copy raider

Chapter 184

Chapter 184

A mighty fleet appeared on the water outside Ruxukou, and hundreds of yellow scarves looked forward.

clang clang...

The warning sound resounded throughout the world, and more than a hundred water thieves in the port ahead rushed to the female wall and the arrow tower.

Guo Dapang looked at the sparse figure, with a hint of sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Attack Ruxukou violently and take this place before dawn," Guo Dapang ordered loudly.

All the yellow turban bosses shouted in unison: "No!"

The torch burned slowly, revealing a murderous figure under the light.

The flag on the ship is waving, and the figure echoes on the water.

"The big boss has orders to attack Ruxukou fiercely"



As the figure fell, countless boats slammed forward fiercely.


A shrill sound came from an arrow tower, followed by the sound of piercing through the sky.


The arrows whizzed away like raindrops, but under the night, they couldn't tell the exact location of those yellow scarves.

Seemingly massive, its lethality is not optimistic.

Hundreds of yellow turbans stepped forward, jumped from the small boat to the gate of the port, and waved their weapons to kill them.

The blood bar on the port gate showed a series of damage values, which decreased rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.


With a loud bang, the gate was overwhelmed and burst open in a series of attacks.

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of yellow turbans stepped forward and roared into the port.

"Not good, the gate is broken"

"Quick, go to the Juyi Hall immediately"

Hundreds of water thieves roared at the top of their voices, and when they ran down the female wall and the arrow tower, they saw a group of yellow scarves blocking their only way.

The sound of swords and soldiers resounded in my ears, and at the same time, Guo Dapang walked into the port surrounded by more than a hundred third-rank yellow scarves.

The expected information emerged, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up.

Although I had already expected this result, it was still a very comfortable thing when it actually happened.

"Your subordinates have taken the Gathering Hall in Ruxu Port"

"Choose to destroy or occupy?"

The smell of blood rushed towards him, and Fatty Guo frowned subconsciously.

All the yellow scarves had already killed hundreds of first-level water thieves, and surrounded them one after another.

Taking a deep breath, Fatty Guo walked towards the Juyi Hall.

A chat window appeared in front of my eyes, and I was discussing this matter with Jia Nian remotely.

"Ruxukou has been captured, do you think it's better to destroy it or occupy it?"


Fatty Guo nodded and walked into the Juyi Hall.

Looking around at the yellow turban soldiers, he ordered with a loud voice: "Immediately take over the fortifications of the Ruxu port, and at the same time count the supplies. After half an hour, order [-] soldiers, and follow the leader to the place where the main force of the Ruxu saliva bandits is located."

"No," all the yellow scarf soldiers shouted in unison.

Then turned around and filed out.

Seeing the backs of all the yellow scarves leaving, Guo Dapang saw handwriting appearing in front of his eyes.

"Occupy Success"

"1. Set up the Yellow Turban flag and occupy Ruxu Port as the leader of the Yellow Turban. Your Yellow Turban achievements will increase and you will gain the favor of all the Yellow Turbans in the world. At the same time, the Lujiang defenders will rush back to attack Ruxukou"

"2. As a resident of Changhe Town, occupy Ruxukou. The loyalty of the Yellow Turban soldiers under your command has been greatly reduced, and there is a great possibility that they will be killed by the rebel army."

"3. Pretending to be a water thief force"

Looking at these three options, Fatty Guo couldn't help shivering.Obviously, even the first choice is very tricky.

Without much thought, he chose the third option.

"Come here!" Guo Dafatty yelled at the top of his voice.

Two yellow scarf soldiers guarding outside strode in: "In"

"Change the flag, starting today. We will call ourselves Tiance, and call ourselves the Tiance Army," Fatty Guo ordered.

The two yellow scarves couldn't help being taken aback: "Tiance Army?"

"Boss, why don't we raise the Yellow Turban flag? This is to show the world our bravery," a Yellow Turban asked.

Guo Dapang looked at the yellow turban soldier: "Chaohu is surrounded by enemies, if we raise the yellow turban flag, what if the Lujiang defenders come back to help?"

"The current plan is to repair it in this port, but if you want to repair it, you can only pretend to be a water thief," Guo Dafatty explained.

The two Yellow Turban soldiers looked at each other with a look of hesitation.

After all, changing the flag is a big deal.

"Let's go down and pass the order. If there is any punishment from Gepo, the boss is willing to bear it all," Guo Dafatty said.

Then he sighed softly: "It's difficult for me to wait for the Yellow Turban. Only by living can I realize the ideal of Master. What's wrong with a little bit of blame?"

"No," the two yellow scarves took orders loudly, at this moment.They felt that Fatty Guo's figure was raised a bit higher in an instant.

This is a big leader who has the courage to take responsibility. Following him, I can feel extremely at ease.

After the backs of the two left, a flag appeared above the port.

The two big characters of Tiance appeared on it, and they rattled against the wind.

A line of handwriting appeared in front of my eyes, and the details of Ruxukou appeared in the form of data.

Name: Ruxukou
Type: Port

Level: Level 1

Facilities: arrow towers, city walls, houses, warehouses...

Population: 745
Forces: 745
Affiliation: Tiance Water Pirates
Seeing the big characters "Sea Thief", Guo Dapang pursed his lips.

It would be great if the water thief was changed into a legion.

Hey, a water thief is a water thief.

Anyway, from now on, I have a small power, right? .

It's just that these yellow scarves, no, it should be how these Tiance water thieves should settle down, it's a bit confusing to think about it.

Forget it, this kind of thing that consumes brain cells should give Jia Nian a headache.

Guo Dapang looked at the chat window, and then a line of writing was displayed.

"I occupied Ruxu Port in the name of Tiance Water Bandit"

"Tiance water thief?"

"Can't you?"

"Depend on"

Jia Nian was riding a war horse under the night, and couldn't help but swear.How could such a good Tiance Corps turn sour in Guo Dapang's mouth.

"Why don't you answer? How is the situation there?"

"It's not bad, the [-] evil wave defenders surrendered with almost no effort."


"Don't tell me you didn't accept the soldiers"

"Cough, cough, cough..."

"You really didn't accept the soldiers?"

"Yellow Turban killed so happily that I forgot all of a sudden"


Even from a long distance away, Fatty Guo could feel the silent contempt.But whoever makes us have more soldiers, it doesn't matter if we are self-willed once.

"When we attack Zheng Bao later, don't let them kill you so much, it's good that you can be dispersed."

"Okay, okay, I'll do my best"


The writing disappeared, and the chat window also disappeared.

Fatty Guo clicked his tongue, but said nothing.He subconsciously yelled and walked outside.

Half an hour later, troops were sent in the direction of the White Sail Water Pirate, and the curtain of this battle was completely drawn down.

At that time, whether the Yellow Turban was accommodated in Changhe Town or appeared as a Tiance water thief, it was all the same to Guo Dapang.

(End of this chapter)

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