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Chapter 619 The Battle of the Valley of Sealing Demons

Chapter 619 The Battle of the Valley of Sealing Demons

A dense crowd of people that couldn't be seen at a glance appeared outside the Valley of Sealing Demons, and when they raised their eyes to see the scarlet blood streaks on the top of their heads, it made one's scalp tingle.The chilling aura seemed to be substantive, making the entire Sealing Demon Valley breathless.

Since the guards of Sealing Demon Valley were some [Demon Warriors] and [Demon Archers], they were not infected by this aura.The bow and arrow in his hand pointed forward, and then he launched an attack.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

The sky suddenly darkened, and countless arrows rained down, followed by the dense damage.

Fengmo Valley is not so much a canyon as it is a fortified city with walls blocking the only way to pass.Only by breaking through the city wall can one enter the main hall, and finally sit on the throne of the Lord of Fengmo Valley or Fengmo City.

Braving the rain of arrows, two hundred figures attacked the [Demon Archers] and [Demon Warriors] guarding the city walls and gates.



The mage brandished his weapon, and bolts of lightning struck fiercely.The warrior swung his weapon, hitting the [Demon Warrior] and countless [Soul Fire Talismans] in the sky and the crackling sound.

Although compared to individual strength, the fighters, mages, and Taoist priests of the guild alliance are far inferior to [Demon Warrior] and [Demon Archer].However, they couldn't stand the advantage of the large number of people, so they forcibly beat the gate of Fengmo Valley to the point of collapse.

A pair of eyes hiding in the dark looked over, and then saw a soldier running wildly, running towards a slightly hidden place.

"The lord and the members of the guild alliance are about to capture the Demon Sealing Valley"

"Is about to take over?"

The leader was talking to the soldier, and a row of figures stood behind him.

The soldier replied quickly.

"At the latest in half an hour, they will be able to enter the main hall and occupy the entire Demon Sealing Valley. Then they can ask for help from the real world and mobilize the main force of various guilds to help. If we let them succeed, we will fall into an extremely passive situation "

"How many are there?"

The leading man asked.

The soldier thought for a moment, then shook his head.

"do not know"

"do not know?"

The leading man frowned. The people who came to the dungeon world were all from one side in the real world.They have various specialties, and as people who are famous for scouting intelligence, they should not give such an answer.But the fact that it happened took people by surprise.

"There are capable people in the guild alliance, I dare not go too close, so I can only see an outline"

"What's the outline?"

"No less than five hundred"

"That is to say, it is possible that the main force has been exhausted?"

The leading man asked.

The soldier nodded heavily.

"Nine times out of ten, it is the main force. After all, their actions in Zhongzhou City cannot be hidden from our eyes and ears."

"Master, it's time for us to attack"

"We are already at a disadvantage. If the Guild Alliance captures the Demon Sealing Valley and obtains the qualifications to grant people outside the dungeon world. Then their number will increase, and it will be difficult for us to turn around"

A voice came from behind, and the eyes of the leader kept flickering.

Then he looked at Qingfeng who was standing aside, and asked him.

"Has the Tiance Corps responded?"

"No specific answer given"

"No specific answer?"

The leading man frowned a little more.

Qingfeng said to him.

"Captain Jia Jun is right. Our legion doesn't have the native army in the dungeon world, so it doesn't make any sense at all. In this battlefield where thousands of people are fighting, it is even more insignificant. The leader doesn't need to worry too much."


The voice came from the front.

A soldier rushed to this place, but before he arrived, he shouted at the top of his voice.


"People from the Guild Alliance have broken through the gate of the Sealing Demon Valley and are heading towards the main hall."

The soldiers who came running spoke to the leading man.

Everyone was shocked at the same time, and a sense of urgency appeared in their eyes.As this person said, we can't wait any longer, we must storm the Demon Sealing Valley as quickly as possible.Only by beheading those guild members can the disadvantage be reversed.

"Hurry up and go to the Valley of Sealing Demons immediately, and kill the members of the guild."



Everyone shouted in unison and rushed forward.


Yang Yanqing and the others, who were hiding in a slightly hidden place on both sides, looked at the [Demon Warrior] and [Demon Archer] who fell on the ground with puzzled expressions in their hearts.It stands to reason that the people of the Legion Alliance should have been killed long ago, why there is no movement until now.

Is my inference wrong?Or is it that the Legion Alliance gave up on itself and gave up the general trend in this dungeon world.

"Master, look ahead quickly"


Yang Yanqing followed Luo Rong's prompt and looked ahead.

Seeing a mighty group of people rushing to this place, the sinking heart suddenly became active.Unexpectedly, they came, which means that a rich harvest feast is about to begin.

In this dungeon world where PK is the main element, spawning monsters is not as good as PK.Exploding the enemy's equipment and killing his level is the most interesting thing.Thinking of this, Yang Yanqing licked his lips subconsciously, and stared at those who rushed forward.

"The ally has an order"

"Kill all these guild dogs, leave none behind"

The voice rang in the ears, and everyone rushed over aggressively, followed by the overwhelming fireball and the white skeleton warrior.Roaring in from the city gate, it went straight to the direction of the main hall.

Facing the empty [Sealing Demon Valley], almost all legion members showed longing expressions.At this time, as long as someone can become the master of [Sealing Demon Valley], he can become the most powerful person.

"The old dogs of the deputy leader and the Legion Alliance have come to kill them."

"Quick, quick fight"


A hurried voice sounded outside the main hall, and a guild member pretended to be in a panic, struggling to resist the attack of the Legion Alliance.Looking at the weapon that kept waving, the leading man suddenly felt an ominous aura for some reason.

Looking up, my whole heart sank to the bottom of the valley, and I saw mages standing on the roofs in all directions, with a faint light surrounding their hands.At the same time, dense footsteps came from behind, and countless soldiers roared towards them.

And outside the main hall, blocking the door are indeed groups of skeleton warriors and Taoist priests standing behind them.

"The League of Legions"

“We have been waiting for a long time”



The mages, warriors, and Taoist priests of the guild alliance were dispatched together to fight against the members of the legion alliance who had penetrated into the encirclement.It was already at a disadvantage, but now it has lost its geographical advantage, and it was defeated steadily under the recklessness.

The leading man sighed in his heart, was it wrong to look at the previous decision?This is not a conspiracy, but an upright conspiracy.If you don't come to [Sealing Demon Valley], you will become the pocket of the guild alliance, and the general trend cannot be changed.It will also fall into siege, and it is difficult to find a solution, making people fall into a deadlock without knowing it.

(End of this chapter)

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