copy raider

Chapter 384 Strike

Chapter 384 Strike
A famous Shanyue soldier abandoned his opponents without thinking, and gathered at the place where Zhang Jie was.

And the soldiers standing on the city wall stopped attacking tacitly, and the two sides fell into a strange calm in an instant.

Thousands of mighty soldiers from Shanyue formed a huge square formation around Zhang Jie like a tide, and countless eyes looked over at the same time.

They are waiting, waiting for the real answer to all this.

The crying in the ear stopped, and countless figures appeared before the eyes driven by the water thief in front.

There is no doubt that the remaining sweat has been taken away by them, otherwise all this cannot be explained, and it cannot be explained at the same time.

"We are handsome and have orders. As long as you please surrender and behead Zhang Jie, then your wives, children, and children will be spared."

"If not, the whole family will be implicated"

Murderous words spread around, and a water thief showed a fierce look.

All this was as expected by Junjun Guo. The Jia thief in the Yuzhang County Mansion not only stopped attacking, but also put on a posture of watching from the sidelines.

Thinking of this, the water thief leader has a little more admiration for Guo Dapang.

It is nothing more than the case.

Zhang Jie shrunk his neck subconsciously, feeling that the gazes of countless pairs of eyes had changed. At this moment, he seemed to be not their handsome but a delicacy on their plate.

I knew that if I didn't do something at this time, maybe what was waiting for me was a real disaster.

"This is Peng thief's centrifugal plan, can't you tell it clearly?"

"Hao Shuai, my family is in the hands of others, what can I do now?"

A voice of questioning rang in my ears, and a leader of Shanyue asked Zhang Jie.

Looking forward from the corner of his eye, he landed on several familiar figures.

Why should I obey Zhang Jie?Why do you have to fight hard?Why do you want to build a career? .

In the final analysis, it is not because I want my parents, wife and children to live a good life.

A famous soldier from Shanyue also showed the same expression. They didn't flee directly amidst these cries, which was already the result of Zhang Jie's good command of the army in the past.But the weakness is already in the hands of others, so the handle of the knife has changed owners.

"We have [-] people, do they dare to burn jade and stone together?"

"Besides, there is the Yuzhang County Mansion in front of it. There are countless riches and beauties in it. Compared with these things, what is Yu Khan?"

Zhang Jie made his last effort and spoke loudly to the leaders and soldiers of Shanyue.

Yu Khan has changed hands, and only promises can turn the situation around.

Hearing these words, figures of beauties and Caibo appeared in front of countless Shanyue leaders and soldiers, and they began to hesitate in their hearts.

On the one hand, there are parents, wives and children at home, and on the other hand, the Yuzhang County Mansion, which is all within easy reach, it is difficult to really weigh which is more important.

The water thief leader standing in front of him had a slight smile on his lips. Sure enough, just as Mr. Guo expected, only those who are at the end of the road will make random promises.

"Look up and look ahead, this is the Yuzhang County Mansion that you have fought hard all day and haven't captured yet."

"Look up and look behind, here are the soldiers and horses from Yuhan City, as well as your wives and children."

"By now, haven't you figured out your own situation?"

The sound seemed to be thundering in the ears of all the soldiers of Shanyue, it was the fantasy that was shattered under the cold front of the soldiers on the city wall.

A leader and the soldiers around Zhang Jie squeezed their weapons tighter at the same time.

As people who live on knife edge, they are both powerful and vulnerable.

"Handsome, offended"

"excuse me"

The leaders of Zhongshanyue said.

An ominous atmosphere spread in his heart, and Zhang Jie opened his eyes wide in horror.

Stretching out his fingers to these Shanyue leaders who showed their killing intent.

"You, do you want to"


"Let's go to Ben Haoshuai to take them down"


All the soldiers shouted violently in unison, and waved their weapons at the same time.

There was a huge pain in Zhang Jie's heart, and he looked at a figure in front of him in disbelief, and fell into a pool of blood.

"The hero is above, I wait for my willingness to surrender"

"willing to surrender"

Under the leadership of their respective leaders, a famous Shanyue soldier strode forward in the direction of the water thieves.

The water thieves gave way, and Peng Qing galloped from behind with Guo Dapang and a thousand water thieves.

Looking at the two thousand water thieves, the six thousand Shanyue soldiers gasped at the same time.

Sure enough, the main force of these water thieves is here.

Looking around in front of him, looking at Liuqian Shanyue kneeling on the ground in darkness, a sense of pride emerged in Peng Qing's heart.

"Guo Junshi's strategy is really brilliant"

"It actually allows me to collect all six thousand people without spending a single soldier."

"From now on, all members of our army, except for this commander, should be respected by Guo Junshi"

Peng Qing said loudly in front of everyone.

The importance of a counselor is fully revealed at this moment.

When did the eldest brother start to have bad luck?There is no doubt that after the military adviser died in Yuzhang County Mansion, if he was still alive, how could Zhang Jie control Yu Khan so easily.

The same Guo Junshi, don't look at him with a chubby face, but he can't help but have something in his chest.

Not only did his words make him come out of the desperate situation, but he could also collect all the [-] soldiers and horses under Zhang Jie's command. If this was changed last night, I would not even have dared to think about it.

"Since you are asking to surrender, how about lining up behind me?"


All the soldiers of the Mountains and Yues couldn't help being stunned. They didn't expect that this Peng Haoshuai would be so heroic. Aren't they afraid that I will turn against him behind his back? .

But after thinking about it, most of the family members are in Yuhan City, even if they want to turn against them, who can they turn to? .

Is it impossible to rely on the prefect of Yuzhang in the Han Dynasty? .

A famous soldier from Shanyue gathered behind Peng Qing, and then one front after another formed in front.

Peng Qing couldn't help but let out a sigh of emotion.

"If it weren't for the words of Guo Junshi, I would really like to attack this city with my army."

"That's all, let's write down this grudge for now."



Several water thieves stepped forward one after another, speaking loudly to Peng Qing.

Peng Qing pointed forward and gave them instructions.

"Spreading a message for Ben Shuai"


Several water thieves shouted at the same time, and then looked in the direction of Yuzhang.

A loud voice spread forward.

"Prefect of Yuzhang, listen, my handsome man has something to say, if you return the body of the handsome tiger, I would like to temporarily put down the sword."

"Prefect of Yuzhang, listen, my handsome man has something to say, if you return the body of the handsome tiger, I would like to temporarily put down the sword."

The sound exploded here over and over again.

Jia Nian, who was standing on the top of the city, gave orders to the soldiers behind him.

"Send a cavalryman to deliver Peng Hu's body to them"


The voice fell, and the city gate opened wide.

A cavalry galloped forward with Peng Hu's body.

Not long after, I saw the cavalry turn around and return.

Immediately afterwards, the [-] Shanyue soldiers and the [-] water thieves withdrew towards Yu Khan like a tide.

(End of this chapter)

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