white gardenia When the sea of ​​flowers was over, she couldn't stop jumping for joy.

The aunt couldn't help but chuckled when she heard her funny words, "Princess, what are you talking about? These gardenia trees were transplanted from your Baiyun Residence. How can there be any reason why children can't recognize their mother? Although they are familiar Familiar with the road, but princess, you still have to pay attention inside, after all, some soil has just been refurbished, and it is very soft, so don’t step on it. I still have a few trees here that haven’t finished fertilizing, so I won’t accompany you.”

The aunt said earnestly, the princess is very concerned about the forest that has just been transplanted, and will come to inspect it every few days, and she doesn't like them delaying work, and now there are flower farmers almost everywhere in the forest Waiting on him, so I don't worry about letting her go alone.

"Auntie, I understand, you can go now." Yun Ge nodded with a smile, and walked along the specially built stone path in the forest.

The fingertips passed through the green leaves hanging from the gardenia tree, gently picked a piece, put it on the tip of the nose, and breathed the fresh breath of leaves.I looked at the terrain under my feet, smiled slightly, and made a few bends along the winding path. I found the stone bench that the workers had built when the gardenia trees were planted that day. I gently brushed off the fallen leaves on it and sat down. Hold the leaves to your mouth.

Slightly moving the fingertips, the unique timbre of the leaves diffuses in the forest, accompanied by the rustling of the leaves blown by the breeze, and the cheerful chirping of the birds, like an idyllic poem, elegant and light, quiet and distant.The working flower farmers seem to have gotten used to it, and they stopped and closed their eyes to listen to the sound of nature echoing in the forest.

Yun Ge was wandering in the world of natural sounds created by herself, suddenly, a few small untimely moans came into her ears, disturbing the peaceful and harmonious sound, and rested on her lips His fingers paused, and the music stopped abruptly.

"who are you?"

Yun Ge frowned, at this moment her ankles were being held tightly by a purple-clothed man lying on the ground, and the hem of the white skirt was stained with blood.

She moved vigorously, trying to withdraw her foot, but found that she couldn't move half a step.

"Let go!" Yun Ge snorted, she really didn't have much affection for this man who appeared in her woods inexplicably covered in blood and grabbed her feet, who couldn't see what he looked like, let alone her When did the dignified princess of a country suffer such grievances?

After calling for a long time, Yun Ge couldn't hear a reply, but the strength on his feet did loosen, and a bright red five-finger handprint fell on Bai Bai's ankle.She looked at it silently for a while, then kicked it with her foot, thinking, it must be dead.After struggling for a while, she finally decided to show kindness and knelt down to help him look at the injury, but before that, she had to do one thing first.

She squatted down, grasped his shoulders with both hands, let out a heck in her heart, and turned his body to face her vigorously.Finally made him turn over, but the moment Yun Ge saw his face, Yun Ge froze in place for an instant.

"Princess! Princess! Where are you? Are you okay?" A few clear and worrying voices woke her up, and she reluctantly glanced at the cold and unparalleled man who fell asleep on the ground, like a beautiful picture scroll generally.

After pondering for a while, she took out a handkerchief from her bosom and tied it around the red fingerprints on her ankles to cover it up, then slowly walked out of the shade covered by trees, turned around on the path a few times, and saw the man who was looking for her. The flower farmer is the aunt who talked to her in the forest just now, she greeted her, "Auntie, I am here"

"Oh, my little ancestor, the music suddenly stopped when I heard it, and I called you for a long time but no one answered. I thought something happened to you." The aunt saw her appearing out of nowhere, After looking up and down for a while, seeing that she was finally safe and sound, he relaxed his heart and said, "Nowadays, this forest is getting denser and denser. We are too busy fertilizing and have not had time to trim it down. I am afraid there will be some snakes, insects and ants. The beast hides in the depths, princess, you should be careful not to go there."

Yun Ge nodded, "Auntie, don't worry, I understand, I just happened to see a rabbit running past my feet just now and I was just startled." She explained the reason why the music stopped abruptly just now, He also sent the aunt away on the pretext that he still had to walk around, and then returned to the shaded area just now.

Staring at the sleeping man in purple in front of her, she thought for a while, then took a deep breath, as if she had made a decision, she picked another leaf and put it on her lips. It was short, but after a few notes, the nearby leaves rustled, and in an instant, two figures in white fell down from nowhere, half kneeling in front of Yun Ge.


"Help me send this man to Baiyunju, remember to be careful, don't let others find out!"


 I decided to set Yun Ge's character as a woman who likes to hide all beautiful things, haha, what do you think?
(End of this chapter)

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