darkest personality

Chapter 304 304. Mu Jingbai's Design

Chapter 304 304. Mu Jingbai's Design
Before parting, Ding Yi handed Bai Ye a hard drive.

"Here are some video recordings in front of the teacher. I hope you can learn more about her."


After parting with Ding Yi, Bai Ye drove his maglev motorcycle back home.

He had a lot of thoughts along the way, and the news about his parents he learned in just half a day has far surpassed what he has gained in the past ten years.

Regarding the death of his mother, it is obvious that he can get the answer by asking Zhou Yucheng, but both Ding Yi and Qin Yang who don't know much about it are reminding Bai Ye that it is best to maintain a good relationship with the "Second Life" company. distance.

"My mother is one of the founders of the 'Magic World Engine' company, so she must have a lot to do with the game "Pale Dawn", right?"

Bai Ye's eyes saw the game helmet that he put on the sofa.

The 'Illusive World Engine' has only launched such a holographic online game since its establishment, and it can be said that it took more than ten years to sharpen its sword.

Of course, just such a game is considered a cross-generational progress of virtual online games for the whole world, and it is of great significance.

He turned on the computer in the living room and connected the hard disk given by Ding Yi to the computer.

After opening the hard drive, he could see that there were a lot of video records stored in it, so Bai Ye clicked on them one by one to have a look.

In the video, Bai Ye saw Mu Jingbai's face for the first time.

This is a mature woman in her thirties—in view of the increase in human life expectancy in 2065, her actual age may be more than 30—and her body and skin are well maintained.

Although she looked nothing like himself, almost the moment he saw her, there was an invisible thread connecting Bai Ye and her.

This should be the so-called blood connection.

In the video, Mu Jingbai, who is a university lecturer, wears intellectual red-rimmed glasses, and is fully committed to explaining a virtual network architecture on the podium. The podium is crowded with students.

After this video ended, Bai Ye switched to the next video and clicked on it.

In the video, Mu Jingbai is sitting in the office, wearing professional suits. The video shooter and a group of people walked into the office with an eight-inch birthday cake with lit candles and singing birthday songs. They are all Mu Jingbai's student.

Mu Jing raised her head from the table with a smile, then made a wish amidst everyone's booing and blew out the candles.

Bai Ye continued to click on the next video...

"As for the plan of artificial intelligence existing in the virtual world, I think it is very feasible."

In a medium-sized meeting, all the participants were in suits and leather shoes with serious expressions. Mu Jingbai sat at the top of the conference table and expressed her opinions.

"Only allowing artificial intelligence to exist in the virtual network world and restricting their functions and scope of activities does not trigger artificial intelligence regulations in international law."

After Mu Jingbai put forward her suggestion, she scanned the surroundings with full aura, held the glasses on the bridge of her nose with her slender fingers, and continued: "I decided to add artificial intelligence to the company's first development project. , used to act as a functional assistant for the main system."



Welcome back to the game!

In the preparation space, You La was wearing a beautiful and gorgeous dress, with a lollipop in her mouth, and she was sitting on the work table, dangling her two white legs.

A sly smile appeared on her delicate ceramic doll-like face.

"You don't seem to be very interested? Why? Don't you have the confidence to become the number one in the standings?"

As a game program, she can read emotions from the subtle facial expressions of human beings. Her intelligence level is not low.

After watching all the video materials about Mu Jingbai that Ding Yi gave him, Bai Ye already has a vague understanding of You La's true identity.

She should be Mu Jingbai who proposed to join the artificial intelligence in the project in that meeting.

Thinking in this direction, the so-called "task" that Yula said should be specially set by Mu Jingbai for herself.

It's no wonder that You La will find Bai Ye on her own, behind this is Mu Jingbai's careful design.

He wondered what kind of reward his mother would arrange for him. For this, all he could do was to get as many points as possible in the game.

"I can feel that your exclusive plot is coming to an end~"

You La jumped up from the workbench, her small body floated in the air with zero gravity, and flew around Bai Ye.

"What will happen after the exclusive plot ends? Will a new plot start?" Bai Ye asked.

"No, according to the settings of the game's main system, after the first player who completes the exclusive plot appears, the game-wide points competition will start."

With one hand behind her back, Yu La stretched out a short index finger with the other hand, and explained while shaking her finger: "The final winner will be determined in the competition."

"Points competition?"

"You take it as a summary, which is equivalent to a player competition in traditional online games."

You La spread her hands, and continued: "However, you have lost all your personality, and now you are in the initial state of no personality. I guess it will be difficult for you to win this competition."

She was right.

In the previous game, in the spiritual world of Varen, Bai Ye was deprived of all his sub-personalities by Varun's ability, leaving only a blank body.

Whether it is fighting or solving puzzles, he has lost the most favorable guarantee.

Unless he can acquire a new powerful personality before the end of the exclusive story, he will have no competitive power at all when the points competition comes.

"Until the last moment, no one knows how the story will develop."

Bai Ye's words seemed to be speaking to himself.

Then, he took out the investigation report he got from the previous game—this thing became a scene positioning prop after it was brought out of the game world.

——Do you use props to locate the next game?

Among the options that popped up, Bai Ye chose 'Yes'.

The picture immediately darkened, and the familiar thick fog kept rolling in front of his eyes.



"Professor Winick, the energy directed at Subject 198 has been seriously overloaded. Should we continue to activate his spiritual energy? The container can no longer support it. If this continues, the experiment will be completely destroyed!"

"Don't be nervous. This level of energy response is only temporary. Continue to increase the infusion of energy. I have a hunch that the energy hidden in the depths of No. 198's thinking has come to the outlet. We must not give up at this time."

"It can't be done, the temperature of the experiment is too high, he can't hold it anymore!"

"Oops, the energy connection can't be closed, the container started to spontaneously ignite!"

Drop drop drop-

"It's over! It's about to explode, get out of here quickly!"


(End of this chapter)

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