copy raider

Chapter 644

Chapter 644
State Shepherd House.

When Jia Nian walked into the mansion, Lu Su, Liu Ye and Jia Xu, who had been waiting for a long time, bowed and saluted.Faint phantoms surround them, namely god generals, human figures and ghosts.

It is surprising that the gods obtained by the three belong to different camps.But when I thought about it, they were different in history, and then I was relieved.

But a question came to mind.

What are the rules for granting god positions?Didn't it mean that all the soldiers and horses under his command were bestowed with the gods of the monster race?Is this relative to ordinary people?Otherwise how to explain all this.


The voice brought Jia Nian back to reality from the momentary thought. Jia Nian looked at Lu Su, Liu Ye and Jia Xu with a faint smile.It doesn't matter to me whether their god position belongs to which camp.

Those who should be trusted still have to be trusted, at least the loyalty of the three of them is beyond doubt.

"During my absence, there will be three military advisers."

"It's a matter of my duty, I dare not be the master."

The three replied.

Jia Xu learned about Jia Nian's employment style through various news and previous contacts over the past year.He likes to delegate power and gives the civil servants under his command the greatest authority.And he doesn't care that his subordinates are shining brightly, even overshadowing himself.

It is undeniable that being under such a lord is something everyone dreams of.The same pressure is relatively high, after all, pain and happiness are always accompanied.

A sentence in the "Tao Te Ching" came to mind, "If a husband does not fight, no one in the world can compete with him."Decentralization means relative centralization, and centralization means stronger decentralization.

It is not the truth that things must be reversed when they are extreme.

Jia Nian walked to the main seat while the three were thinking about each other, sitting cross-legged and looking around one by one.Instead of continuing the topic just now, he asked casually.

"The great changes in the world are coming, what do you think of the current internal and external situation?"

"After a year of appeasement, Yangzhou and Guangling County settled down quickly. In addition, the aristocratic families from all over the world worked together to open up overseas, and let private soldiers obey orders in Yizhou. Both the state and the people have benefited a lot. Although the lord left At that time, there was no order to expand the army, but due to the matter of overseas titles, both the children of the aristocratic family and the common people enthusiastically asked for orders to join the army, so we had to take expedient measures to expand the number of troops to [-]."

"Half a year ago, General Deng Dang's headquarters and Jingzhou soldiers and horses worked together to carve up Jiaozhou. In view of the vast land and difficult mountain roads, [-] troops were stationed."

"Afterwards, [-] soldiers and horses were stationed in the four counties of Yuzhang, Danyang, Wu, and Kuaiji, and [-] soldiers and horses were stationed in Jiujiang and Lujiang. In addition, the newly trained [-] cavalry from Guangling County was exactly [-] soldiers and horses."

"If the throne has not come before, judging from the current situation, it is time to launch diplomatic means to unite Jingzhou and Yanzhou to attack Yuan Shu in Yuzhou. However, when the throne descends, the strengths of all parties need to be re-divided, and the trajectory of fate is even more important. Added a lot of variables”

"The subordinates have discussed in private, and the best way now is to stand still and wait for the situation to change."

Liu Ye spoke slowly to Jia Nian.

Lu Su and Jia Xu who stood aside nodded repeatedly.

Obviously, they reached a consensus on this matter, but this also happened to be in line with their prediction of the current situation.At this time, almost everyone became frightened, as if someone told the future trend.Facing the former enemy of the current friend, or the current enemy, how to choose between the friends in fate is a very test of people's hearts.

"Although we need to wait for the situation to change, we can also use this time to do something."

Jia Xu said aloud.

Liu Ye and Lu Su smiled meaningfully, and there was a tacit understanding between the three.

"What's the matter?"

"Expanding the film guards to recruit talents from all over the world"

Jia Nian thought quickly in his heart, the river of fate opened, and many people saw the direction of the future.It also has a certain understanding of the talents who are destined to shine in the future.Although it is inappropriate for a war to break out at this time, the competition for talents will inevitably be cruel to the extreme.

Almost instantly, two people came to mind, Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong.

Although they are still teenagers, if they can be recruited under their command, judging from the current situation in the Changhe dungeon world, they will definitely have a lot to do.

"Let this matter be handed over to Master Jia, and from now on, the Shadow Guard will be under your command"


Jia Xu replied to Jia Nian.

The sound of hurried footsteps came from the door, interrupting the conversation below.


"Northern Express"

The sudden news made the four of them look at the soldier at the same time, and finally fell on the bamboo slip.

Jia Nian got up and walked towards the soldier, took the bamboo slips with his hand, and quickly inspected them.When the last handwriting fell, a dignified look appeared in his eyes.The trajectory has changed drastically, and things beyond my imagination, unexpectedly happened so quickly.

The soldier looked at Jia Nian who showed a dignified expression, bowed, and then left slowly.

"Not long ago, when Gongsun Zan besieged Jicheng, he suddenly withdrew his troops unexpectedly. Then, with Liu Yu as the master, the two sides formed sons, daughters and relatives to fight against Yuan Shao. He also issued a decree to organize the wealthy families in Youzhou to implement the strategy of enforcing the land of Liao, and the momentum rose greatly."

"Then the soldiers of Youzhou went south, and the two counties of Bohai and Hejian in the east of Jizhou changed hands. Yuan Shao hurriedly returned from Bingzhou and the two sides fought, but Jizhou did not regain the lost ground."

"Gongsun Zan took advantage of the momentum and sent Liu Bei to lead an army to attack Qingzhou. Along the way, the Yellow Turbans of Qingzhou surrendered and occupied Qingzhou in just ten days."

"Now the imperial court appoints Liu Bei as the shepherd of Qingzhou, and Tao Qian sends envoys to congratulate him. The four parties reaffirm the covenant"

"The power of the Yuan Shu Alliance has risen sharply"

Jia Nian talked to the three of them while combing through the news in the bamboo slips.A sentence came to mind, from the counterattack of the loser.Looking at their fierce offensive, it is not difficult to see their determination and courage.

There is a saying that people are not as good as heaven. At first, Yuan Shao saw Gongsun Zan and Liu Yu attacking each other, so he raised his troops to attack the Black Mountain Army entrenched in Bingzhou.After finally taking over half of Bingzhou, it was unexpected that the world of Changhe Dungeon would change drastically.Gongsun Zan was willing to serve Liu Yu as the master, and the two married and took advantage of the emptiness of Jizhou to storm the eastern part of Jizhou.

Relying on Liu Bei's power as the emperor, he went south to Qingzhou.

The majestic Qingzhou Yellow Turbans descended in the wind, which is amazing.Suddenly, I feel that there is something tricky in it, but I can't tell it after careful consideration.The Yellow Turbans who coerced the three prefectures of Yan, Xu, and Ji must have surrendered too quickly.

The situation of today's world emerges in my mind, and it seems a bit messy at first glance.But if you take the terrain of the Warring States Period as a reference, you will find a surprisingly similar place.

The alliance formed by Liu Yu, Gongsun Zan, Liu Bei, and Tao Qian happened to be the land of Qi and Yan in the Warring States period.

(End of this chapter)

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