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Chapter 763 The Perfect Plan

Chapter 763 The Perfect Plan

The bright light streaked across the sky, and a cruise ship slowly moved on the vast water.

Jia Nian stood at the bow of the boat and looked away from the Redemption Medal.Looking up at the streamer across the sky, a smile gradually filled his face.Unexpectedly, Larkin has already crossed the most difficult step. As long as he borrows the power of his partners and gradually grows the group, he can realize his dream and his own goals.

And the upcoming Shinto gods will also speed up this step.

Countless thoughts flashed through his mind, and a faint light appeared in Jia Nian's eyes.There is a golden crow indistinctly, looming in the place where the eyes are intertwined.It exudes endless majesty and a vast aura.

A chain in the depths of the soul was broken inch by inch, and one-third of his own strength was restored.

The chat window appeared in front of his eyes, and Guo Dapang's handwriting was revealed.

"How's the situation there?"

"Larkin has taken the first step"

"So you've pretty much done what you were supposed to do?"


Jia Nian replied on the chat window, staring at the endless sky, peeking at the passage from the God Realm to the world.Holding on to the railing with both hands, he fell into deep thought.

"The gods should come tomorrow, half a month later than we estimated. It seems that the general trend of humanity is not so easy to change."


Guo Dapang replied dangerously in the Demon Dragon Hall.

There was a look of hesitation in his eyes, and finally he spoke through the chat window.

"The plan needs to be adjusted, I need some time"


Jia Nian looked puzzled.

Isn't the plan already made?Both Larkin and Muriel took the most difficult step at the same time.But why did Fatty Guo say such words on the eve of the coming of the gods?
"We have captured a large number of troops from other worlds, and learned a lot of news from them. Tian Feng, Zhou Yu, Guo Jia and other military advisers have also made adjustments based on these news, so I need time"

"At least it's not the time for the gods to descend"

Looking at Guo Dapang's reply on the chat window, Jia Nian began to think along these words.

Looking at the endless water surface.

"How long does it take?"

"Ten days"

"Ten days?"

Jia Nian weighed quickly in his heart.

Feeling Jia Nian's hesitation from between the lines, Guo Dapang explained it above.

"We have already set up a large formation, using the power of the dangerous place of the Demon Dragon Palace to indirectly affect the power of humanity. Thereby expanding the resistance and slowing down the speed of the divine way should not be a problem."

"Will it expose the dangerous place of the Demon Dragon Palace?"

"Guo Jia and the others think that even if the dangerous place of the Demon Dragon Palace is exposed now, it doesn't matter at all."

Seeing Guo Dapang's reply, Jia Nian froze in place.

Shouldn't the Demon Dragon Hall be dangerous and hide in the dark with a dangerous posture?Why, as a top strategist in the Changhe dungeon world, did he think that exposure was okay?Could it be that my own thinking has fallen into a misunderstanding.

"The gods of Shinto are about to come, and the high-level officials of the various countries and forces in the world have already received the news. Therefore, the channel that could have been opened in two or three days has been dragged until now."

"In the eyes of the major countries and forces, the invasion of the gods of Shinto is the most important thing. Even if we know that we have extremely high wisdom, we are living people. On the eve of the outbreak of war between the two sides, we dare not rashly offend us , so as not to fall into the situation of fighting on two fronts. After all, the war not long ago has already calmed down most smart people."

"Based on the above reasons, Guo Jia, Jia Liang and others believe that we should not hide for the sake of hiding"

Guo Dapang explained on the chat window.

Jia Nian weighed it in his heart, then nodded his head, which was regarded as his approval of the words.

"Although that's the case, isn't it better for us to hide in the dark?"

“This is how it normally works”

Fatty Guo replied.

Recalling the plan made by Tian Feng and others, the eyes showed a light of expectation.

"Do you know Muriel's identity?"

"What identity?"

"Captain of a Hope"


Jia Nian was secretly surprised.

Ever since Fatty Guo appeared in this world as a monster dragon boss, he hadn't deliberately paid attention to Muriel. Unexpectedly, she became the captain of the Hope as a commoner.


Shouldn't the captain of the Hope be a nobleman and his confidantes?

"According to the information we have learned, Muriel's Hope belongs to Dixie Burke. According to the captives, Burke is the surname of the royal family of the Bright Empire."

"The royal family of the Bright Empire?"

Looking at the reply above, Jia Nian vaguely understood something.

I originally wanted Muriel to rely on her merits in the dangerous land of the Dragon Palace to cross the class and gradually approach the core circle of the Bright Empire, but the difficulty will inevitably be unimaginable.

Unexpectedly, this world brought her a huge surprise, allowing her to directly contact the political core area of ​​the Guangming Empire.

"Based on various information, Dixie Burke is the princess of the Empire of Light. She has a noble status but no real power."

"However, judging from the laws of the Bright Empire, the princess also has a certain degree of inheritance rights. Therefore, Zhou Yu, Guo Jia and other military advisers have repeatedly deduced based on this basis, trying to see if they can push this princess to the throne."

"At that time, as a hero, Muriel could easily complete the task on us."

Guo Dapang explained.

Thinking back on my reaction when I heard the news, I couldn't calm down for a long time.I thought my brains were big enough, but Tian Feng, Guo Jia, Zhou Yu and others had even bigger brains.

"Since Dixie has no real power, it means that she is dispensable in terms of inheritance rights. With the current strength of the Demon Dragon Palace, how can she be pushed to the throne?"

"And because the scope of action is limited, it makes this possibility even more remote"

Jia Nian asked on the chat window.

Fatty Guo replied.

"Although there is no real power, it has influence and potential power"

"As far as I know, the marshal of the coalition forces has a blood relationship with Dixie. If he can be persuaded, Dixie will be able to obtain the first force. And the following battle between the gods and humanity will give us a lot of room to maneuver." space and possibility”

"If you and Guo Jia agree that the possibility of this matter is relatively high, then let it go."

"it is good"

Fatty Guo responded bluntly.

The chat window disappeared, and the handwriting also disappeared at this moment.He looked at the door, and then walked outside with his legs open.Now that Jia Nian has agreed to this plan, it will be completely resolved before the gods come.



The monster clan's guards standing outside the door yelled at Fatty Guo.

Fatty Guo ordered.

"Follow me to the prison"


All the soldiers shouted loudly.

Then he followed Guo Dapang and walked quickly outside the mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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