alien army

Chapter 320

Chapter 320

The bloody setting sun shines on the city of Nice.

On the city wall, outside the city wall, there was blood.

It's not the light of the setting sun, but the blood that exudes a strong fishy smell.

A big battle has just passed.

But the battlefield no longer belongs to two countries, or two races, but the place where the entire Blue Moon Continent fights monsters.

And fighting is no longer for national interests or ethnic conflicts, but a life-and-death game between two forces of survival and destruction.

For thousands of years, those in power in human countries have always used war as a tool to stimulate national development and realize political ambitions. Even some historians openly claim that war is the driving force for the advancement of human civilization.

But today, when the war is out of the control of human beings and walking on a dark road, people suddenly realize that war is so terrible, and it turns out that war can really destroy everything.

The hall of the City Lord's Mansion in the city of Nice.

A fierce debate about the fate of the city of Nice is going on.

"General Brook, the army has abandoned the city, what about the people in the city?"

When Brook announced the order to abandon the city, Richard, the city guard of Nice City, immediately turned red and asked in a trembling voice.

"The wolf army must withdraw from the city of Nice. This is the order of Her Majesty the Queen. The people in the city... there will always be sacrifices in war, Lord Richard." Brooke said with difficulty.

"There are 30 people in this city!" Richard said painfully.

"Follow Her Majesty's orders, I will bear all the responsibilities!" Brooke said firmly.

After he returned to the city of Nice with his army, he had already made two plans for the future war.If the blood god army bypassed the city of Nice and marched into the empire, he could send troops to harass and slow down the enemy's attack.If the Blood God Cult wants to capture the city of Nice, he can defend the city with solid city defenses and a wolf army equipped with spikes.

Both of these plans will give the empire an extremely valuable war breathing time.

The coalition forces' attack in Sith went smoothly, and he believed that the Blood God Cult would not be able to stay under the city of Nice for too long.Because once the foundation of the Blood God Religion in Sith is supported, this army is likely to become a lone army.

"Even if it is a plague, Asman's vast land will slowly end him." Brook believed in his war vision.

"But General, have you ever thought about why these 30 people risked their lives to stay?"

Brook was silent, his hand on the arm of the chair trembling slightly.

"When the cult's first army came down, they were the ones who gave the army the most powerful support! Facing those terrifying monsters, although they were afraid, no one left the city of Nice!" Richard asked loudly.

"Of course I know!" Brook slapped the table, and looked at Richard coldly, "The glory of the Yate family began in Nice City, and the descendants of the Yate family will never forget it!"

In the past hundreds of years, the city of Nice has experienced countless wars but never fell, and has a great relationship with the people of this city.Whenever a war is approaching, the people here will not only not flee in a hurry, but will fight side by side with the army to fight against foreign enemies.The people's trust in the army made them dare to bet their lives to win the war. The citizens of Nice were therefore called the bravest people in the empire.

The origin of this tradition goes back more than 500 years.At that time, it was the founder of the It family, General Gran Yit, who served as the city guard general.At that time, the city of Nice fell into the siege of the Sith Empire army, and the soldiers and civilians in the city fought bloody battles.At the critical moment of the war, General Gran received an order to abandon the city and break through.The general immediately ordered his lieutenant to lead the main force to break through, and he disobeyed and stayed in the city of Nice.Then, together with his guard officers and soldiers, he took off his military uniform and put on civilian clothes.

"As a soldier of the empire, I disobeyed the order and had to take off this uniform. I disobeyed because I left the people to flee for their lives, and I am not worthy of being a soldier. I want to prove here that even if there are only civilians in the city of Nice, it is an unconquerable city. The city!" Under the threat of death that the enemy might massacre the city, the people of Nice City rallied closely to General Gran's side, and insisted on holding on until reinforcements arrived.After the war, the emperor of the empire spoke highly of General Gran, and the Yit family entered the political arena of the empire.

History, in the city of Nice, has achieved the glory of the Yit family, and also achieved the honor of a heroic city.

The people of Nice City are used to this kind of honor.In other words, the increasingly powerful Asman Empire even made them forget how cruel war is.Therefore, even under the threat of terror from the Blood God Cult, they still stood firmly with the army.

Brook once thought about evacuating the civilians in Nice City, but he hesitated in the end.

However, the Blood God Cult did not act according to his ideas. Instead, they immediately besieged the city of Nice as soon as they entered the Asman Empire.At this time, Brooke received a letter from Queen Linmei, asking him to lead the wolf army to abandon the city of Nice and enter the province of Arak.

