copy raider

Chapter 174

Chapter 174

A huge fleet appeared on the surface of Chaohu Lake, and countless yellow scarves were running on the boats.

"The big boss has an order, all the little bosses gather immediately"

"Anyone who disobeys orders will be killed"

The small boats rowed desperately forward, and then walked towards a big boat.

Fatty Guo's face at the bow was livid, as if he was about to explode.

"Big boss calm down, it's not that we don't want to break it into pieces, but that there is really no food," a small boss said loudly.

Another small leader echoed: "There is no food in the camp, and the places where food is stored outside Baifan Water Village have also been swept away."

"Big boss Mingjian, we have reached the end of the mountain, so we can only violate the military order and gather here." All the leaders said one after another.

Fatty Guo looked around at the little bosses: "What do you want?"

"Attack Nest County" a small leader said loudly.

Guo Dapang asked: "Although Chao County has the savings of the Zheng family in the past, have you ever thought about why Xiao Qushuai didn't capture it?"

"Isn't it because of Zheng Bao's cooperation with the Chaohu water bandits that we have all failed?" A little boss said unwillingly.

Guo Dapang asked: "Even Xiao Qu Shuai can't do it, can we do it?"

"This..." All the little bosses hesitated, and it was precisely because they were not sure that they gathered together.Otherwise, at this time, the sound of war drums would have sounded outside Chao County.

Fatty Guo didn't give them time to think, and continued to ask: "Even if you capture Chao County, can we hold it in our current situation? Or can we repel the Lujiang defenders who have not completely gone away?"

"But..." a little boss couldn't help but said loudly.

Guo Dapang directly interrupted: "But what? You can't beat you and you are so ostentatious. If this is not declaring war on the Lujiang defenders, what is it?"

The little bosses shivered subconsciously, showing fearful eyes.

"Boss, now that there is no grain, what should we do? Are we going to starve to death?" a little boss said loudly.

These words touched the hearts of everyone, and a sad atmosphere spread.

"First we marched in a hurry from Shouchun, followed by a series of battles, and all the soldiers were exhausted. At this time, we were defeated again. I'm afraid we will be buried in Chaohu Lake."

"Left and right are just a death, why don't I wait and have a good fight"

"Yes, I will fight with them"

Seeing that these people were about to fight to the death, Fatty Guo couldn't help being startled, but he didn't show it on his face: "Fight? Who are you fighting with? Who is our enemy?"

"White Sail Thief and Zheng Bao," a small boss shouted loudly.

The little bosses also roared wildly.

"Lujiang garrison"

"Wild Water Thieves"

"Saliva Thief"

"All Water Thieves in Chaohu Lake"

Guo Dapang felt a little toothache: "First of all, we must live, and secondly, we must find the real enemy"

"Why did Shuai Xiaoqu retreat when he was about to attack Chao County? Zheng Bao couldn't do it alone, so I think the water thieves entrenched in Ruxukou are our enemies." Fatty Guo said said in a loud voice.

The little bosses felt that what Fatty Guo said made sense, and looked over one after another.

"But for revenge, we should let ourselves live first," Guo Dafatty continued.

All the little bosses exclaimed: "Live, live!"

"Is there no food in the huge Chaohu Lake? Could it be that we can only attack the county seat?" Fatty Guo raised his voice again.

A small leader asked: "Except for the county treasury, we can't think of any other place that has so much grain."

"Aristocratic family" Fatty Guo said loudly.

The little bosses showed excited light: "Aristocratic family?"

"The Zheng family in Chao County seems to be the only one close to Chaohu Lake," a small leader asked.

Fatty Guo's face darkened: "There is more than one Zheng family in the huge Chaohu Lake."

"Besides, the Zheng family is not considered an aristocratic family, at most it can only be regarded as a wealthy family," Guo Dafatty said.

The little bosses calmed down and looked at each other.

"I don't know which one it is?" a little leader asked.

Guo Dapang spat out four words: "Jia's in Wancheng"

"Jia Clan of Wancheng?" All the little bosses repeated in unison.

Obviously, some people knew a lot about Yangzhou, and they all exclaimed.

"But the family of the richest man in Yangzhou? The Jia family in Wancheng"

"Didn't they be wiped out of the Jia family in Wancheng not long ago by the magnates in the mountains and the Chaohu water thieves?"

"I heard that a son of the Jia family in Wancheng was traveling abroad to study and escaped this catastrophe."

Guo Dapang couldn't help but click his tongue when he heard these comments, it seems that Jia Nian's status is quite prominent.

"Do you know the identity of Changhe Town and the mayor?" Guo Dapang asked.

All the little bosses shook their heads.

"It's the young master of the Jia family. The family is so intricate, how can their wealth be exhausted in one robbery?" Fatty Guo said.

The hearts of the little bosses beat violently, and a bold idea emerged in their minds.

"Is the big boss thinking?"

"Is there really so much wealth in Changhe Town?"

"The savings of the aristocratic family, that, that will be..."

Fatty Guo coughed softly: "Although the population of Changhe Town is only over [-] people, and its military strength is seriously insufficient, we can't force it. After all, the prefect of Lujiang hasn't gone far."

"This?" The little bosses hesitated, thinking of the Lujiang cavalry, they only felt a chill in their backs.

A small boss asked: "What does the big boss mean?"

"The leader will personally lead three hundred elites to Changhe Town one mile away, and then go to the town alone," Guo Dafatty said.

The little bosses were shocked: "No!"

"How can the big boss be in a dangerous place?" several small bosses persuaded.

Fatty Guo sighed: "I've reached the end of my life. If I attack Changhe Town and kill the mayor, Jia, do you think this Lujiang River can still go out?"

"The influence of the aristocratic family is beyond what we can imagine. At that time, even if the prefect of Lujiang doesn't want to retaliate, he must retaliate," Guo Dafatty explained.

Then he continued: "But if I go alone, it will be very different."

"You put pressure from one mile away, even thinking about him in Changhe Town. Firstly, we didn't kill this Mr. Jia, and secondly, we didn't attack the town. Under the current situation, presumably the prefect of Lujiang would also be open-minded. Turn one eye and close one eye," Guo Dapang explained in detail.

Seeing how thoughtful Guo Dapang was, the little bosses were greatly moved.

"If Changhe Town has the intention to kill the big boss, then wouldn't the big boss be in danger?" a small boss asked.

Fatty Guo raised his voice, and said righteously: "If you can get food, you can return to Gepo. Don't talk about going to Changhe Town, it doesn't matter if you are hacked into pieces."

"One life, how can it compare to eight hundred lives?" Guo Dapang raised his voice.

The little bosses were infected by Guo Dapang, and bowed at the same time: "The big boss is high righteous"

"It's all for my Yellow Turban cause," Guo Dapang said.

A little leader couldn't help but knelt on one knee: "I don't care whether the big boss can get food during this trip, I am willing to follow the lead of the big boss, and I will never regret it even if I die."

"I will wait and see for the big boss, and I will never regret it even if I die," all the little bosses shouted in unison.

 Happy New Years Eve!May all go well with you
(End of this chapter)

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