alien army

Chapter 188 There Is a Place Called the Barracks

Chapter 188 There Is a Place Called the Barracks
"Who can tell me, is there any hatred between soldiers and long flowing hair?"

When the golden hair fell from his eyes, Voslov's eyes were almost tearing down, and he realized that his life had been completely out of shape since that day.This beautiful long hair has been with him for twenty years of his life, but today he is about to bid farewell to him forever.

On the first day after the teaching group officially started training, Liu Yun invited more than ten barbers and asked them to cut hair for the 50 students in the teaching group.Among these people, in addition to 250 people from the Imperial Capital School of Magic and Martial Arts, there are also [-] outstanding soldiers selected from the Black Eagle Independent Legion who plan to be promoted to officers.

"In this way, as long as the length of the hair does not exceed the back of the finger, it will be fine." Liu Yun pulled a student over, inserted his fingers into the latter's hair, and explained to the barbers.The barbers shrugged helplessly, and began to cut the students' hair according to Liu Yun's request.On this continent where young people regard long hair as a beauty, such a hairstyle is really rare.

"Damn it, this is the most popular hairstyle in the barracks - board-inch! Do you know how to appreciate it? This hairstyle, on the battlefield, can prevent the enemy from grabbing your head and attacking you. This is an advantage! Don't be so fucking You look like you're in pain, this is a haircut, not your dick!"

Looking at the bitter faces of the students, Liu Yun cursed loudly.

"Keep a happy mood and say goodbye to your beautiful hair! Aren't you satisfied with leaving an inch? At least I'll keep the roots for you! Let me see who has a sad face and shave their heads!"

"Boss, does haircut have anything to do with training?" Alexander asked casually.

Liu Yun didn't speak, but looked up at his long hair.

"When I didn't ask!"

Alexander felt a chill in his neck, turned his head and said nervously.

"If I also get that bird's head cut, I'm afraid I won't have to see Daphne again!" He always felt that the boss' eyes were as terrifying as the scissors in the hands of a barber.

"Why are you nervous? In the Black Eagle Independent Legion, officers above the regiment can wear their own hairstyles." Liu Yun looked at the nervous Alexander and smiled triumphantly.

"Say it earlier!" Alexander heaved a sigh of relief.

"Hair is a small matter, but it embodies many things. To train elite soldiers, you need to start from the subtleties. The obedience, rank, and unity of the army can be reflected in a single inch. Even if I order them to leave feces on their heads, they will You have to stay, this is called absolute obedience! Everyone has the same hairstyle, this is called collective unity! Soldiers have the same size, and officers above the regiment can do whatever they want, this is called strict rank. In the future, maybe someone will keep a handsome head of hair And try to be an officer."

Alexander nodded knowingly.

"I'm sure, this is just the beginning, just the beginning!"

Henry murmured when Zi Wencheng pushed him to the chair in front of the barber.He realized that everything just started from the "head", and there may be more terrible things in the future.It would definitely not be a good thing for the head of the Black Hawk Legion to surrender his status to bring them 300 people.

"Everyone is cutting, why are you humming? If you want to hum, you should also say: I am not alone, I am definitely not alone!" Zi Wencheng grinned.

After the haircut, a batch of training uniforms were delivered to the students, and Liu Yun gave another order.

"From today, until the end of the entire training, anyone is prohibited from using martial arts, battle qi, and magic. Violators will bear the consequences. During the training, unless ordered by the superior, everyone can only move within the camp area."

After getting their hair cut and putting on their training uniforms, the trainees started their first day of work - cleaning up the "camp area".

"Labor is the greatest act that can purify a person's soul." Liu Yun said excitedly as he walked with Alexander in the camp on a white field and looked at the busy students.

"Why is the boss talking so philosophically today?" Alexander was puzzled.He had no idea that Liu Yun was already immersed in the memories of the past.

At that time, he left home alone, excitedly came to the location of his dream military academy - City A in the north, and reported to the squadron.He made an appointment with the beautiful girl who was traveling with him, and after the report, he came to the station to send her to transfer.

The district captain led him into the student team, put away his personal belongings, and said to him, "Go get a haircut!"

"District Captain, can I go to the station to see off my friend?"

"Come in, do you still want to go out?"

Liu Yun has always clearly remembered that when the district captain said this to him, he looked at him with a strong smile and surprise, as if he had heard a ridiculous thing, and it was like seeing an alien.

"If you want to go out, wait for the holiday in half a year!"

