copy raider

Chapter 806 The Will of the Servants

Chapter 806 The Will of the Servants
"Bang bang bang..."

There was a hasty knock on the door in a slum, and a group of men in low-level armor showed anxious expressions.He looked inside worriedly, not knowing what to do, and seemed a little at a loss.

Since repelling the night attack of the gods three days ago, the captain seemed to be a different person, squatting at home and weeping at the portraits of his parents, wife and children.Although as a servant army, there are no military regulations, but such an abnormal behavior is still worrying.

Before training in the military camp, the captain was always the most active one.He even once saw the dawn of crossing classes, otherwise he would not have become the captain.He also always keeps in mind the words that cross classes, and works hard for it.

However, just three days ago, a night attack by the gods took away the lives of his parents, wife and children, and he disappeared from the barracks ever since.Is this heaven's punishment for crossing classes?Otherwise, why would the captain's relatives lose their lives?

Everyone looked at each other and let out a deep sigh at the same time.Why did it become like this?Is it because he was born a commoner?

"team leader"

"Open the door"

One of them gritted his teeth and shouted at the top of his voice, followed by a more rapid knock on the door.

After a while, there was still no response, so the man who knocked on the door winked at the people around him.Everyone took a step back at the same time, mustered all the strength in their bodies and slammed into the door.


The door was knocked open.

An unkempt middle-aged man looked at the portrait on the wall, his eyes were dazed, as if he had lost consciousness.

"team leader"

"team leader"

The people who rushed in looked at the middle-aged man sitting on the ground with a lonely face, as if they had been stabbed severely in their hearts, and felt a huge pain.Is this still the heroic captain?Is this still a hero who wears the same armor but can fight ten with one?

How did he become what he is now?

Is it the shock of the death of a loved one, or...

The atmosphere became oppressive, and dozens of people subconsciously formed a queue behind him, bowing their heads in front of the portraits.The captain's world collapsed, at least that's how he felt it.

This is not the sorrow of a person, but the sorrow of a class.

"Leo Flaxman, have I done anything wrong all these years?"

"The captain made a mistake, so what have we done all these years?"

Leo, standing at the front of the queue, asked back.

The unkempt middle-aged man sitting on the ground seemed to be lost in endless thoughts, like a candle in the wind, in danger of being extinguished at any time.

"If there is nothing wrong, why did the gods enter the city from the south gate? And they can still reach the marshal's mansion?"

"If we did nothing wrong, with our achievements over the years, why are we still the lowest-level servant army? Should the servant army be discriminated against?"

"If I did nothing wrong..."


Leo let out a snarl, and interrupted the captain roughly.

Anger emerged in his eyes, and he walked directly under the portraits, looking straight into his eyes.

"Carol Mir, do you want to die? If you want to die, I will give you my blessing because of the love I have given you over the years."

"Can decadence and sadness solve the problem? Can escape solve the problem? If so, the world would not be what it is now"

"Who told me with his fist back then that there is another way to live in this world?"

"Who yelled at Dajiang like a madman back then, and wanted to become a hero across classes?"

"You are the captain"

"It's our brothers who spent endless blood and sweat fighting with our heads up in exchange for it"

"It's okay to die if you want to"

"Each of us will give you a sword, and it will be considered clear."

The voice surrounded the house accompanied by anger, and the men couldn't bear it, and wanted to step forward to persuade them.But he was blocked by the people around him, so he could only give up.

This is a strong medicine. If the captain can't recover, it's better to let him die like this.At least he can carry his previous dreams and glory, instead of sleeping as a weak person.

"You're right, I was a lunatic back then."

"Go and listen to those generals' houses, what are they doing?"

"Where is the south gate? One of the most important defensive locations of our Heyman City can be lost in one attack? Don't you know the reason?"

"Three nights ago, why did we evacuate? Why did a large number of troops withdraw to the east and west gates? Why did the defense of the south gate be so weak?"

"This is our original sin, the original sin of being civilians"

Questioning is like a sharp blade, stabbing hard into everyone's heart.

Endless sadness spread in all directions, like a dark cloud of death, making people almost breathless.This is a fact that cannot be answered and there is no way to answer it, only to face it with silence.

A desolate voice rang in my ears.

"You don't want to admit it, do you?"

"Wake up! It's you who should wake up now"

"His Royal Highness Princess Dixie, these years have indeed given us a little hope, and because of her arrival, we have felt great happiness. Just three afternoons ago, I was still talking to my wives and children. It is the best moment to change your destiny when your Highness serves under his command. She dares to give a strong counterattack to the disrespect of the generals."

"Even at the expense of shelling Heyman City"

"But when the night fell, I realized that the world is so cruel"

"Can you understand what it feels like to hold the military order to transfer away from the South Gate? The heart-piercing pain can almost make people forget to cry."

Carol growled.

All the anger in my heart was vented at this moment.

If the death of a loved one has dealt a great blow to one's soul, then the deep meaning behind the night attack of the gods is enough to destroy the soul.As a commoner class, the vast majority of people with a certain degree of self-motivation are not stupid.

These simple and almost straightforward actions are equivalent to the generals ravaging and destroying the civilian class represented by the servant army.

They are making silent announcements.

In this world, the high-ranking dignitaries and generals are the masters of Heyman City.


"It is precisely because of the night attack that we know that His Highness is in a very dangerous situation, so we should muster up the courage to contribute."

"Crossing class is not a fluffy sentence, but a cause worth our lives for"

"Now His Highness has set up a banner in the Marshal's Mansion, I don't want to miss it, and I don't want to confess in the cemetery"

"Even if our strength is weak, when all come together, I firmly believe that the world will change because of it. It must change, and even have to change"

Leo finished speaking and walked outside the house.

The voice drifted to Carol's ears with the wind.

"His Highness has issued a military order and is selecting a direct servant army from the servant army outside the marshal's mansion. If your blood has not cooled down completely, then meet in that army in the name of your comrades-in-arms and captain."

"Boze and I are looking forward to your arrival"

When the last word fell, everyone turned around at the same time and strode away without saying a word.What should be said has been said, what should be done has been done, and the rest is the captain's own choice.

If you don't want the tragedy to continue, then don't sink and escape.

(End of this chapter)

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