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Chapter 235 Killing Chen Ce

Chapter 235 Killing Chen Ce


Under the night, the sound of shouting and killing resounded through the sky, and more than a thousand bandits rushed towards the city wall of Shu County.

A famous bandit climbed up the city wall one after another, braving the arrow rain, showing a fearless look.

The soldiers of Shu County who were stationed on the city wall all lowered their faces.


There was a sound, and there was a piercing sound in the night.

The densely packed arrows flew like raindrops, and a flower of hiding blood appeared.

Wounds of different sizes appeared on the bodies of more than a thousand bandits, and the bloody atmosphere shrouded the entire Shu County.

"death fight"

Chen Ce roared, swung the weapon in his hand, and a ray of light emerged.

More than a thousand bandits were infected by this ray of light, their fighting spirit rose in their hearts, and they let out a series of roars at the top of their throats.

"death fight"

"death fight"

As the voice fell, the aura of more than a thousand bandits gradually increased.

Shu County seemed a little shaky in this voice.

The city gate shook twice, and a crack appeared.

Cracks spread in all directions on the city gate, then gradually expanded, and finally shattered.

"Quick, call for reinforcements"

The general defending the city was anxious, and shouted orders to the two soldiers.

This damned bandit has already receded, why is it still so non-stop.

Shuxian, Shuxian is so much down? .

"No," a soldier shouted.

At the same time, Chen Ce put on the armor while taking advantage of his weak body, and surrounded by several leaders, looked at the scene of the battle ahead.

Seeing that the city gate was broken, he let out a loud laugh: "Send orders to enter the city and snatch the city wall."

"No," a leader replied loudly, then got on his horse and moved forward quickly.

stomping on...

The sound of horseshoes sounded, followed by the sound of the leader's order.

The voice gradually spread, and the already strong morale increased again.

"It's not a good thing that Haoshuai and Chaohu soldiers and horses are so quiet," one person couldn't help but said.

A confident look appeared on the corner of Chen Ce's mouth: "Why is it not good? Isn't this just in my favor?"

"What I'm waiting for now is time. I have to grab this city before the bad news comes. Only by capturing the city will I have a chance. The left and right are just outflanking the rear and capturing the camp." Chen Ce's confident expression on the corner of his mouth became stronger when he said this point.

His gaze gradually became sharper: "This siege is a battle of life and death, not life and death."

"It's just a camp, so what's the point of giving it to them?" Chen Ce said loudly.

With a wave of the arm: "Fuben Haoshuai gets on the horse"

"This?" All the leaders showed hesitation.

Chen Ce yelled loudly: "Hurry up and help the handsome man on his horse, inspire the hearts of all the brothers, and seize this city before Chaohu soldiers and horses."

"No!" several leaders shouted in unison.

He hurriedly helped Chen Ce onto the horse's back.

Chen Ce patted the horse's back, and the horse roared forward.

"The handsome man has an order to capture this city for three days of carnival"

"Anyone who kills the enemy will be rewarded with a hundred gold"

"The person who cuts the most heads of the enemy will be worshiped as the third master"

The sound spread to the surroundings, and the breathing of the bandits became rapid.

Three masters?Is it actually the third master?Unexpectedly, Haoshuai took out the third position.

The eyes gradually turned red, and the morale of the bandits, which had already skyrocketed, became stronger again.


ta ta ta

A cavalryman marched quickly under the night.


"The gate of Shu County was broken, and now it is in danger"

The cavalrymen on horseback reported loudly.

"My lord, my subordinates are willing to lead Gan Cunxiao's troops to fight." Gan Ning stepped forward and said loudly.

Jia Nian looked forward and spit out a word: "Quite"

"No" Gan Ning saluted, patted his horse and galloped forward.

Gao Zhiyuan led three hundred elites to follow closely behind, and the dust flew up in an instant.

There was a loud shout, and a flag fluttered against the wind.

The thousands of water thieves who were rushing to kill subconsciously looked in the direction of the sound, and their hearts sank to the bottom of the valley.

Chen Ce bit it hard, looked around at the hundreds of burly and powerful bandits around him, and shouted at the top of his voice: "Follow me to fight the soldiers of Chaohu!"

"The rest of the brothers took this city!" Chen Ce yelled.

More than a hundred burly and powerful bandits shouted in unison: "No!"

Then he slapped his horse and led more than a hundred bandits to meet him.

"The enemy will be killed quickly." Chen Ce summoned up all the strength of the province, and rushed towards Gan Ning who was at the forefront.

Seeing Chen Ce's pale face, Gan Ning smiled lightly, "I never thought you would let the wounded soldiers go to the battlefield after being so downcast."

"Bah, don't talk too much." Chen Ce spat heavily.

More than a hundred cool and powerful bandits behind them suddenly accelerated and slammed into them fiercely.

In an instant, the sound of swords and soldiers resounded in my ears.

"Cousin, you kill the enemy by yourself, you don't need a guard as your younger brother," Gan Ning said.

Gan Cunxiao took a deep look at Chen Ce, then nodded, and led a few soldiers to kill the hundred bandits.

"Are you Chen Ce?" Gan Ning looked behind Chen Ce and saw a bandit carrying a handsome flag, so he asked loudly.

The bandit carrying the handsome flag yelled: "Presumptuous!"

call out……

There was a sound of piercing through the air, and Gan Ning picked up the hard bow on the horse's back and shot it.

Bending the bow and drawing the arrow in one go, the speed is dazzling.

Before the voice fell, the soldier carrying the handsome flag fell to the ground and died.

The handsome flag was tottering in the sky, and several bandits standing beside him hurriedly stepped forward to help him.

Without too many words, Chen Ce waved the big knife in his hand, and drove the horse to rush over.

Seeing Chen Ce rushing towards him on horseback, Gan Ning put his bow on the horse's back, grasped the long knife tightly and slashed at Chen Ce's figure.


The two hundred knives collided fiercely, and Chen Ce's handwriting was a little numb.

The blood streak on top of Gan Ning's head was shining brightly, he slapped the horse's back hard and the whole person flew into the air.

The breath of death enveloped his heart, and almost instinctively, he made the horse take a few steps back and greeted him with the saber in his hand.

The big knife cut across the sky and slashed down fiercely.

There was another sound, and the knives of the two collided together.

Gritting his teeth fiercely, a progress bar appeared below the blood bar above his head, and a pure white light rose.


As soon as the words fell, the progress bar below the blood bar above Chen Ce's head suddenly disappeared, and the saber was split into two halves.

Gan Ning took advantage of the momentum to attack fiercely, and the big knife in his hand looked at his heart.

The blood slowly slid down the blade, Chen Ce lost his breath and fell from the horse's back.


Several bandits shouted violently in unison, and rushed towards where Gan Ning was.

"Chen Ce to die"

"If anyone resists, kill them all"

The sound exploded here, vaguely like the roar of a tiger.

Gan Ning yelled at the top of his throat, and his aura also rose sharply.

Feeling this momentum, the bandits who rushed forward couldn't help but pause, and their hands gave room for their soft weapons to fall.


As Shuai Qi fell to the ground, the sound of weapons falling could be heard endlessly, and every famous bandit fell to his knees.

Defeated, obviously has strong strength, obviously has absolute military strength.

But in the end it was defeated, and the defeat was so miserable.

Hao Shuai has already died in battle, and it is meaningless to continue to resist.

(End of this chapter)

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