"If I don't care about the honor of the family, I can save these 30 people!" After Brooke got the letter, he felt extremely regretful, but it was too late.

"General, you lead the wolf army to abandon the city and break through! I, Richard, as the defender of the city of Nice, does not have the power to defeat the Blood God Cult, but I can still imitate the courage of General Gran!"

Richard's words pierced Brook's heart like a sharp steel knife, making his blood surge, but he remained silent.

"General, let the wolf army stay!" Natalie finally couldn't help it anymore, staring at Brook with blood red eyes, said excitedly, "The wolf army is all bloody men, and they can't lose face like this even if they die! "

Once defeated by the black eagle, the wolf army has not lost its wolf nature.

Natalie has been completely red-eyed in these two days of war.

Brooke finally broke out: "This is the order of Her Majesty the Queen, you must carry it out! Do you know what the hell is a soldier? Honor, honor, the honor you want, is ruining the last bit of power in the empire! The wolf army must withdraw to Arak Province, Commander Hailun has other arrangements! The members of my Yi family are not afraid of death, so they will obey my orders honestly!"

"But..." Natalie wanted to say something, but Meg stopped him.

"Richard, don't even think about being a hero, you'd better do your duty as city guard! When breaking through, you bring civilians and follow the wolf army closely, and try to save as many people as possible!"

"Then who will resist the army of the Blood God Cult?" Richard asked.

To break through, someone has to come to break through.

Head-to-head with monsters, the chances of surviving are slim to none.

Brooke didn't speak, but his heart was extremely sad.

At night, in the barracks at the north gate of the city of Nice, a group of young people are enjoying the wonderful time of the night.

Bonfires, strong wine, barbecue, passionate singing, and the passion that cannot be driven away in the cold winter night.

This is a man's night.


Iron hooves strike the earth,
The melody shocked the gods and demons!
Vertical and horizontal,
The long sword cut off the head,
The iron gun pierced the throat!
Death asked me,
What do you need for dinner?
I say,
When the glorious Iteron comes,
The flesh and blood of the enemy shall be placed on the table!

When Brook walked into the barracks, he happened to hear this "Battle Hymn of Yite".

It can be said that he grew up listening to this battle song, and all the melodies are very familiar.

However, it sounded extraordinarily heroic and desolate on this night.

The glorious history of a family is always forged by the tragic lives of many men.

Brooke suddenly felt that every note and every word of the battle song seemed to be the last echo left by the departed heroes of the It family.

"Cousin Brooke, come and try my handicraft!"

A seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy happily stood up from the campfire after seeing Brook, and kept waving at him.

"This is the barracks, how many times have I told you to call the general!"

Next to the boy, a young man patted the boy's head dotingly, and then greeted Brooke.

The boy came over with a sharp long sword.

On the tip of the sword was a piece of roasted meat that was half-roasted, and it was steaming hot, exuding a tempting aroma.

"It's just baked, taste it, it tastes great!" said the boy, and handed the meat to Brook.

Brooke shook his head.

He was not in the mood to eat anything at this time.

"These days, I'm always dealing with those bits and pieces of meat, and I'm allergic to that stuff."

Brooke smiled wryly.

The boy shrugged his shoulders: "It seems that I am the only one who tastes this delicacy!"

After speaking, he became interested in the sword and began to bite the barbecue.

The meat was only half-cooked, and blood flowed down the corner of the boy's mouth.

Brook suddenly felt nauseous.

"Okay, play on your own. I'll talk to your brother about something." Brook dismissed the boy.

"Kerr, why did you bring him too?"

"Family rules, have you forgotten?" The young man named Kerr smiled wryly.

"But he's just finished." Brook looked at the boy's back and sighed.

"Father said that even if my younger brother and I died in battle, there is still a little brother in the family! Who made us a member of the Yite family?" The young man laughed.

"This honor is sometimes like the call of the god of death." Brooke laughed at himself.

The young man avoided the topic and said instead: "I have made all the arrangements, waiting for your order."

"Okay!" Brooke nodded emphatically.

"Where it started, it will end there! May the shackles around the Yit family's neck become history from now on!" Looking at the boy's happy smiling face illuminated by the fire, Brooke sighed inwardly.

In the early morning of the second day, in the central square of the city of Nice.

After learning that General Brook had something important to announce, more than [-] people gathered here.

In order to avoid causing panic among the people during the breakout, Brook decided to disclose the news of abandoning the city to the public.

Although it was difficult to speak, he had no other choice.

In the midst of everyone's attention, Brooke stepped onto the high platform in the central square and began what later known as the Farewell Speech of the Yitter Family.

