copy raider

Chapter 565

Chapter 565
Countless thoughts flashed through his mind, Zhang Hong settled down, and then decided not to think too much.

So he looked at Jia Nian and asked him.

"I dare to infer, whether the state pastor has made arrangements for this matter? I have calculated in advance that there is a possibility that Sun Lujiang's soldiers and horses will raid Jianye."

"The State Shepherd's Mansion has indeed been prepared for a long time. It has sent General Deng Dang to Wan County and secretly dispatched [-] soldiers along the Yangtze River to Jianye. Now they are secretly stationed ten miles south of Jianye City."

"Since it's a sneak attack, there probably won't be too many troops, so three thousand troops are enough, and the Jianye garrison stationed in the three counties is traveling day and night. The gathering of more than ten thousand troops will definitely make Sun Ce's son come and go."

"At that time, with the mighty soldiers of great victory, we can attack Jiujiang, and we can raid the Marquis of Hefei, and the soldiers will come to the city of Shouchun. Restore our state capital in Yangzhou, and sweep Lujiang River"

Jia Nian said.

Although the tone is light, it has an undeniable charm.

Zhang Hong had a look of astonishment, and a cold sweat emerged from his back.No wonder the state pastor's reaction was so flat just now, it turned out that the state pastor's house had already made arrangements.If there is no overseas news, once the aristocratic family in the south of the Yangtze River changes, wouldn't it be bloody rivers.

No, at this time, the change of the aristocratic family in the south of the Yangtze River will make Jiangnan fall into a situation of loss.This was deliberately done by the State Shepherd's Mansion. They used this to deter the aristocratic families in the south of the Yangtze River in an attempt to get it done once and for all.

Such an ingenious strategy, could it be that the two military advisers Lu Su and Liu Ye came up with it?It can not only integrate the south of the Yangtze River, but also cut off Yuan Yuzhou's minions in Yangzhou, and collect all the six counties in the south of the Yangtze River.

While thinking, Jia Nian's words rang in his ears.

"I don't know what you think of this plan?"

"Three birds with one stone are admired"

"What are three birds?"

"The first is to integrate the aristocratic families in the south of the Yangtze River, the second is to take over the power of the counties, and the third is to paralyze Yuanzhou Mu and sweep the land of Jiujiang and Lujiang counties."

Zhang Hong spoke to Jia Nian.

After the voice fell, it felt as if something was missing, so he immediately added a sentence.

"Using overseas lands to make the most of the disadvantages of noble families and turn their disadvantages into advantages"

"Relying on the strength of the aristocratic family to open up overseas, the State Shepherd's Mansion can get an elite team and inexhaustible wealth, which is really wonderful."

Speaking of this, Zhang Hong showed admiration. The one who can come up with this strategy must be a great talent.But then he thought of a very important thing and asked Jia Nian.

"Yuan Yuzhou's fine work is spread all over the south of the Yangtze River. Without the cover of the aristocratic and powerful families in the south of the Yangtze River, the return of Jianye's soldiers will surely be hidden from their eyes and ears. Isn't the state pastor afraid of scaring the snake away and scaring away the troops of Sun Lujiang who came to attack?"

"Going back is just a delay for a while. What harm does it do to me in Jiangnan? And without foreign aid, I'm afraid there will be a catastrophe for the aristocratic and powerful families in Jiangnan."

Jia Nian said meaningfully.

Zhang Hong shook his head.

"The state pastor won't kill them"


"Because overseas"

Zhang Hong replied firmly.

Jia Nian showed a look of approval, as expected of the person whose name was recorded in the history books to respond so quickly.

"Zhou Mu turned crimes into grace, and he will definitely accept the hearts of the wealthy families in the south of the Yangtze River, but I don't know if Zhou Mu has thought about one thing? It is indeed a good thing to open up overseas, but once someone sees that it is possible, it is a pity to go to sea in private. How? Although the sea is so vast that it is difficult to tell the direction, it is still possible to follow the Jiangnan fleet from a distance."

