My wife's whereabouts are unknown

Chapter 110 The woman stays, the man gets rid of it

Chapter 110 The woman stays, the man gets rid of it
In a barren, dilapidated building, Yu Linqing was leaning on Weiyang, both of them had their hands tied
Weiyang looked at the two guarding them in front of him with a cold expression on his face

"Who are you?"

One of them was very disdainful, holding a military knife in his hand
"It's unfortunate for you, our target is him, but you just happened to be with him, such a beautiful girl, what a pity" the man pointed at Yu Linqing with a knife
Wei Yang frowned, the target was Yu Linqing?Who did he offend?

At this moment, Yu Linqing opened his eyes with a painful expression, Weiyang heard his muffled voice, and looked at him quickly
"Brother, you're awake." Weiyang looked worried

Seeing that Weiyang was safe, Yu Linqing felt relieved, and looked at the two people in front of him with cold eyes

"Yo, you just woke up? Waste" another person mocked

Yu Linqing glanced at them coldly, looked at the knives in their hands, and asked in a deep voice

"Who sent you here?"

In fact, he already had the answer in his heart, but he still wanted to confirm it.

"Boy, don't ask if you shouldn't ask, we just use money to do things, aren't you afraid of nothing? You deserve it if you meddle in your own business" the man cursed very rudely

Not long after, Weiyang heard footsteps, and saw a man in a black suit with a common face, but his eyes were sharp.

After staring at them for a few seconds, he opened his mouth slowly.

"Leave the women, get rid of the men." Then he turned and left
The two guards smiled wretchedly, Yu Linqing's eyes sank, and there was a bit of murderous intent in his eyes

"Hey, why are you arresting us?" Wei Yang called to that man, only to see that man stopped, turned his head slightly, gave her a cold look, and left without saying a word

The two guards looked at Weiyang greedily, Weiyang was vigilant and indifferent
"Since this girl is going to stay, they won't know if we play."

"Hey, who would know that if he really cared about this woman, he would leave her here?"

As they spoke, the two walked towards Weiyang, Yu Linqing frowned, looked at the wine bottle at the side, and kicked them suddenly, one of them slipped, and the two became angry instantly
"You're still so arrogant when you're tied up" he said, and he took the knife in his hand to stab Yu Linqing viciously. Suddenly, the man's arm was hit by a not very big stone, which was not enough to hurt, but it hurt a lot.

"Who is it?" The man looked angrily at the other place, Wei Yang only saw Gu Yu coming over

In three or two strokes, the two people in front of me were beaten to the ground and couldn't get up.
"Gu Yu, why did you come here?" Wei Yang questioned
Gu Yu didn't speak, squatted down to untie the rope for her, Wei Yang quickly untied Yu Linqing, the three of them were just about to leave, when suddenly one of them got up, and rushed towards Yu Linqing with a knife
Seeing this, Weiyang subconsciously turned around and walked behind Yu Linqing. Before Yu Linqing had time to react, he wanted to pull Weiyang away, but Gu Yu stepped forward, hugged Weiyang tightly, and blocked the knife
Yu Linqing's eyes sank, he quickly grabbed the man's wrist, took the knife, and knocked him unconscious

"Weiyang. I owe you." Gu Yu hugged Weiyang, his voice was trembling and weak, Weiyang's hand stroked his back, bright red blood spread, and his body trembled a little
Yu Linqing quickly carried Gu Yu on his back, and quickly left the building. When he got downstairs, he saw the man standing there with an indifferent expression on his face.

"I knew those two trashes were useless." After finishing speaking, the man took out a gun. He was taken aback for a moment, and then stood in front of Yu Linqing and Gu Yu. At this time, Gu Yu had fainted and lost too much blood. rush to the hospital

"You guys go first, Gu Yu won't be able to last long," Wei Yang said to Yu Linqing

"Weiyang, brother won't leave you behind." Yu Linqing's tone was firm, he finally found her, how could he let her take risks

"Brother, if you don't leave, Gu Yu will die, hurry up!" Weiyang was very anxious, although Gu Yu lied to him, but she would not let him pay for his life
"Heh, want to leave? Can you leave?" Glancing at her coldly, the muzzle of the gun slowly moved towards Weiyang, and smiled coldly

"Weiyang, I intended to let you live, but you didn't know what to do, so you can't blame me." The man stared at her closely, Weiyang looked at the dark muzzle of the gun without any fear

"None of you can leave"

(End of this chapter)

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