Chapter 182
Want to see something?Hearing this, Su Ye was taken aback, and was a little curious for a while, what exactly did Shiina Guanyue want to take him to see?
Although very curious, Su Ye didn't rush to ask, he just nodded.

"Come with me." Shiina Guanyue said, and left the dojo with Su Ye.

Along the way, Shiina Kanyue did not speak, and walked ahead in silence.

Su Ye didn't say anything else, and followed behind without saying a word.

The atmosphere became tense for a while.

After passing through several corridors, the number of buildings gradually decreased, and this seemed to be the backyard of Shiina's family.

Soon, Shiina Guanyue brought Su Ye to a strange small room.

Su Ye looked at this strange building, and suddenly thought of something, and already had some guesses in his heart.

This should be...

Standing at the door of this building, Shiina Kanyue turned her head and said lightly: "Since you are my disciple now, I can't teach you casually. First, I want to let you know something."


Facing such words, Su Ye didn't ask much, but just nodded.

Shiina Kanyue said so, and directly pushed the door and entered.

Su Ye followed Shiina Guanyue and entered this strange building.

This is a room similar to an ancestral hall, and some historical things are enshrined in it.

Ribbons, gloves, Japanese swords, Western swords, and various weapons.

"The martial arts of the Shiina family has a history of 300 years. Compared with those families that have been passed down for more than 600 years, there may still be a big gap, but it is already a family with a long history. The martial arts spirit of the Shiina family , there is only one word, and that is 'sincerity'." Shiina Guanyue looked at these enshrined things, with some nostalgia in her eyes, and said lightly in her mouth.

Looking at these historic weapons, Su Ye took a breath.

I knew from Yan Mo before that if you want to inherit the inheritance of martial arts, ordinary things don't have much effect, only things that contain the sustenance of deceased martial arts masters will do. Most of the things that are enshrined here at this time are There is something about sustenance.

Before that, Su Ye really didn't expect that he would come into contact with these things so easily, and he was a little moved for a while, Shiina Guanyue actually brought him here, so he has already admitted his identity and regarded himself as a To become a real disciple, not just a target to be fooled.

In addition, Yan Mo said that in his own eyes, the entrusted items will be as clear as a candle in the dark night, and can be found out very clearly.

But Su Ye, who stepped into this place, only felt a different atmosphere, but he didn't feel too much difference. For a while, he couldn't help feeling a little strange. Could it be that there are so many enshrined things here, but none of them have sustenance? ?

"What are you thinking?" Seeing that Su Ye was in a daze, Shiina Guanyue couldn't help asking.

"Huh?" Su Ye came back to his senses, thought for a while and said, "I'm just a little shocked."

"Oh." Shiina Kanyue nodded and said with a smile, "Isn't it different here?"


"In fact, when I came here for the first time, I also felt that there was something obviously different here, as if it contained a unique power. Although I knew that it was mostly just a psychological suggestion. But even then, I still There is a kind of lingering shock." Shiina Kanyue smiled and said slowly: "You have this feeling, which means you are not bad."

Su Ye didn't know what Shiina Guanyue said was good. He began to concentrate and feel the breath here seriously.

At the same time, he could feel that the cherry blossom in his body was constantly spinning.

Soon, Su Ye's eyes began to see something different.

As Kanyue Shiina said, the things here are indeed different from other things, and contain some unique powers.

One item after another, like fireflies in the dark night, began to emit beautiful flames.

This is probably what Yan Mo referred to as 'sustenance'.

Su Ye looked at Shiina Guanyue, hesitated, and asked, "Can I touch these things?"

"No way." Shiina Guanyue directly refused.

"That's it." Su Ye was stunned, and felt a little regretful at the moment. He was going to touch it and get all the sustenance among those items, but now without Shiina Guanyue's permission, it is really difficult for him to do these things.

"However, you can still make an exception, just like I did last time, but you can only touch one thing." Shiina Kanyue shook her head and said.

"Can you?" Su Ye didn't expect Shiina Guanyue to let go in a blink of an eye.

"Well, hurry up." Shiina Guanyue urged.

"Okay." Su Ye nodded, turned her head to look at these items, and quickly found a black ribbon. Among all the items, the light in this item is the strongest, and the stronger the sustenance in it , the more it represents the integrity of the memory, as well as the strength of its owner.Of course, this law is not certain, but there is a great possibility.

"I thought you would choose the sword, but I didn't expect you to choose this ribbon like me." Seeing Su Ye's choice, Shiina Guanyue narrowed her eyes slightly and said with a subtle expression.

When Su Ye's hands touched this thing, he could clearly feel that the sustenance in it was continuously absorbed by the cherry blossom and transformed into usable power.

"Really?" Su Ye waited for the cherry blossoms to fully absorb the sustenance, then put down the ribbon, turned her head to look at Shiina Guanyue, and asked, "Master also chose this?"

"Yes." Shiina Kanyue nodded: "I'll bring you over to see these things, do you understand what I mean?"

To be honest, Su Ye probably understands Shiina Guanyue's meaning, but what is more obvious is that the traces of her deliberate imitation of others are too obvious!

Probably very early on, Shiina Guanyue's father, when he started teaching her martial arts, first brought her here to let her experience something. At that time, Shiina Guanyue was very impressed by this scene, and also in I felt something here. After accepting Su Ye as a disciple, I began to imitate my father and brought Su Ye here to let him feel something.

But it's a pity that Su Ye didn't feel anything, he just got what he wanted.

Facing Shiina Guanyue's serious question at this time, Su Ye felt a little inexplicably funny.

Of course, he must not laugh out loud, if he did, he would basically be dead.

(End of this chapter)

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