darkest personality

Chapter 272 272. Chapter 1

Chapter 272 272. Back to the Top [-]

Luo Peng died in the end, committing suicide.

After he removed his mechanical heart, he also tore off the bottle-shaped container used to hold the heart.

The thing was connected to his blood vessels and nerves, and when it was damaged, it also affected the arteries, and it spurted blood immediately.

When he was dying, he raised his head and kept asking Bai Ye: "Without a heart, what are we? Are we machines?"

Bai Ye was speechless and helpless in the face of this situation, he could only watch helplessly as the other party's blood flowed into a river, and finally lay down on his back in a pool of blood.

Fatty Jin asked his subordinates to open the cage, and shouted at Bai Ye inside the cage: "What are you still doing standing in there, are you staying here to collect his body?"

His expression was solemn and pale, and he didn't dare to look at Luo Peng's body on the ground.

Bai Ye took one last look at Luo Peng on the ground, turned around and walked outside the cage.

"Hmph, I didn't expect you to be a member of Second Life."

When passing Fatty Jin, he heard the other party say something.

"Even if the previous things are written off, I don't want to see you appear in Dawang District in the future."

Fatty Jin had a cold face, and his tone of voice gave off the feeling that he was avoiding the plague.

After coming out of the Jin Fulai bar, the two returned to Qin Yang's old car.

The two fell into a brief silence, and it wasn't until Qin Yang lit a cigarette that he opened up the topic.

"Although I guessed that your problem is not as simple as being sick, I really didn't expect it to be such a situation."

Bai Ye also shook his head slightly, and said with a wry smile: "I always thought that just putting on a mechanical heart would cure my slow heart disease."

"It's not all a bad thing, at least you don't have to worry about falling asleep at night."

Qin Yang made a joke, and laughed himself first.

The tense atmosphere finally became a little more relaxed.

"This Second Life company should have a lot to do with my background."

Bai Ye talked about the birthmark-like scar on his body.

"You mean you had a heart replacement at a very young age?"

Qin Yang narrowed his eyes slightly, "You were probably only two or three years old at the time, right? It would be very difficult and dangerous to have such an operation at such an age."

"Maybe I should go to Second Life again. It would be best to find that Dr. Zhou Yucheng and talk to him face to face." Bai Ye pondered.

"No, you'd better not do that."

Qin Yang vetoed his idea.

"You have also heard what Luo Peng said just now. The mechanical heart technology seems to have some kind of illegal intention." Qin Yang said, pointing to Bai Ye's heart, and continued. : "It's also the mechanical heart, Luo Peng's looks very imperfect, but you are different, you don't have an ugly bottle stuffed in your chest..."

"What does this explain? It means that the heart replacement surgery tested on you is more successful, and the mechanical heart in your body is more advanced than Luo Peng's."

When Qin Yang said this, Bai Ye immediately understood what he was going to say later.

"You must have replaced the mechanical heart before Luo Peng. If Second Life can produce a mechanical heart as perfect as yours, why would you want to produce a defective product like Luo Peng?"

"There must be some reason for this. The biggest possibility is the loss of technology. The previous success cannot be replicated. If this is the case, then if you still go to that Professor Zhou Yucheng, isn't it just a trap?"

Qin Yang's tone became a little scary, "When the time comes, what is waiting for you may be an operating table and several doctors who are going to dissect you."

"It's not so scary." Bai Ye curled his lips, "If you want a heart, give them a heart. Anyway, you can live without a heart."

"Then you will become the second Luo Peng? Did you hear what he said just now? A person without a heart is a machine." Qin Yang threw the cigarette butt out of the window, then turned around and said, "I can I don’t want to have a robot as a child.”


Although many things happened today, Bai Ye didn't think too much after returning home.

As Qin Yang said, it is best to suspend the investigation on his life experience here first. If the investigation continues along the trail of the Second Life company, it is likely to cause some bad situations.

Now that the possibility of heart slowing disease being fatal has been ruled out, Bai Ye's worries are naturally relieved, the mountain in his heart has been let go, the nerves that have been tense have been relieved, and his mood has become better.

He sat on the sofa in the living room, poured himself a glass of red wine, and drank it slowly, congratulating himself on his new life.

Then he picked up the game helmet that was put aside, and his thoughts stretched a little, "Will the person who left me a message on Yula also know about my past?"

The survey on the "person who left the message" also stayed on the day when I went to the exhibition hall to meet Ding Rimianji last time.

Ding Ri's cousin seemed to know Bai Ye, but she didn't keep Bai Ye in the end, she only asked Bai Ye a strange question.

"Mu Jingbai?"

Bai Ye murmured the name again.

"Get No.1 in the standings, complete that task, maybe everything will be revealed naturally."

He drank the last bit of red wine in his glass, put the helmet on his head, and activated the device.

After a while, he entered his preparation space.

There was no change in the situation of the preparation space. You La did not borrow Xiu Niang's body. The female ghost quietly floated in a corner of the room, and said 'Welcome back' to Bai Ye.

I went forward and checked the mailbox on the workbench, but there was no letter from the NPC.

"Looks like we're going to play random matching again."

Bai Ye grumbled, then turned his head to look at the standings, and found that he had returned to the top 100, ranking 1150th on the list with 90 points.

In the past four days, he has no main plot position, and has been matching random scenes. In addition, You La popped up from time to time to release all the main side tasks in the scene for him, which made Bai Ye earn a lot of points.

"The points gap is narrowing. If we keep doing this, we should be able to return to the top 50 soon."

I don't know what kind of voices those black fans who once sang badly in the forum will make after seeing their strong comeback?

"They must be very surprised."

While thinking this way, Bai Ye packed his luggage and walked to the door of that room.

After opening the door and entering, the darkness quickly darkened in front of my eyes, and there was that kind of thick and tumbling smoke.

Immediately afterwards, a girl's voice appeared first from far to near, as if calling anxiously to Bai Ye.

"Bai Ye, wake up, wake up quickly!"


 If I dare to be an eunuch, I will definitely dare to announce it directly in the book. If I don’t announce it, it means that I don’t know how to be an eunuch, so everyone should not go to my new book to ask. I also explained the reason for the suspension in the last chapter.By the way, I recommend Bendan's new book "Movie Characters Smash Bros.", please support!

(End of this chapter)

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