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Chapter 667 Yan Xiang's Proposal

Chapter 667 Yan Xiang's Proposal

There were hurried footsteps in Runan City.

A soldier dismounted from his horse, ran quickly to the State Shepherd's Mansion, and ran inside.The guards guarding the door didn't dare to stop him, and hurriedly made way for the man to pass through the door and go directly to the lobby.


"Yingchuan County Urgent Report"

The soldiers ran into the hall and spoke loudly to Yuan Shu who was sitting on the main seat.

Yuan Shu couldn't help saying that he immediately got up from the main seat, then grabbed the bamboo slip, and quickly inspected it with his eyes.When the last handwriting fell, his brows almost knit into a ball.

"Jingzhou sent [-] soldiers to Yingchuan County. Ji Ling fought steadily and blocked [-] Shui soldiers at the border. However, the demon lord Cao Cao did not send troops to Yingchuan, but stormed the empty Liang Kingdom."

"Most of Liang's land has been lost. If Chongzhou's demon soldiers and horses gain a foothold here, it will be equivalent to stabbing Yuzhou in the abdomen. To the west, Chen Guo can be attacked to threaten Yingchuan, forcing Ji Ning's troops to Divide troops to garrison”

"To the east, you can echo with the soldiers and horses stationed on the eastern front of Chongzhou, threatening Qingzhou and Xuzhou."

"But if it goes south, it can echo the Yangzhou Yaozu"

Speaking of the dignified atmosphere here, it permeates here.

At the same time, all the civil and military personnel in Yuzhou sank their hearts to the bottom of the valley. Why are there tens of thousands of soldiers stationed in Runan City?

It is undeniable that this move of the demon lord Cao Cao can be said to have hit the vital point of Yuzhou.To avoid reality is to occupy a key point, pushing the whole Yuzhou into a desperate situation.No matter how you act, you are basically at a disadvantage.


"Shencheng Emergency Report"

The urgent voice interrupted the dignified atmosphere, but it was followed by a more depressing atmosphere.Yangzhou Mu and Demon Emperor Jia Nian had already brought [-] elite soldiers from Yangzhou to the city.At this time, the battle report came from Shencheng, could something have changed?
If Shencheng falls, the situation will start to deteriorate at a speed beyond one's imagination.

Liang Guo is on the verge of falling, and Shencheng is falling into the hands of Yangzhou monsters. I am afraid that the three parties will echo that Runan City will be in danger of falling.Therefore, it is necessary to race against time, not to let them have a tendency to become one.

Countless thoughts emerged in Yuan Shu's mind. Although they were intertwined with each other, they did not slow down the speed but accelerated a bit.

He reached out and snatched the bamboo slips, before opening them completely, he couldn't wait to look at them.

When his gaze passed over the last handwriting, his face was almost livid, and his hands almost trembled.


The loud voice made everyone break out in a cold sweat.

The bamboo slips fell to the ground and turned into bamboo pieces, scattered in this small area.

Just when all the civil and military personnel in Yuzhou were afraid to speak out, the man standing beside him took a step forward and asked Yuan Shu.

"Dare to ask the lord to turn into such a big anger? But what happened to Shencheng?"

"Military divisions don't know something, Shencheng has fallen"

Yuan Shu replied to the man.

When the voice fell, everyone felt as if they were struck by lightning, and they thought they were dreaming in a trance.No matter how bad Lei Bo is, he is also a famous general in Yuzhou. He has fought north and south under the command of the lord, and has not experienced any defeats except for the successive defeats in Yangzhou.

And if you talk about it in detail, the defeat of Yangzhou is not in the generals but in other places, which indirectly shows General Lei's ability.

"From now on, Yuzhou has opened the door to Yangzhou. Under the current situation, Runan is in danger."

"Lei Bo is not a reckless man, why did he lose so quickly?"

Yan Xiang was talking to Yuan Shu, as if he was mentioning something.

Yuan Shu hesitated for a moment, and the anger in his eyes became less.Why did I send Lei Bo as the general?It's not that he has a strategy in his chest.That's why he was relieved to let him command an army of [-] to guard Shencheng.

There are only [-] demon soldiers in Yangzhou, and even if they were to be defeated, they would not be defeated so quickly. Could there be some hidden secret in this?
By the way, he said on the bamboo slips that the demon emperor Jia Yangzhou turned into a scorching sun and burned the sky with his own strength.The water of the Tianhe River was forcibly blocked, and had no choice but to retreat...

Suddenly startled.

Immediately realized that Lei Bo used the word retreat instead of fiasco in this letter.

In other words, he just evacuated, abandoning Shencheng to guard Ruyin.At the cost of a city, the troops in hand were preserved.So things are possible, and not as bad as I thought.

"Master's Guide"

"Although General Lei looks rough and mad, he has a small heart and is good at preserving his strength in unfavorable situations. What's more, with the advice of General Chen Ji from the side, the worst situation will definitely not happen."

"If my expectations are correct, although Shencheng is lost, the main force is still there. Garrisoning Ruyin is a good move. As long as we garrison here, it will cut off a route for the Yangzhou monsters to attack my Runan city."

"And if they dare to ignore them, General Lei's troops stationed in Ruyin will pour a large army from Fupo straight to Runan. General Lei can easily take back Shencheng and cut off the return of the [-] Yangzhou demon soldiers. Afterwards, if we send out troops, we only need to send a few soldiers to guard the city, and lead a large army to help Runan, and then we can form a pincer attack with the lord, how can the Demon Emperor be undefeated at that time?"

Seeing Yan Xiang talking eloquently, Yuan Shu and all the civil and military personnel in Yuzhou fell into deep thought.

Through the analysis of the military division, the seemingly precarious situation seems to be no longer so scary at this moment.Even some disadvantages, viewed from another direction, turned into advantages instead.

"It's just that the demons in Chongzhou suddenly swept across the country of Liang. If my lord can't send a general to stop the attack in time, once the demon lord and the demon emperor are united, even if General Lei regains Shencheng, it won't help. Not only will the morale of the demon clan not drop but it will rise sharply with the continuous material supplies in the state. After all, Yangzhou has a strong foundation, with [-] soldiers and horses stationed in Guangling and Jiaozhou, and the terrain is so dangerous that there is no need to worry about the rear.”

When Yan Xiang said this, he paused to give everyone time to think.

Continue talking after a while.

"Therefore, I propose that my lord, when sending the general to lead the troops to fight against the Chongzhou demons, personally lead the army to Fupo all night long."

"Once Fupo is defended, the demon emperor Jia Nian will be held back, and General Lei will be given a chance to take back Shencheng. Moreover, the Chongzhou demon army is far away in Liang State, so they cannot rush to rescue in time. The demon emperor's army goes deep into the city alone. , is there any reason to be invincible?"

Yan Xiang spoke loudly.

Thinking of the scene after the implementation of this policy, I felt proud.Taking the world as a chessboard, writing freely and calmly, isn't this the lifelong pursuit of my generation of counselors?Of course, there must be a prerequisite for these, that is, there must be a protagonist who is willing to adopt strategies.

"It's a good idea"

"It's just that I don't know how many soldiers and horses to send to fight against the Chongzhou demons?"

"forty thousand"

Yan Xiang said firmly.

There are only [-] soldiers and horses in Runan City, and [-] troops are the limit to defend against the Chongzhou demons.If the troops are being increased, then it is meaningless for the lord to go to Fupo.After all, the Yangzhou Yaozu are not incompetent people.

(End of this chapter)

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