alien army

Chapter 262 Save OR Give Up

Chapter 262 Save OR Give Up
(There is a power outage, I don’t come until eight o’clock, and it may be early in the morning on the second day, sorry)
"Boss, the imperial capital urgently reports!"

When Shuihan opened the door and came in, Liuyun was crouching at the table, discussing with Lao Ka about the expansion of the magician training class and the use of it on the battlefield.

"Read!" Liu Yun, who was immersed in the grand vision of the magician army, said without raising his head.

"Yes!" Shuihan opened the information.

"Boss, the Sith Night Breeze team reported that the task has been basically completed. We have successfully obtained samples of poisonous blood, discovered three training bases for blood demons, and found out some recent trends of the blood god sect. According to our analysis, Poisonous blood is highly corrosive to ordinary objects. The Blood God Sect usually uses specially treated bamboo tubes to store it. Unfortunately, we did not discover the secret and only got a sample. The three bases of the Blood Demon, one is located in The city of Nice, two in the mountains west of Nice, I plotted on the map. These gorefiends usually select the elite soldiers in the Sith army, mutate them through drugs, and eventually become weak consciousness Usually, one of the four to five soldiers can become a Gorefiend, and the others become victims. This process usually takes a month. Roughly estimated according to the changes in the number of Sith troops, the number of Goregore should be No more than [-] people."

"These boys are really good!" Liu Yun slammed his fist on the table and praised loudly.After Shui Han just read the beginning, he listened attentively to the content of this information, because this information came too timely.After he ordered the Sith Night Breeze team members to collect information on the Blood God Cult at all costs, he was always worried. At this moment, all worries were replaced by joy.

"Boss, do you still read?" Shui Han stopped, looking at the excited Liu Yun and asked.

"Read, read, continue!"

"Currently, the entire territory of Sith is under the high-pressure rule of the Blood God Religion. Emperor Hiller has found it difficult to control the domestic situation. He was forced to agree to the Blood God Religion's plan to send troops to Asman. The Sith army joined the ranks of the war. According to Sith According to the intelligence analysis of the mobilization of the army, only part of the power of the Blood God Cult has entered Asman territory, and the church may launch an attack on the orc border in the near future. As for whether it will launch an attack on the Fire Cloud Empire, there is no news for the time being."

"It seems that that kid Ming Luo is in trouble too, haha! Go on, go on!" Hearing this, Liu Yun couldn't help feeling better, and laughed gloatingly.

"I'm wondering why they didn't come to trouble you!" Lao Ka seemed a little confused about the direction of the Blood God Cult's military deployment.

"Boss, although the mission has been completed, I have to report to you with sorrow: 32 of the 56 Black Hawk members and 83 peripheral members of the Nightwind Squadron stationed in Sith died during this phase of the operation. The entire Sith intelligence network is completely destroyed!"

Hearing this, Liu Yun's complexion changed drastically, he stood up and walked quickly to Shui Han, grabbing the information.

"Under the desperate protection of everyone, I took the last four team members and withdrew into the Laishia Mountains, and successfully sent this information, but a large number of blood demons and walking corpses soon followed. Maybe the little eagles had to Say goodbye to you in advance, boss! We still have a common wish at the end, and I hope you can help us fulfill it: If the war is over, please record our battle history in the history of the Black Hawk Legion to prove that We have fulfilled our promise to add glory to the Black Eagle flag with our lives!"

"There are only five people left!" Liu Yun muttered with red eyes after reading it. slipped from his hands.

"Where is Mount Laishia!" Liu Yun suddenly shouted at Shui Han.

"Mount Lysia is located at the junction of Matra, Drew, and Kanna provinces in Sith, about [-] miles away from Priseli City, boss." Shui Han answered cleanly.

"Notify the officers above the division level of the Black Hawk Legion to attend an emergency meeting in Priseli City tonight!" Liu Yun ordered loudly.