"At that time, all states and counties near the sea will implement this policy, so what advantage is there?"

Zhang Hong asked Jia Nian.

The possibility of this happening is very high, as long as the overseas is proved to be rich in gold mines and a large population and vast land.Then someone will take the risk and quietly follow the fleet.

What Yangzhou and the State Shepherd's Mansion can't get, they can get from Xuzhou, Qingzhou and the northern states.At that time, it was not good news for the Jiangnan family and the Zhang family of Guangling.

Jia Nian gradually frowned, he really hadn't thought about this matter.After all, the sea is vast, and without a compass and a chart, it would be foolish to want to open up a new continent.But once someone is watching from behind, wouldn't it be a wedding dress for someone else?

"Do you have any good suggestions?"

"Treat the truth"

"Why confuse the real with the fake?"

Liu Ye and Lu Su looked over at the same time, showing puzzled expressions.

Zhang Hong smiled at the two, looked at Jia Nian, and replied respectfully.

"Spread the news overseas, but Yangzhou and the State Shepherd's House do not come forward to confirm it. In this way, everyone thinks that the aristocratic family in the south of the Yangtze River is boasting, and no one will mention it after a long time. On the contrary, the more eager to hide this news , it will make people more eager to prove the authenticity of the matter.”

"Just like the black spot under the lamp, it is often the easiest thing to ignore about the things around you"

Jia Nian gradually thought about it.

A question popped up in his mind, and he asked Zhang Hong.

"If there are aristocratic families who would rather believe what they have or not, what about sending people to wait for the fleet from Yangzhou to go overseas?"

"Let the fleet going overseas pay careful attention, and if found, immediately change the course and go to a deserted island"

Zhang Hong paused at this point.

With some hesitation in his eyes, he asked Jia Nian.

"Since the State Shepherd's Mansion was able to discover Yizhou, it must have also discovered many deserted islands overseas? After those who follow go, then this matter will disappear."

"Furthermore, the aristocratic families in the south of the Yangtze River and the prefectural shepherd's mansion enjoy exclusive overseas benefits. It doesn't take decades to mobilize huge manpower, material resources, and financial resources. It is unstoppable to send troops to conquer the world."

Jia Nian weighed quickly as the voice lingered in his ears.

This is an alliance and a compromise.Use the power of the powerful clan under your command to exclusively enjoy overseas benefits and gain their support.Instead of spreading this matter in front of the world, forming a vicious competition.

After all, the overseas land is an enclave. Faced with such a huge enclave, Yangzhou can propose a plan for enfeoffment.Couldn't the rest of the states offer more attractive terms?Moreover, the strength of Yangzhou's aristocratic and powerful families is not as great as imagined in front of the powerful families in the world.It is conceivable that once all of them go overseas to develop, the ones who will benefit the most must be those powerful families.

In this way, the gap between the aristocratic and powerful families will be infinitely expanded, becoming an insurmountable natural danger.

"Mr. Mu Yuan of Benzhou is willing to serve as our army and military adviser to assist Governor Guo to go to Yizhou to deal with overseas affairs"

"Guo Dudu?"

"Our army is based in Yizhou, and the Overseas Protectorate has been established, but it has not been publicized. Now that the location of the Golden Crow Kingdom has been confirmed, the battle against the Golden Crow Kingdom will start soon, and the noble families in the south of the Yangtze River will be entrusted."

"Willing to serve the Lord's bulls and horses"

Zhang Hong said loudly.

Not to mention that when you came here, you had the heart to contribute, even if you didn't have any preparations, would you still be able to retreat after hearing the news?Obviously impossible.Therefore, there are only two paths in front of him, either to work or to die.

Moreover, worshiping as a military adviser is the greatest recognition in itself.

"With Mr.'s help, you can worry-free overseas"

"Everyone is preparing to face Sun Ce"


Lu Su and Liu Ye stood up and replied loudly to Jia Nian.

(End of this chapter)

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