alien army

Chapter 137

Chapter 137
Qiangwei stood at the head of Jili City, looking into the distance with a blurred gaze.

"Are you okay now? Why, at this time, I miss you so much?"

These days, she always thinks back to the happy time with Thunder.And the scene of getting acquainted with him is still fresh in her memory, tormenting her all the time, making her regret for her fickleness back then.

At that time, she just entered the Imperial Capital Academy of Magic and Martial arts.One sunny afternoon, she ran alone to the college's small garden to admire the flowers. She was more delicate than flowers, and soon attracted a few wild bees and butterflies.A few noble youths ran over to strike up a conversation, seeing that she was a freshman, they took advantage of the fact that no one was around to touch her.In shame and anger, she was at a loss, because her father had told her that most of the colleges were children of rich and noble families, and she must not easily offend others.Later, a mighty boy came from the sun, pulled her behind him, and waved his fists so that the mad bees, waves and butterflies quickly lay down on the ground.

Girls' feelings are always like poetry.In that blooming season, they fell in love.Standing by his side, she will be surrounded by a strong sense of security, and his generous and warm chest has become the place she is most attached to.At that time, he was the most beautiful boy in the college, and also the hero in her heart. The romantic feelings in the girl's heart found their sustenance in him.

Later, he bid her farewell, saying that he would go to his elder brother to be a different soldier, looking for a path that belonged to the strong.From then on, the time of cuddling each other became the time of lovesickness. For his dream, she swallowed her loneliness alone.At the Imperial Mowu Contest, all the stars were shining, but he didn't come.Disappointed, she lost her way in the colorful ball and the sweet compliments, forgot the original agreement, and chose to leave.

"The prince betrayed the empire, and I betrayed you. I didn't expect that at this moment, I would understand how cruel what I did to you." Qiangwei sighed with a wry smile as she looked at the stretch of rebel camps outside the city.

The lost feelings are often abandoned in the laughter and tenderness of the newcomers.But in the cold winter of life, people often recall the warmth it once brought and feel sad for it.Qiangwei felt that facing the rebels, Hughes, who held an army of tens of thousands, could not give her a sense of security standing beside Jinglei.

In the face of disaster and death, the first thing people remember in their hearts is often the person they love the most.At this moment, she realized that Jinglei had never left her heart.

"I always wanted you to be a hero, but after seeing too much blood and death these days, I realized how precious a peaceful and warm life is. Jinglei, Qiangwei only wants you to live safely now." Qiangwei looked back, turned and walked down Go to the city wall and go to the tents where the wounded soldiers are housed.

"Is it better?" After the light of the healing technique disappeared, Qiangwei bent down and squatted in front of a soldier covered in blood, and asked softly.

The soldier nodded, his eyes full of gratitude.The wound on his body was no longer bleeding, and under the effect of the healing technique, it slowly began to heal.

"Take a good rest!" Qiangwei smiled at him and walked towards the other wounded.

The prince's rebel army has been besieging Jili City for three days, and the casualties of the city guards are increasing.As the guard's daughter, although she didn't go to the battlefield, Qiangwei insisted on using magic to treat the wounded every day, doing her part.

"Qiangwei, uncle is looking for you!" Hughes shouted to Qiangwei who was busy from a distance.

Escaping from the rebel army, he became a hero overnight, washed away the shame of running naked, and finally mustered up the courage to reappear in front of Qiangwei.Later, he came to Jili City from the southern battlefield, and created a godsend opportunity for him to pursue Qiangwei, and finally got the approval of Qiangwei's father, who agreed to marry Qiangwei to him after the war.

"Got it." Qiangwei continued to treat the wounded without raising her head.

"What's wrong with you these two days? Don't make yourself too tired." Hughes walked to Qiangwei and said softly.

"Let's go." Qiangwei stood up and said lightly.

"Qiangwei, don't treat these wounded soldiers all day long. They have army magicians to deal with them. My subordinates are all recruits. Nearly [-] people died in just three days. Can you save them? How can these dozens of rebels be We can resist it!" On the way to the city guard's mansion, Hughes complained.

"Did father agree with your retreat plan?" Qiangwei asked calmly, ignoring his complaints.

"Uncle admits death, you have to persuade him. There is no way for us to stick to it like this! The empire's military strength is serious, and these recruits have not been trained. As the commander, I have to be responsible for my soldiers and the empire! The rebel army is too powerful. Strong, I can't let all these tens of thousands of people be left here. Retreat to Stan City and join the Marshal's army, there is hope!" Hughes felt that he was very unlucky, and it was not long before he came to Geely from the southern line. was suddenly attacked by rebels.But he kept his father's words in mind, and when the situation was not good, he planned to retreat.