"Yes!" Shui Han turned and left.

"What's the matter, Xiao Yun?" Lao Ka walked to Liu Yun's side and asked softly.

Liu Yun silently passed the information in his hands: "I want to save them!"

After Liuyun returned to the mansion, he immediately sent someone to find Shui Linger and Hua Feilei, and told them about his plan to leave.

"Can you tell me where you are going?" Hua Feilei noticed Liu Yun's abnormality and asked softly.

"Sith." Liu Yun hesitated for a moment, and finally said slowly.

The simple two words caused a bang in Hua Feilei's head, and she grabbed Liu Yun's arm: "What are you going to Sith for? The Blood God Cult already belongs there!"

"Because of performing a mission, Night Breeze's members suffered heavy casualties in Sith. There are only five of them. Now they are trapped in the mountains by the Blood God Cult. I will rescue them and come back!" Liu Yun opened his arms and hugged Hua Feilei into his arms. arms.

"You want to go in person?" Shui Ling'er burst into tears, "Can't you send someone to go?"

"Sith's situation is very dangerous now, I'm the only one going, I hope it will be bigger!" Liu Yun smiled, "These little eagles are all grown up by you, so you have to support me and wait for me at home return!"

Hua Feilei and Shui Ling'er finally agreed to Liu Yun's decision helplessly, because they knew their man well in their hearts.Although after Liuyun left, they will spend every day in fear and worry, but for a soldier who is about to go to the battlefield, his wife's silent support and painstaking waiting are the biggest reason for them to overcome death and come back alive. motivation.

After Liuyun left, the second daughter quietly found the Elf Elder Shui Yiran.After Shui still saw the second daughter, he left Priseli City overnight and hurried to Daxing Mountain with the remaining Moonlight Spring Water around him.

At night, the officers above the division of the Black Eagle Legion who received the order rushed to Priseli City, and an emergency meeting was held in the conference hall in the Santo's Mansion.

At the beginning of the meeting, Liu Yun Ling Shui Han notified the information from Sith, and then announced that he would lead the Black Hawk to Sith to launch a rescue operation.But Alexander agreed with Lin Shiya's intelligence suggestion and opposed the rescue.The two soon had a tit-for-tat argument on this issue.

"In my military career, I have never given up on my comrades-in-arms! Do you know what a comrade-in-arms is? A comrade-in-arms is a brother who lives and dies. With them, you can safely expose your back on the battlefield and be brave. Go face the enemy! When a knife or a sword stabs your body, they will block it for you without hesitation! Now, they are not dead, but you ask me to give up on them? Impossible!" When Alexander insisted on persuading him to give up the rescue, Liu Yun got a little angry.

"There must be a first time for everything. Their sacrifices are valuable! Do you want to make the Black Hawk pay a higher price for five people? You still lead the team yourself. In my opinion, you are leading the team to die! If You are not the regiment commander of the Black Hawk, nor the commander of the southern front, I will appreciate your personal heroism, and drink for you!" After trying to persuade Liu Yun for a long time, facing Liu Yun who still insisted on going his own way, Alexander's tone was also excited.

Liu Yun shook his head: "I can't use this reason to convince myself, my Chief of Staff! The Sith Night Breeze team members have already made great sacrifices for the Black Hawk group, so why can't this group make some sacrifices for them? ?You oppose the rescue, do you want the entire Black Hawk Legion to watch the five Black Hawk members who survived the bloody battle die? If I do this, as long as the blood in my body is still hot, I will not be able to survive this long life. In the process, my heart will be in pain and torment, and I will never be at peace!"

"League commander, what is needed on the battlefield is rationality. You can't influence the entire army with your personal feelings. Have you ever thought that such a desperate rush to help will only cause greater casualties to the Black Eagle Legion! Maybe you haven't arrived yet, then Five players have died!" Alexander retorted.

