darkest personality

Chapter 248 248. The Life Saving Plan

Chapter 248 248. The Life Saving Plan (Third Change)

This is a medium-sized campsite, with dozens of tents and more than a dozen large and small bonfires.

The two entered the camp to check again, and found that although there was no one in the camp, there were still tools and supplies in the tents.

"The people in this camp just left not long ago."

Bai Ye looked at the soup pot on the bonfire, the boiling soup inside was still bubbling and emitting bursts of aroma.

"Has everyone gone to Innsmouth?"

Lily looked a little surprised.

"Maybe that bishop really found a way to break through the fog."


Lily shook her head, but her negative voice was much weaker this time, and her heart seemed to be a little shaken.

"Even if they break through the fog and enter the town of Innsmouth, they will not be able to perform the ancient god summoning ceremony until the stars in the sky are arranged in a certain order."

"Then how long is it until the astrology is arranged in the correct order?"

Bai Ye didn't ask about the specific astrology arrangement, because even if Lily explained it to him, he might not understand it, so he just asked about the remaining time.

"Hmm..." Lily pondered for a moment, as if she was calculating the time in her head, "If I'm not mistaken, there is exactly one month before the next astrological alignment."

"One month? That's plenty of time, and we can do a lot of things in one month." Bai Ye's brows stretched a little, "Now we have to think about how to rescue your brother."

Lily has no objection to this point. They are here for Walred Izzy. As for whether the fog in Innsmouth Town has been cracked, it will not have much impact on the overall situation, because the seal must be lifted. The two sculptures that arrived are still in their hands.


After walking out of the camp, the two continued to move forward, and a large clearing area soon appeared in front of the road.

A lot of building materials can be seen in the open space, such as neatly cut huge wooden piles, and a pile of blue-gray bricks and stones stacked on top of each other. In addition, torch lights appeared in front of the open space. There were figures shaking, and the sound of shouting came from afar. .

"What is that? A giant pit?!"

Lily's eyes were sharp, and she immediately saw the situation at the front of the open space.

There is a huge pit with a diameter of at least 50 meters. It looks like the result of manual excavation. The walls of the pit are reinforced with wooden boards, and there are several wooden tower cranes erected in the pit.

"Are they digging underground tunnels?"

Bai Ye's words awakened Lily, and a look of amazement appeared on her face.

"I understand that the town of Innsmouth in the mist cannot be entered from the ground, and the believers of the Secret Order are planning to dig a tunnel directly under the town of Innsmouth and enter the town through the tunnel!"

"Oh? What a good idea. It seems that this fog defense itself has a big loophole."

Judging from the size of the huge pit, the followers of the Secret Order have been digging here for a long time. The town of Yakaham is less than ten kilometers away, and some townspeople should have discovered the abnormality here. situation and report to the Izzy family.

However, thinking about the past year, the brothers and sisters of Ize have been under the control of the witch Asanas, and their bodies have been replaced and their feet have been grounded.

If Bai Ye hadn't brought the 'Laleye Sculpture', the Yize ancestral house would not have welcomed any outsiders.

They may not even have the chance to connect with outsiders, and they certainly have no way of noticing the situation of the giant pit.

"There are many believers guarding the pit. Could it be that your brother was taken to the bottom of the pit by them?"

With the help of the cover of the pile of building materials, the two touched the edge of the huge pit little by little.

"No, no."

Lily looked past Bai Ye to the direction of the giant pit, and raised her chin at Bai Ye, "I've seen him, he's right there."

Bai Ye looked in the direction she pointed, and found that on a platform built very close to the center of the huge pit, Valred Izzy was tied to an iron pillar with his head hanging down. Dead or in a coma.

"Which platform does it look like there is no path to?"

The platform is located in the center of the huge pit alone, and there is no bridge or road to reach it. Bai Ye guessed that the believers might have used the tower crane next to him to send him there.

"This is clearly a trap, and there is no chance for people to be rescued."

Lily frowned, her face was full of worry, she was worried about whether her brother was okay.

Bai Ye poked his head out from behind the cover and looked around the huge crater.

He found that there were at least five believers guarding several nearby tower cranes, and all of them were carrying weapons such as machetes and pitchforks. They had no chance to use these tower cranes to rescue people.

There is a tower crane that is unguarded, but the location of the tower crane is at least ten meters away from the edge of the giant pit, and the boom is fixed by several ropes, so it seems that it is impossible to use this to build into the center platform bridge.

Bai Ye touched his chin and thought for a while, then turned to Lily behind him and said, "I have a solution."

Lily's eyes widened a little, and she hurriedly moved closer to listen to Bai Ye's "rescue plan".

"Next, we need to split up. You go back to that camp. You don't have to do anything else. Set fire to the camp. The bigger the fire, the better. The guards here must be able to see the fire in the camp."

There are a lot of supplies stored in the camp. When this group sees a fire in the camp, they will definitely run back to the camp to put out the fire as soon as possible.

In this way, the tower cranes are left unattended and can be used to save Valred.

However, the guards near the giant pit are not only gathered near the tower cranes, but also guard a few sporadic believers on some high platforms and shelves in the giant pit, and these believers are also equipped with long-range weapons such as bows and arrows.

"I'm here to save people."

Bai Ye is quite confident in his skills. Although the system has deprived him of his original personality ability, his super state can still be activated.

In the super state, his dynamic vision will be greatly improved, and he can easily dodge arrows, so those few long-range attacking believers are not much threat to him.

"All right……"

Lily bit her lip, she couldn't think of a better way for a while, and Bai Ye's way sounds very feasible.

"You hold this for me."

He may have to climb and jump frequently in the future. In order to avoid affecting his actions, Bai Ye handed over the black suitcase containing the sculpture to Lili for safekeeping, but the two gemstones did not take much weight because of their small size and light weight. Still carried by him.

"After setting the fire, remember to call the carriage back to meet us, remember to go around to the side, and don't go back the same way, or you may run into believers who rushed back to the camp to fight the fire."

Lily nodded, took the box and untied the leather whip she was carrying with her and handed it to Bai Ye.

"Take this, you might use it."


 It's been a long time since I asked for a recommendation vote, so let's vote for it.thank you~

(End of this chapter)

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