darkest personality

Chapter 228 228. The Cocoon of Meat

Chapter 228 228. The Cocoon of Meat

The short spear entangled in gold and silver broke through again, and ruthlessly nailed into the right knee of the armored giant.


The steel armor pieces on the knees, which are more fragile than other parts, have been broken into countless fragments, falling down in a hurry, exposing the fresh and hot tendons inside.

The armored giant's body trembled violently, tilting sharply to the right. After barely supporting it for three seconds, its strength was finally exhausted, and it could no longer maintain a standing position. It knelt down on the ground with its knees bent, and supported the ground with its hands.

With a bang, the entire ground trembled, and some surrounding houses that had already suffered damage suffered secondary damage. The beams were collapsed, and bricks, stones, and tiles fell like rain.


Inside the back neck of the armored giant, Lena Brown, whose body is closely connected to the giant's internal nerves, opened his bloodshot eyes and let out a silent roar.

"I just wanted to be with my family..."

He felt that the strength of the giant in his body had reached the level of subsequent fatigue. The injured right leg consumed a lot of energy to repair, and the continuous high-intensity exercise also consumed a lot of physical energy. At this time, the state of giantization had already reached him. acceptable limit.

He felt the injury on his knee affect the surrounding muscles, like broken lines on tempered glass, continuously extending radially outward.

The steel armor was like shattered ceramics, peeling off from his body little by little.

At the beginning, this situation only appeared near the wound. As the cracks continued to spread and expand, the peeling of the steel armor had already begun to appear on the thigh of his right leg.

The most hateful thing is... that nimble, fly-like opponent also saw the changes in Reiner, and he immediately stepped up his harassment, not giving the armored giant a chance to breathe.

Finally, the 'fly' tried again to attack the armored giant's back neck.

This guy is very aware of the giant's weakness, and has pounced on it more than once to try to finish it with one blow.

Reiner has no choice. The armored giant's flame jet ability is a process of releasing heat energy generated by body movement. Now because of his knee injury, he cannot accumulate heat energy in an active state, and this ability cannot be used again.

He could only reach out and press the back of his neck to protect his weak point.

At the last moment of the battle, the giant's body automatically disintegrates after its power is exhausted, which is better than the glory that will come when the opponent slices through the back of the neck and hacks to death.

So when the opponent's attack came, Leiner activated the last trace of giant power in his body, concentrating all the power on the palm protecting his neck.

The muscles on the back of the palm were immediately tightened and thickened, and in the blink of an eye, the muscles turned into a transparent but hard lens.



Bai Ye's two picks slashed alternately on the back of the crystal-like hand, sparking a series of sparks, but they couldn't go deep.

"This is its 'crystallized bone' ability!"

'Crystalized Skeleton' is the only skill Bai Ye identified from the armored giant, and its effect is probably to greatly improve the defense ability of body parts.

"Its physical strength is about to reach its limit, and this ability should not last long."

Bai Ye jumped off the armored giant's shoulder, avoided the other arm of the giant's defense, wrapped the tentacles around the fingers of the neck guard hand, and threw his body back to the armored giant's broad back. .

At this moment, the huge body of the armored giant suddenly paused and sank, and a large amount of scorching white smoke rose from both feet. The flesh and blood on the feet were melting at a rapid speed, exposing the white bones inside.

As the ablation began to appear, the steel armor on the front of the armored giant's body was peeling off little by little, and a lot of white smoke rose from the exposed tendons, and its huge flesh and blood body was disintegrating at a rapid speed...

The armored giant maintained the one-handed neck guard, and froze in place, like a huge machine that had lost its fuel supply and stopped working.

"It seems that I don't need to use the chief's spear."

Bai Ye stretched out his hand and recalled the spear of the chief who fell somewhere, and flipped it over twice in his hand, the short spear changed back to the shape of a short stick, and was stuffed back into the bag by Bai Ye.

He was about to let go of the tentacles wrapped between the giant's fingers, and fell back to the ground to sit and watch the giant disintegrate, but for some reason, the tentacles couldn't be retracted.


He commanded the tentacles to pull himself up, until he reached a position parallel to the point of contact.

"Connected together?!"

The flesh and blood on the fingers of the armored giant is in a state of hot melting. Because Bai Ye's tentacles are clinging to the piece of flesh that is melting, it seems to be stuck by super glue, tightly connected to the giant's fingers. Together.

He leaned closer and took a closer look at the joint between the tentacles and his fingers, and found countless tiny nerves gushing out from between the fingers of the armored giant, like tiny earthworms, piercing deeply from the surface of the tentacles incomparably domineeringly. Entering it, the two seem to be undergoing a strange fusion.

"What's the situation? There hasn't been any change in the body?"

Bai Ye opened the property interface, and there was no change in it, including the drop-down pages of the skill bar and personality bar.

"It doesn't feel like a harbinger of impending danger."

He pulled his tentacles vigorously, only to find that the tiny nerves connecting the giant's fingers and tentacles were as sticky as strings on cheese sticks, and he couldn't stop pulling. The tiny nerves also feed back a greater force, like in a tug-of-war, where the exhausted side will be pulled back desperately by the opponent.

This reverse pulling force pulled the tentacles back into the fingers, like a child snatching a favorite toy from a playmate, and immediately held it tightly in his arms—those tiny nerves had already covered the tentacles, and along the way The tentacles began to climb upwards, revealing the ambition to swallow Bai Ye up.

"Things don't seem to be quite right."

With the continuous entanglement of tiny nerves, a wave of manic mood swings began to be continuously transmitted from the armored giant's body to Bai Ye's thoughts.

Bai Ye quickly showed two climbing picks, and swiped the picks to slash those crazy flesh and nerves.

But these nerves have grown and spread in a short period of time, and now they have twisted into a thick and huge strip of flesh on Bai Ye's tentacles. The small wound cut by the climbing pick will be cut by more fingers from the giant's fingers in less than two seconds. The blood and nerves pouring out of the cracks are filled and repaired completely.

And when Bai Ye swung the climbing pick again, and was about to cut off his tentacles directly, those flesh and blood nerves seemed to sense it, and they rushed up and entangled his arm that swung the pick, and then entangled Bai Ye in an inch. , Wrapping him into a huge cocoon in a moment.


(End of this chapter)

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