"When the Sith became hell on earth, do you know why they still stick to their positions? When I ordered them to obtain information at all costs, do you know why they didn't hesitate? Because they stick to their military duties, Mission, honor! Is such a soldier worth saving?" Liu Yun asked loudly.

"It's worth it, but the timing is wrong now! We are facing a powerful opponent we have never encountered before, and we have not found a way to restrain them!" Alexander calmly replied, "What we can do is to satisfy their last wish !"

"He's not dead yet, fulfilling the last wish of a ball!" Liu Yun slapped the table, stood up, and glared at Alexander: "I'm the commander of the legion, I'll let it go!"

"Anyway, I absolutely don't agree with you taking this risk!" Facing Liu Yun's anger, Alexander didn't show any weakness, but also slapped the table and said loudly: "Don't use your position to pressure me! As the chief of staff, I You must be responsible for any combat operations of the Black Hawk! Unless you withdraw me as the chief of staff!"

"Both leaders, don't get angry. Let's sit down and discuss it slowly!" Facing the unprecedented conflict of the Black Hawk Legion, Mo Ge hurriedly made peace.

"We should understand that the army chief is worried about the safety of his subordinates, but what the chief of staff said is also reasonable. Let's discuss it further!"

Narondo, who had been watching the dispute between the two with cold eyes, stood up at this moment: "Let me say a few words! Since the beginning of the Black Hawk, it has always adhered to such a belief - never abandon, never give up. This belief makes the Black Hawk Grow into the most powerful legion on the mainland. For the five Black Hawk members trapped in the territory of Sith, I am in favor of carrying out rescue operations, because abandoning them is giving up the belief of Black Hawk. As the earliest commander of Black Hawk, I hope I will lead a team to carry out this operation. I have more experience in special operations behind enemy lines, what do you think?"

"I come from the Kingdom of Sith, and I am familiar with the situation there. I should perform this task. I believe the boss will not object to my going!" Iverson hesitated for a while, and finally raised his voice.

Long Yun, Mo Ge and the others actually agreed with the rescue operation from the bottom of their hearts, because they were generals leading troops and had special feelings for soldiers.But Alexander's words made them have to calm down and think about the huge harm that impulsive actions might bring, so they could only keep silent for a while.

"Everyone, stop arguing. The eaglets have completed their mission, and I have to take them home. Only by going there in person can the losses be minimized. I also want to declare that in Sith, under the influence of the Blood God Cult, When the mainland was in turmoil, I saved not just a few soldiers, but the entire Sith, and even the entire continent!" Liu Yun said firmly, rejecting Nalundo and Iverson's request.

"Since this is the case, I won't say anything anymore. It's just that after you leave, if a war breaks out, who will command the entire southern battlefield?" Seeing that Liu Yun could not be stopped, Alexander asked loudly. .

Liu Yun pondered for a moment: "Princess Naya, please take charge temporarily!"

After listening to Liu Yun's words, Alexander suddenly had an idea in his mind.

However, Alexander miscalculated.

After the princess heard the news, she didn't stop Liu Yun's actions as Alexander thought. She only sent someone to send a note with the words: "There are some things that men must do, don't worry, Come back soon."

For some reason, the Lante Juggernaut strongly opposed Liu Yun's attempt to risk himself.But the princess told him that what Liuyun decided was hard to change.Lante Sword Master then found Liuyun's father, Yantian, hoping that he could come forward to persuade Liuyun to give up this rescue.

"A few years ago, His Majesty the Emperor was trapped in Yanyun. I once led three thousand cavalry to rescue him in the starry night, breaking through the siege of ten thousand people and rescued him. Yun'er's action is right, how can I persuade him to give up?" Rand's request, Xia Tian said with a faint smile.

Lante asked puzzledly: "You are saving the emperor, and what he wants to save are just a few ordinary soldiers. Can this be compared?"

"The emperor and soldiers, in his eyes, are both life, there has never been any difference." Yan Tian said.

(End of this chapter)

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