Chapter 144

On the morning of the 25th, the Kunlun sent BOSS team and the Five Poison Sect BOSS team officially met.

The Five Poison Sect attached great importance to this operation, and not only sent three elders to lead the team to be on guard.A BOSS team with a total of 18 members was sent to lead the team, including the younger sister.

Except for the younger sister and her follower, Gongsun Yi, the group of people did not know anyone else.The younger sister naturally took charge of the introduction work.

Only then did everyone discover that the disciples of the Five Sacred Envoys of the Five Poison Sect are all beauties, and the male disciples are basically disciples of the elders.And it is obvious that the yin is prosperous and the yang is weak.

After the introduction, Wang Qing pulled the little girl aside and blamed the little girl.

I don't know that your brother is single, such a good resource, but he didn't introduce it to your brother.

The little girl gave Wang Qing an angry look.

"Don't you know? These will be my competitors in the future, and they may be life or death. Are you sure you want to pick one to be my sister-in-law?"

Only then did Wang Qing think of the Gu-style training method of the Five Poisons, and subconsciously shuddered.

Unfortunately, just now I saw the little sister and their happy girlfriends, so scary women.

Wang Qing once again regretted letting his little sister join the Five Poisons Sect.

Gossip less, everyone got acquainted briefly, and then turned their attention to today's protagonist Xiao Yao'er.

It was a shriveled old man, who looked like a fairy, with the demeanor of an apricot forest master.

He was dressed in a coarse cloth gown, and his attire was not particularly particular.But the patch-like pockets on his body were layered on top of each other, and those who didn't know it thought that the big boss of the beggar gang had arrived.

She carried a huge green leather gourd on her back, and besides a delicate medicine hoe, there were also bottles and cans hanging around her waist.

The little girl first took out a box, and when she opened it, it was full of black masks that looked like masks.

The little girl gave out to everyone while explaining.

"Don't look at the thinness of this mask. It is made of spider silk from the sky. It is extremely tough. It is folded in five layers, and each layer is filled with antidote. It can prevent more than [-]% of airborne poisons."

For some reason, Wang Qing felt a chill on the back of his neck, as if he was being missed.

After everyone put on their masks, the disciples of the Five Poisons took the lead.

To be precise, the babies of the Five Poison Disciples went first.

The Thousand Gu Heart Devouring Formation is a five-poison suppression formation.

This large formation has nothing to do with the formations and military formations of the Central Plains.

Find another way, or this is not a human formation, the power has little to do with the people who form the formation, it is entirely dependent on the Gu forming the formation.

The cultivation method of the five poisonous Gu is extremely strange, and outsiders have no way of knowing it.

According to the current theory, it is biological variation.

After countless generations of hybridization and devouring, countless strange varieties have been developed.

In the end, five strongest species were finalized, namely twin snakes, wind centipedes, sky spiders, holy scorpions and golden toads.

Don't look at the appearance of these spirit Gus are normal, but who knows what kind of genes in the body have mutated.

Moreover, the Gu of the Five Poisons is far more than the five most famous types. With the accumulation of long years, no one knows how many kinds of Gu there are in the Five Poisons.Anyway, every famous master has several unique Gu.

Cultivating a powerful new Gu has always been the only way to promote within the Five Poison Sect.

However, with the influx of a large number of biotechnology players into Wudu, this threshold has been continuously raised.

For those animals, the game has only been played for more than a year, and the newly released Gu is almost catching up with the sum of the past hundred years.

Pulling away, let's talk about the heart-biting array of ten thousand gu.

Gu is poisonous, so to put it bluntly, this large formation is a means of mixing poison.

By mobilizing the toxicity of the voodoo, a stronger new poison is mixed.Gu things are ever-changing, and the toxicity is also ever-changing.

But this time against Shang Xiao Yao'er, who was also playing drugs, it was useless.

But the Five Poisons Sect didn't intend to fight poison with Xiao Yao'er.

There is another way to use the Myriad Gu Heart Devouring Formation.

The voodoo is fed and raised by the poison, and by reversing the formation, the voodoo can be used to swallow a large amount of poison.

All of a sudden, a crowd of demons danced wildly, some flying and some crawling.There are normal-looking animals and insects, as well as strange-shaped and unnamed aliens, as well as poisonous corpses.

Wang Qing even felt like he was on the wrong set. Isn't this a martial arts novel?How full of post-apocalyptic style.

The array is ready.

Xue Lei nodded at the Five Poisons and waved his hand.

The Kunlun disciples were divided into two groups.Wang Qing and Xue Lei each lead a team.

But there is also a difference. Wang Qing stands in the injured position and is the main attacker of their group.

Xue Lei stood in the door opening position and mobilized the overall situation.The main attack of their group in the wounded door turned out to be the younger brother's daughter-in-law.It's a pity that a group of old men are not as violent as a little girl from Jiangnan in terms of attack and violence.

Since Xue Lei wanted to observe from behind, Wang Qing led his team up first.

Wang Qing didn't have such a thing as a formation, so the primary effect of their team's Bagua formation.

It should be said that Wang Qing did not study formations less for the sake of aura before.But his research direction was deviated. If you say that you have a lot of experience in breaking the formation, you don't know anything about the formation.

But Wang Qing had other means.

As soon as he stepped into the warning range of the boss, Xiao Yao'er moved.

This movement shocked Wang Qing into a sweat.

Without gorgeous light and shadow special effects, Xiao Yaoer waved his hands repeatedly.The colorful smoke drifted away quietly and mixed together, which was quite beautiful.

Although there is not much momentum, Wang Qing and others still dare not take it lightly.With an antidote elixir in his hand, he looked worriedly at the heart-eating formation of ten thousand gus that started to move.

Poison is too weird, but it is no more sure than real swords and guns.

Fortunately, the Five Poison Sect is really professional in playing poison, and the poisonous smoke quickly thinned and dissipated visible to the naked eye.

The biggest threat is gone, so what are you waiting for.

Wang Qing took the lead and rushed up.

Formation starts, eight gates appear, and gossip comes out.

If it was another formation, Wang Qing might not have used it.But the gossip array, Wang Qingshu.

Da Luo Jian Wang Zhen Gua.

The Zhen Gua phantom in the aura actually overlapped and merged with the Zhen Gua in the gossip phantom formed by the formation.

The phantom of Zhen Gua suddenly expanded, covering everyone and the boss.The aura that was originally five meters long and wide doubled to ten meters long and wide.

The expansion of the area alone is not the most important thing. This is also a major discovery when practicing the Bagua formation, and it is also the capital that Wang Qing is qualified to lead the team.

Originally, only Wang Qing could enjoy the beneficial attributes of the aura, but there was no limit to the number of enemies.With the help of the eight trigrams array, now it is the eight people in the whole group that provide energy to the aura.As the area becomes larger, the other seven people can also enjoy the prosperity of the Zhen Gua.

The AI ​​of the BOSS is a bit worrying, and it is still spreading poison in vain.

With such a good opportunity, Wang Qing decided to give up probing and try to be ruthless first.

The sword intent is activated, and the consciousness is locked.

Three rings surrounding the moon, broken stars.

Since the two pills of heaven and earth have not yet formed, only the human sword is the purple jade sword energy formed by a complete purple sky thunder.The Heavenly Sword has only a small purple sword, and the Earthly Sword is a small dark red sword formed by Qi and blood.

Wang Qing just kept on doing nothing, and another purple sky god thunder crossed into the Broken Star Sword, activating its own skill Broken Star.

Purple thunder danced all over the sky.

Broken Star's first show, the stage is not bad, it doesn't count as insulting this famous sword.

(End of this chapter)

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