Kunlun has a sword

Chapter 10 Going Down the Mountain

Chapter 10 Going Down the Mountain
Wang Qing hurried to the small courtyard of the master, the courtyard door was wide open, and Daoshi Daoist was sipping tea leisurely in the garden.

"Master, it's done."

"Is it printed? How is the effect?"

Wang Qing didn't talk nonsense, and handed the black turtle seal to the master.

"Okay, it really can improve luck. Is it difficult to make? Tell me in detail."

Wang Qing explained the production process to the master one by one, and focused on the Blu-ray during the second production.

"Oh, it's normal. Jade itself is an excellent carrier of spiritual energy. Some jade stones will absorb spiritual energy with five-element attributes under special circumstances. Your piece should have absorbed the spiritual energy of water attribute, so it will form a black turtle. You It is best to use non-attributed jade for practice, otherwise the aura of these attributes will increase your internal energy consumption."

"But master, how can we distinguish the aura attribute of jade?"

Master Dao Shi frowned.

"Practice well. After you learn the advanced "Natural Classic", you can comprehend the world, and you will naturally. You have nothing to do now. How about this, if you have jade, you can bring it to help you as a teacher Distinguish between one and two."

When Wang Qing heard this, his eyes lit up.

"Okay, master. You wait a moment."

Wang Qing rushed to grab the door and ran all the way back to his small courtyard, putting the remaining jade into his backpack.Another gust of wind ran back to the master.

The 13 yuan and a half jade was quietly placed on the ground.

"Teacher, the efficiency is good. So much jade was found in just one day. Is this jade, from the southwest?"

"Hey, master. My sister is in the Five Poisons Sect, and she helped me do it."

"The Five Poison Sect, the inheritance of the Wu Clan, although the martial arts are a bit evil, but the people are not bad. When you walk back to the rivers and lakes, be careful of the Tang Sect over there. The Tangjiabao gang is a bunch of shit-stirring sticks. "

Wang Qing was excited, it was another secret story of the world.

"Master, you continue, why is the inheritance of the Wu Clan so evil?"

"That would be a long story. When you get back together, you brothers and sisters, I'll finish it all at once, or you won't be wasting your tongue. Let's look at Yu first."

Daoshi real person touched the jade one by one.

"The two pieces of Hetian jade that my teacher gave you are both of the water attribute. These three pieces of jade are of the wood attribute, and this one is of the fire attribute. The rest are non-attribute, so you sort them and put them away."

Wang Qing marked each of the jade stones according to his words, and then took back the backpack.

"By the way, master. Where is the destination when I go down the mountain tomorrow? I will make preparations in advance."

"We are going to Mingsha City this time. It is close to the Yellow River, and the Qingtong Gorge is full of water thieves, enough for you to make a fuss."

Wang Qing was overjoyed when he heard the words. "It's still the master who has rich experience in the world."

"Leave early tomorrow morning, and the teacher needs to stay in the city for 5 days. Just come back on time at 5 pm and gather with the teacher. Okay, go get ready, don't be late tomorrow."

Upon hearing this, Wang Qing bid farewell to Master.There was nothing to say for a day, although the excitement was a little unbearable, but the Taoist heart of many days of practice helped Wang Qing to prepare in an orderly manner.

Early the next morning, Wang Qing had an early breakfast and came to the carriage and horse shop to wait for the master to arrive.

It didn't take long for Daoshi Daoist to arrive as promised.

"You boy, you came so early, you couldn't be so excited and stayed up."

"How can it be, master. My Dao heart is not cultivated in vain, and this concentration is still there."

"Okay, when it comes to major events, be calm. Let's go, get in the car."

As mentioned earlier, this carriage is a black technology of the system, and domestic travel takes 20 minutes regardless of distance.Before Wang Qing chatted with the master for a while, he was kicked out of the carriage, and Mingsha City arrived.

Master Daoshi led Wang Qing to the gate of the branch of the Kunlun School in Mingsha City.

"Okay, let's identify the place, and I will find a teacher here in five days. Let's go."

Wang Qing bid farewell to his master and walked in this bustling city. In an instant, a kind of lofty arrogance spread in his heart.

