Chapter 242
Luofeng picked them up, flicked their noses lightly, and said, "You guys have to be good, you know?"

"Ahh~" the wolf cubs yelled a few times, as if they understood.

"I asked Kuangshi and Linmu to take care of you and Sari. If you have anything to do, go to them." Luofeng finally said, and after finishing speaking, she kissed Ji Fan on the forehead and went out.

Ji Fan stood at the door watching Luofeng and the others, hoping that they would go well this time.

Luofeng five people met Nai when they walked to the gate of the tribe, and Nai raised the corner of his lips slightly, "Since you are going to that tribe, how can you miss me?"

Luofeng originally wanted to call Nai, but after thinking about it, he still didn't call. He didn't expect Nai to come by himself.

Luofeng smiled, "Okay, then let's go and rescue Liuzi together!"

After Tracer left, Sari came to look for Ji Fan, she said to Ji Fan, "I heard that Nai also went with them, let alone, I really miss those days when we were outside."

Sari is a character who can't be idle. She has been in the tribe for a long time, and she really wants to join in the fun.

"Let Tracer take you out when they come back." Ji Fan said
Sari curled her lips, "Actually, I wanted to go with them today, but I was scolded by my brother."

Ji Fan was speechless, "I think you just can't be idle, come on, come and weave with me in the future, and I'll make you food and skirts."

Sari had also weaved with Ji Fan before, but she thought silk weaving was too boring, so she didn't do much of it afterwards.

"Okay." Sari said, who made the two of them depend on each other now.

"Sari, are you here?" At this moment, Lin Shu's voice came from outside.

Sari laughed when she heard it, and ran out in a hurry, and the wolf cub ran out after hearing it.

"I'll cook dinner for you guys." Lin Mu said.

Lin Mu brought the prey over, and immediately moved his hands.

Ji Fan was making clothes in the room without moving, just leaving room for the two of them.

It was already dark after eating, and they went back after clearing the forest. Ji Fan and Sari were also ready to rest.

Sari decided to sleep with Ji Fan, and she planned to stay here until Luofeng came back.

"Ji Fan, I heard from Lin Mu that you have been to that tribe before?" Lying on the bed, Sari looked at Ji Fan and asked.

The wolf cub slept between the two of them, and was now soundly asleep.

"Well, there was a turmoil in the tribe before, I was caught in that tribe, and I escaped later." Ji Fan said simply.

"I've always heard that there are tribes digging mountains to find crystal stones. I really want to go and see." Sari hugged the quilt, her eyes lit up.

Ji Fan was a little sleepy, and yawned, "Their tribe is not as good as our tribe, you don't know how miserable those orcs who are forced to work as coolies are."

Sari blinked, still wanting to hear what Ji Fan said, but Ji Fan was so sleepy that he turned around and fell asleep.

Nana and Kuangshi came early the next morning and brought them some prey.

When Nana saw Ji Fan, she held Ji Fan's hand. When she heard about the tribe, she was still a little scared, and she felt very uncomfortable when she thought of the time when Ji Fan was taken away.

Ji Fan patted her hand, "It's okay, Luofeng and the others should be back soon."

Nana nodded. She sorted out her emotions and said, "During this time, please speak up if you have anything to do. Don't be bored."

"Okay." Ji Fan said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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