After the district captain finished speaking, he ignored him.Liu Yun really wanted to tell him that the girl he was going to send off at the station was a very important person to him, the bud of his first love.But the district captain's look made him unable to muster up the courage.For the next six months, he had no chance to contact the girl again. When he returned home the next year, she told him that she already had a boyfriend at school.Liuyun's first love was strangled by the military academy just like that, which also made him love and hate his military life ever since.

After the haircut, he, together with other new trainees, started the construction of the school.After pulling the grass for a day, his hands were covered with blood blisters.As the sun set, he stood on the playground and looked in the direction of his home. His nose was sore and he had the urge to go home for the first time.From that day on, Liu Yun knew that his future was not a dream, but a cold and cruel reality.


An excited voice interrupted Liu Yun's thoughts.

The voice came from the group of students who were cleaning up the garbage in the "camp area".I don't know which wicked people have piled up a lot of domestic garbage here.

"Speak!" Zi Wencheng responded loudly.

"Instructor, I apply to wash my face!"

A student stood up and pointed to his head.When throwing the garbage into the flatbed truck with his hands, someone accidentally smashed a large piece of rotten wax gourd on his head, making his head and face all stained and smelling bad winter melon pulp.

"No need, go after work!" Zi Wencheng replied without looking too much.

"Yes!" The student gritted his teeth, resisting the strong urge to vomit, wiped off the disgusting stuff on his face, turned around and started working.By the time the work was done, the things on his head had already formed a piece.

"I bet, from now on, he won't feel that there are any dirty things in the world. There is nothing unbearable, the key is that people are not forced to that point. The ruthlessness and cruelty of the military camp is to destroy everything in a person. Negative emotions such as pride, arrogance, cowardice, and timidity are all wiped out, leaving only calm and mature soldiers."

Liu Yun looked at the scene in front of him and said calmly.

"In the future, teach me how to trick you!" Alexander said to Liu Yun sincerely.From this day on, the Chief of Staff of the Black Hawk Legion began to march from the evil road to the peak of evil.

On the other side, those students who pulled weeds were also punished by the cold water.

On this wasteland, the overgrown weeds are almost as high as a person. The task of the students is to pull out these grasses, clean up a clean ground, and then prepare to build barracks.However, the labor tools they get are their own hands.For many of them, this was originally a trivial matter when they could use martial arts or magic, but now it has become a bit tricky.

It didn't take long before the students from the Magic and Martial Arts Academy began to offer their opinions.These thorny weeds have caused many pampered people to suffer a lot.

"There are so many grasses that are taller than a person. If you use your hands to pull them out, when will you finish pulling them out? This is completely deliberate!"

"Damn, I'm here to be a soldier, not a weeder!"

"Everyone thinks the grass is a little taller, don't they?" Shui Han asked with a smile as he heard the discussion.

"Yes, instructor!" A group of people responded desperately.

"Then you lie on the ground and start rolling, use your body to flatten the grass, and then it won't feel tall!" Shui Han said.

"Instructor, you are looking for excuses to punish us!" Henry said angrily.

"Do you need an excuse to fix you? Knowing that I did it on purpose, why don't you quickly fulfill my wish?" Shui Han's gentle tone made the students feel cold all over.Thinking of all the methods he used to deal with people, he had no choice but to press down on the grass obediently.

"Damn, Shui Han is a complete threat!" Liu Yun sighed, "I believe it won't take long for these boys to understand what a real military camp is!"

"Second brother, it's fine now anyway, shall we go to discuss it?" Because the teaching team's affairs are very easy today, Jinglei and Sparrow are also free.Seeing Liuyun, Jinglei ran over excitedly and said loudly.

"Okay. Then let's go practice together. During the days in the teaching group, you two will accompany me to practice. Otherwise, when we arrive in Asman, it will be ugly to be brought to lie down by that kid Brook." Liu Yun said with a smile .

The sparrow didn't speak, but his mind was happy.

After the "Serenade" incident, although Liu Yun repeatedly explained to him that he really didn't expect Long Yin's voice to be so unpleasant and it was a beautiful misunderstanding, but he still hated this evil man to the bone.However, Shui still went to Dahang Mountain suddenly, which made him want to go crazy.

"Damn it, you sent it to your door to ask for a beating, don't blame Brother Long for being evil!" Moulong smiled smugly.

Call for a monthly pass!Let's throw out the tickets in our hands, let's add some enthusiasm for writing to common people!

(End of this chapter)

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