Chapter 28 Gathering in Sanqing Palace

A large amount of information was directly injected into Wang Qing's brain by the system, which instantly gave him a preliminary understanding of this sword technique.

Sure enough, it is a wonderful idea, no wonder the master is full of praise.

Lightning wood is a commonly used material in Taoism, especially aged peach wood or jujube wood, which are the best choices for making high-end talismans.

Although the moves of this sword technique are exquisite, there is nothing too surprising about them.However, the operation of internal force in conjunction with swordsmanship has found another way.The creator draws on the formation process of the lightning strike wood, and creatively develops the technique of using the internal force of the wood to attract the thunder.

Wang Qing saw the skill of attracting Tianlei with internal force, and almost blurted out the sentence MMP.The master said that it was created by the Kunlun seniors, and it really wasn't caused by the pride of some sect.

The skill of attracting thunder comes from the saying that on a day of thunderstorm, stand on a high place, add internal force to the sword, and let it radiate freely, which can attract the thunder from the sky.As a college student who has received modern education, Wang Qing couldn't help complaining that the whole shape is a lightning rod, and it can attract lightning with or without internal strength.

However, I don't know how to spit out the next words.However, the majesty of the sky thunder is so powerful that there is no one in a hundred to catch it rashly.Therefore, it is necessary to find other sources of thunder, and gentleness and powerlessness are the best.

Well, a game with an ancient martial arts background, where can I find a mild and weak thunderbolt? Although unscientific things like internal force can do many things, Kunlun is the only martial art that can generate thunderbolts.This senior who created martial arts either traveled through the crowd and carried a large pack of batteries.Or it can only be Kunlun's predecessors.

Wang Qing recalled the scene when this sword technique was revealed, and it was strange at the time.How could a squad leader who didn't even have internal strength show such a good swordsmanship.Now I understand that without the foundation of Kunlun basic martial arts, this swordsmanship is just a show.Whoever dares to really trigger the thunder is guaranteed to be turned into fly ash.

"Understood?" Dao Shi saw that Wang Qing hadn't moved for a long time.

"Practice is good. The thunder and lightning in "Running Thunder Jue" is fine, and I also have the attribute of lightning control. But what is the use? Additional lightning attack? Left hand instead of right hand."

"Fool. Have you forgotten the fundamental purpose of your martial arts practice? For power or something, it is enough to kill the enemy. Martial arts are only a means to protect the law, and the pursuit of Tao is the goal. what?"

"Wood, thunder? Zhen Gua? Eight Diagrams? Book of Changes?"

"Hehe, it's not stupid. The wooden thunder is the earthquake, and the wooden wind is the sun. Whether it is Tai Chi, the Eight Diagrams or the Five Elements, it is just a small window of the Tao. We can see part of the Tao through them. Never forget After all, the first one is the goal we pursue. As for the means of pursuit, the more the better. The more windows you open, the more scenery you can see."

"No way, master. I haven't fully practiced the five elements yet, so I'm going to gossip again?"

"Don't worry, it's just an introduction. Whether the five elements or the gossip, they are the foundation of Taoism, and you have to get in touch with them sooner or later. Get in touch early, not only will it be easier for you to learn in the future, but you may have other surprises if you refer to each other."

"Okay, master. I see."

"Okay, go back and practice hard. Don't be late tomorrow morning. This time, Tiandao has opened up a lot of things, which will have a great impact on your future."

"Your disciple will leave." Wang Qing gave a salute and retreated slowly.

There was nothing to say all night, and the next morning, Wang Qing finished his morning class early, and after breakfast, he hurried to Yuxu Palace on the top of Kunlun Mountain.This kind of sect gathering must not be late.Usually in the upper house, due to the small number of people, the elders are also kind, which feels quite humane.But as soon as I got to the main line, I felt the rules of the famous sect.Especially the Sanqing Hall, which is different from other Sanqing Halls, the three patriarchs all sat cross-legged on the spot, holding the Dao Seal with their hands, with kind eyebrows and kind eyes.The three patriarchs of the Sanqing Hall, the main vein, all stepped on the gossip and stood upright on the spot.Although he didn't have a weapon in his hand, he either made a talisman formula or a sword formula, as if he was about to make a move.Especially the eyes of the three patriarchs, at first glance they were empty, but on closer inspection they were icy cold.That kind of high above, looking down on the common people's demeanor, majesty comes from itself.As soon as you enter the Sanqing Hall, you will feel the pressure and oppression of your soul.

The decoration of Sanqing Hall, the main vein, has a fixed pattern for everything, which profoundly explains what is the rule and what is the moment.

It was not the earliest time when Wang Qing arrived, there were already 8 disciples waiting in the hall.But suppressed by the atmosphere, they all stood on their own, completely silent.

Wang Qing scanned around, and saw most of them when he was a teacher, only one person hadn't seen it, he should be a newcomer.Wang Qing didn't dare to speak, and smiled and nodded at everyone, as a greeting, and found an empty seat to stand still.

Then, people came in one after another, but due to the oppressive atmosphere, they all silently greeted each other and stood still among the crowd in their respective upper houses.The uncle, junior brother and junior junior sister also came and stood beside Wang Qing.The uncle is fine, but Wang Qing saw the little junior sister's frowning and looking around, and knew that the lively and active little girl couldn't stand this environment.

Fearing that something might happen to the little girl, Wang Qing hastily dug out from his backpack a little organ pig that he bought on the way to Dali last time.This little pig is produced by Tang Sect, but the authentic product can assist Tang Sect disciples to make and preserve arrow hidden weapons, which is a secret of Tang Sect.This little pig is just a practice work of junior disciples, and it has no function other than being able to move, so it is sold as a toy.

Sure enough, the little girl got the toy and lowered her head to play with it.Only then did Wang Qing feel relieved and looked around.

There are 31 disciples in total, 3 more than when I left the teacher last time, it seems that they are new disciples.One of the new disciples was tall and thick, and he competed with the uncle.Standing among the disciples of Wulong Shangyuan, carrying the Demon Subduing Pestle one person tall on his back.There are two more, not very old, about fifteen or sixteen, with a sword on their backs and a knife on their backs, standing in the upper courtyard of the two immortals.It seems that they are the new apprentices of the two returning masters and uncles of the Erxian Shangyuan.

Wang Qing looked at the brothers around him, and suddenly felt that the Kunlun School was very interesting.Although the martial arts of the Twelve Upper Houses all come from the main vein, but the patriarchs of the respective Upper Houses added their own interpretations of the Tao, but there are huge differences in appearance.Swordsmen like Wang Qing are the mainstream, accounting for less than half of them.There are also many swordsmen.The remaining weapons are all kinds of strange things, the most conspicuous ones are the disciples of Wulong Shangyuan and Jinting Shangyuan. The subduing magic pestle carried on their backs is not only thick and black and heavy, but also has spikes on both ends. It looks like a peerless weapon across the battlefield.The Wu Hook Sword of the Jiugong Upper Court is also unique. Although it is called a sword, the arc-shaped sword body looks like a sword but not a sword, like a knife but not a knife. It is somewhat similar to the machete of Mingjiao.But it is double-edged and has a barb on the head.It is a very distinctive Qimen weapon.

Not long after the crowd arrived, Dao Qiuzi, the head of the Kunlun School, led the heads of each courtyard into the main hall one by one.

"Okay, everyone is here. Now let's announce this change in the Dao of Heaven. Listen carefully. This change in the Dao of Heaven is very important, and it is related to your future development. Don't take it lightly."

Dao Qiuzi looked around and saw that everyone was listening carefully, so he continued to announce.

(End of this chapter)

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