"Aren't you afraid that the Marshal will punish you for abandoning the city and fleeing?" Qiangwei stopped suddenly, looked at Hughes and asked coldly.

"Abandon the city? Then where did the First Army and the Second Army go in front of us? How did the enemy bypass the Grand City and rush directly at us?"

In Granville.Joseph chatted happily with Seid, the defender of Gran City.

"I haven't taken care of you all these years. It's not easy for you to be the city guard general. Today, I want you to follow me on a run with an unpredictable ending. It's hard for you!"

"Your Highness, Said is not an ungrateful person. If His Highness hadn't saved me, I would have died long ago, let alone be a general. Now that the empire is fighting on two fronts, it's only a matter of time before you win the imperial capital and sit on the throne." Said De laughed.

"If there is a day, I will give you credit for this." Joseph smiled.

"This chess piece has been buried for so many years, and it finally works!"

On November 11th, shortly after the news of the great victory on the southern front of the empire came, Joseph's rebel army of 10 people launched a surprise attack on the first army of the First Army stationed in Iberia. Diana fought fiercely with it.

Under the powerful magical attack of the six magisters of the rebel army, the first army suffered more than 20 casualties on the first day of the battle, and the second and third armies of the first legion were ordered to go for reinforcements.During the bitter battle between the First Legion and the rebels, Joseph personally led an army of [-], entered the northern part of the Horamaba province from the southeast, and marched towards Gran City. Said, the defender of Gran City, led [-] defenders to defect to the enemy. .Afterwards, Jili City was hidden into the siege of the rebels and was in danger.

At this time, a debate surrounding the fate of Ji Li City was going on in the city guard's mansion.

"Uncle, the rebel army is too powerful to be dealt with by the recruits I lead. And your defenders are less than 2 people. You should listen to me and retreat together!" Hughes looked at Qiangwei's father, said excitedly.

"Hughes, take Rose and go. I am the general, and I am responsible for guarding the soil. Under no circumstances, I will not abandon Jili City to escape alone! I am old, and I am also a The best home for the general!" Dolores shook her head and said calmly.

Geely City is located in the middle of the empire, and there have been few wars in history, so the city wall is not high and the city defense is very weak.Although some war preparations have been made in the early stage, it is still difficult to resist the strong attack of the rebels.Hughes brought 9 people to assist in the defense, which made Dolores feel confident, but he didn't expect that these recruits were just ordinary youths from the empire who had just put on armor and took up arms, and their combat effectiveness was extremely weak.

Moreover, the advancing speed of the rebels far exceeded his expectations.He can understand and support Hughes' idea of ​​retreating, but he cannot give up the responsibility on his shoulders.

"The only thing I'm worried about is Qiangwei, I hope you can take good care of her!"

"Father, Hughes' words are very reasonable. Geely City currently has no reinforcements, and the city's defenses are not strong. I'm afraid it will be difficult to defend." Qiangwei, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said.

"Daughter, don't persuade me." Dolores looked at his daughter and said decisively.

"Uncle, Qiangwei persuaded you too, so you should think about it again!" Hearing Qiangwei's words, Hughes continued with a smile on his face.

"Father, you are a soldier. How can I ask you to give up your responsibilities? I just want to say that the blood of a soldier flows in your daughter! Since you have decided to stay, your daughter will stay with you. Even if you die , Qiangwei will not abandon her father!" After Qiangwei finished speaking, she turned to look at Hughes: "General Hughes, I'm sorry, I want to accompany my father, you lead people to retreat!"

"Haha, Qiangwei, you are indeed the daughter of a general! I forgot, but you are a good magician, so stay and help your father!" Dolores let out a burst of joyful laughter after hearing what Qiangwei said. .He is very proud and gratified by the pride his daughter can show in the face of death.

Hughes looked at the father and daughter in embarrassment.

Hughes finally led his army to retreat.

"If it was Jinglei instead, he would definitely stay with me."

At dusk, standing on the top of the city, looking at the imperial army that was drifting away, recalling the thunder, Qiangwei showed a relaxed, relieved and joyful smile.

After experiencing confusion and the baptism of war, the gorgeous rose ushered in the most beautiful bloom in its life.

Bu Yi seems to be in a bad state today, his head has been dizzy all the time, it is very difficult to finish a chapter, and the number of words is also small, please forgive me.
(End of this chapter)

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