Wang Qing really wanted to have a good time in the city. It was different from the solemn and deserted Kunlun Mountains, where red dust and fireworks were rising everywhere.

However, now is not the time to travel. Although it is not difficult to upgrade to level 5 in 30 days, the time is still tight.Now I haven't even found a suitable practice point, so I can't relax.

Wang Qing walked out of the city along the main road, determined the direction, combined with the information found on the forum, and found the direction to Qingtongxia.Summoning the yellow puma, Wang Qing rode away.

Horseshoes step on the yellow sand, making a unique friction sound, no wonder it is called Mingsha City.

After riding the horse for more than 200 kilometers, the rushing Yellow River can be seen in the distance.A long time ago, there were no players around Wang Qing.At present, the player's activity range is generally about 100 kilometers around the city. The NPC army is only responsible for the security of the 30 kilometers around the city, and within 30 kilometers to 100 kilometers, there are various cottages and some small and medium sects.More than 100 kilometers are basically poor mountains and bad waters, inaccessible.

The information about Qingtongxia was provided by real Daoshi. It is a rare canyon terrain between two mountains on the Yellow River.Unlike the majestic and wide Yellow River that is common in other places, the channel in the gorge is narrow, the water is deep and there are many reefs, the undercurrent is surging, and the hydrological conditions are extremely complicated.There are many water thieves hiding in the mountains on both sides.These thieves usually act as bandits on the mountain. Once they find out that there are merchant ships passing by, they will entangle a large number of ships to block the mouth of the gorge, and they will turn into water thieves.

Qingtongxia is far away from the town, and Xixia's army is unable to pay it off, so it can only rely on the armed forces of the merchant ships to protect themselves.

This place is also far away from the player's range of activities. If Wang Qing has a master who is familiar with Jianghu, this place will not be harassed by players for a long period of time.

Wang Qing followed the path and rode his horse towards the mountains on the east bank of the Yellow River.Wang Shan ran a dead horse, ran for another half an hour and finally lost his way, and Wang Qing also came to the foot of the mountain.

Taking back the yellow puma, Wang Qing checked the equipment on his body one last time, adjusted the long sword to a convenient position, and after confirming that it was correct, he ran towards the mountain.

Although the mountain is big, fortunately there are many bandits.After about 20 minutes, Wang Qing finally found a cottage.

To say it is a copycat is really flattering these bandits.Most of the people on the edge of the mountain are unsatisfactory thieves, and the five broken wooden houses made of local materials are all the belongings of this cottage.

Wang Qingyin was on a tree not far away, secretly observing the bandits.A total of 12 people, a steel knife, should be their leader.The rest of the weapons were of all kinds, from clubs to scythes.

Wang Qing read the introductions of other players on the forum. Generally, 10-15 people are the smallest cottages. Bandits generally have no internal skills and have practiced some basic external skills.Only the boss is slightly threatening, and generally has a complete set of external skills, and very few have a little bit of internal power.Wang Qing evaluated his own strength, and he should be able to eat it.

For safety's sake, Wang Qing activated a Breeze Talisman and a Lightning Charm, and took out a Ganoderma Lucidum Extending Life Pill and put it in a convenient place.Grasping the black tortoise seal with his left hand, he drew his sword and jumped off the tree, rushing towards the cottage.

As soon as Wang Qing approached the cottage, he was discovered by bandits.The two bandits closest to him, one with a stick and the other with a hoe, came up to meet them.

The two sides gradually approached, just at the moment when the two sides intersected.Wang Qing was lucky with the sword, and the lightning floating on the sword instantly gathered into an electric ball at the sword tip, and then exploded.

The instant strong light and sound explosion caused the two bandits to cover their eyes in pain.At the moment of staggering, Wang Qing tapped his long sword lightly, and the tip of the sword passed the throats of the two bandits.The two bandits disappeared, leaving only two cloth bags on the ground to prove their existence.

Wang Qing continued to rush forward without slowing down.

Ordinary bandits couldn't make a move under Wang Qing's men. With the help of Ben Lei Bu's speed advantage, ordinary bandits were quickly wiped out.

Only then did Wang Qing raise his sword and confront the bandit leader.

(End of this chapter)

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