darkest personality

Chapter 242 242. It seems to be targeted......

Chapter 242 242. It seems to be targeted......

boom -

Thunder and lightning flashed outside the house, and the blazing white light illuminated the covered bridge of Ize's ancestral house.

A woman in white with disheveled hair was holding on to the rough wall on the covered bridge, moving towards the opposite side of the bridge step by step with difficulty.

This opportunity must be seized, and she cannot be allowed to do whatever she wants.

The protection of the family for hundreds of years cannot just be destroyed in my hands.

The woman bit her lip, her body trembling under the splash of the storm.

Suddenly, her foot slipped, and she immediately lost her center of gravity, and fell headfirst on the stone floor, with several parts scratched on her hands and feet.

The woman gritted her teeth, her eyes glistened with resignation, she lay down on the ground and continued to climb.

Damn it, why hasn't the effect of the medicine passed?
She beat her disobedient feet twice, her long wet hair clung to her pale cheeks, and the splashed rain made her unable to open her eyes.

Finally, she insisted on climbing the covered bridge less than ten meters long.

Holding on to the door frame, he stood up and looked at the dark corridor ahead.

Which room did the investigator live in?



Pushing open the middle door, the servant's room next door also had no light source and was pitch black.

"It's strange, but the fishy smell in this room is much smaller."

Bai Ye deliberately shrugged his nose twice, and found that the smell was not as strong as the professor's room, and the middle guest room was more like the residence of the big smelly servant.

The windows and curtains of the room were all open, and the smell of rainwater from the outside seeped in, filling the room with the same white cold mist as the corridor. Perhaps these mist were responsible for eliminating the smell.

Bai Ye was still holding the kerosene lantern in the professor's room in his hand, so he didn't look for the light source with the help of the electric light outside as he did when he entered the middle room.

He raised the lantern a little higher, and he had a clear view of the situation in the room.

To Bai Ye's surprise, this room looked surprisingly clean, and it was completely unimaginable that its occupant was an ugly servant with a strong body odor.

Moreover, there are many feminine items in the room, such as a dressing table on the wall opposite the big bed, and a cloth doll in the shape of a little girl on the head of the bed...

Can't tell... This servant looks rough on the outside, but there is a little prince living in his heart?

Bai Ye couldn't help but recall the kind of bearded women's tycoon he saw on the Internet, and goose bumps suddenly appeared on his body.

"The painting style is a bit abnormal."

He noticed a photo frame on the bedside table, so he went up to pick it up, and leaned under the lantern to look at it.

In the photo frame is a black and white group photo. In the photo, a man and a woman are standing. The man is standing and the woman is sitting. They all look very young.

"This is... Valrid and his wife?"

Bai Ye recognized the two people in the photo from their appearance.


Why is there a photo of the owner of the house with his wife in a servant's room?

Is it because this servant loves his master very much?Just put the master's photo on the bedside and admire it every day?

Is this... nonsense?
tuk...tuk tuk...

At this moment, there was a faint knock on the door leading to the corridor from this room.


Is the servant back?
No, why did he knock on the door when he went back to his room?
Bai Ye became alert immediately, his body froze for half a second, then he pulled away and prepared to slip away on the way back and forth.

It seemed that there were only two people who could knock on the door outside, and they were not servants, and they should be the owner of the house, Valred Ize.

"What is he doing in the servant's room in the middle of the night?"

Just as Bai Ye was contemplating various possibilities, he heard a rapid and severe panting sound coming from outside, as well as a sound of dragging footsteps forward.

"A woman?"

Only one female character has appeared in this game from the beginning to the present - Valred's crazy wife Asanas!
"She sneaked out of her room again? Valred didn't stop her?"

This actually shows that Walred may not be in the room now... Well, the owner's suspicion of committing the crime has begun to rise!

"Athanas is walking to the next room now. Does she want to knock on the door of each room? What is she trying to do?"

Bai Ye thought of the way Asanas looked at him in the banquet hall with a look of pleading for help. Could it be because he failed to ask for help before, and now he ran out to seek help from others while the guardian was away?

What situation did she encounter that made her so eager to seek help from outsiders?

Was domestic violence?Kidnapped?
It seems... there is not much possibility.

"Wait... Judging from her walking direction, she should be coming from the direction of the covered bridge."

In that case, didn't Asanas meet the murderer who killed Professor Derby?
"Is Asanas the murderer?"

Impossible, right?
Bai Ye still clearly remembered what Athanas looked like when she saw her.

The woman looked quite weak. After stumbling into the banquet hall, she couldn't stand still and fell to Bai Ye's feet.

Judging from her thin body alone, it should be impossible to stab Professor Derby to death even though she is old, but her bones are quite tough, right?
"Who is the murderer?"


It is not important to guess Asanas' intentions now. What is important is that he is staying in the servant's room at the moment, and the servant's room is connected to the room where the murder happened next door.

If Asanas saw him appearing at the scene of the murder, it would be equivalent to being directly witnessed. Wouldn't he surpass the fishy servant and Valred and become the biggest suspect in the murder?
Thinking of this, Bai Ye quickly blew out the lantern in his hand, and then approached the middle door, wanting to observe what kind of actions Athanas would have in the future.

Athanas moved slowly but firmly, and finally, she came outside the second guest room.

The lightning that flashed outside the house illuminated her appearance. She was wearing a wet white nightgown, and her loose black hair was pressed against her cheeks. Bai Ye seemed to have seen a female ghost in a ghost movie.

Asanas saw that the door of the guest room was wide open, she seemed a little strange, after hesitating for a moment, she raised her foot and prepared to walk in.

But at this moment, from the other end of the corridor, that is, in the direction of Bai Ye's room, there was a sudden sound of not particularly loud footsteps.

As the footsteps approached, a strong fishy smell gradually drifted away.

Although staying in the house could not see the situation clearly, the identity of the visitor had been clearly revealed.

"The servant... the direction he walked after leaving the crime scene was exactly the opposite of what I thought? Did he go to my room?"

Bai Ye suddenly opened his eyes wide. That is to say, when he came out of the house just now, this servant happened to be hiding next to his room?
No, Bai Ye remembered that he didn't smell a particularly strong fishy smell when he first went out.

However, when they first entered the crime scene, the fishy smell mixed with the bloody smell was very strong.

Is it...

When I entered the door, the murderer was still hiding in the crime scene? !

(End of this chapter)

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