"Citizens of Nice:

According to the order of the imperial military, the wolf army stationed in Nice must break through the encirclement and go north, entering the province of Arak. "

After Brook's first sentence was finished, the entire central square suddenly became chaotic.

"What? Impossible!"

"Withdraw at this time, what about the city of Nice?"

"Why did the Empire do this?"


Brooke had to raise his voice.

"Please be quiet and listen to me!"

The square gradually became quiet.

"I am very sorry to bring you such bad news. As the heir of the Yit family, it is extremely painful for me to announce such news here.

500 years ago, my ancestors created a myth here, and also opened the road to the glory of the Yit family. The city of Nice has since become the most indestructible city in the empire.Hundreds of years later, history has sent the Itters here again.In a heroic city, there are still heroic citizens, but the war is completely different.This is no longer an ordinary war, it is a contest between races and monsters on the entire continent, it is a decisive battle between destruction and survival!
The wolf army is currently the only army in the empire that can compete with the cult army, and it can be said to be the hope of the entire empire.But even this army was still greatly traumatized after the war started. You should be able to see the blood that the soldiers shed under the city of Nice.Therefore, after the attack in Hailan City, Her Majesty the Queen, who was retreating north, ordered the army to go north to regroup and re-equip in order to win the final battle.

Forgive me, I have to execute this command.When the wolf army retreats, the city guard will lead the army to escort the old people and children in the city to retreat first.Under the siege of the cult, I don't think there will be too many people who can withdraw.I hope that those who failed to evacuate, together with me, take up arms and see them off!I, Brooke, the heir of the It family, will fight with you to the last moment just like my ancestors! "

After Brook's words, the people hadn't reacted yet, but the officers near the high platform were astonished.

"No, general..." Natal and Richard shouted loudly at the same time, but they were stopped by Brook's angry eyes before they could finish speaking.

There was thunderous applause in the square.

Death is terrible, and what is more terrible than death is losing the courage to die in the face of death.

The people of Nice City do not seem to lack such courage.

When the ending was doomed, they chose to face it calmly.

After the war ended, many scholars in the mainland were studying what kind of spirit made the people of Nice have such courage, because everything seemed to be obviously not in line with the performance of ordinary people in the face of war and death.

Later, in a battle case analysis class at the Imperial Military Command Academy, Liu Yun explained the battle in Nice City to the students in this way:
"The citizens of the city of Nice have a kind of pride and nobility rooted deep in their hearts. Their great sense of honor is enough to allow them to overcome the fear of death. When the emotions of tens of thousands of people gather together, they can infect everyone around them , even those who are timid and afraid of death. This is the key to why I want you to tell the recruits more about the glorious combat history of your troops, combat heroes, etc. A great sense of honor is fatal to ordinary people, For soldiers, it is an eternal pursuit in their hearts. There is no one who is not afraid of death, but even if he thinks that he is dead, he is a hero, and those who are afraid of death dare to work hard! He should retreat with the wolf army. I think he knows this better than anyone else. But the dual honor of the soldier and the family also drove him to a dead end!"

When the city of Nice was in danger, the Black Hawk Special Forces Brigade led by Liu Yun was marching in the heavy rain at night.

"This mountain road must belong to my mother. If I don't let me jump on her for ten steps, she won't be able to bear it!" Zi Wencheng rolled on the ground, got up covered in muddy water, and sighed to the sky.

"It was you who used your heavy body to ravage others repeatedly before you made them addicted!" Tie Lie also fell countless times, and said angrily.

"The key is that she has too much water on her body and it's very slippery, so the two of you keep jumping up." Yang Ming was talking, and gnawed his mouthful of mud with a plop.

The bad weather had little impact on the march of the Black Hawk Special Operations Brigade, but the complicated mountain roads became the biggest obstacle at this time.

However, even under such weather conditions, Liu Yun still asked the Black Hawk Special Operations Brigade to continue marching forward.After entering the mountains, the war horse was forced to give up.All team members must rely on their own two iron legs.The iron legs can travel continuously, but they can't effectively prevent slipping, so on this mountain road, everyone fell in a mess.Fortunately, the team members are all very skilled, and at most they will be covered in muddy water, so no one will be injured.

"Why don't you, Xiao Zi, talk to the boss and let everyone rest?" Tie Lie said with a chuckle.

"Fuck you!" Zi Wencheng scolded as if he had seen a ghost, "When did you see his stinky pendulum for so long? The boss is not normal, you let me go to death! Lao Tzu I have already suffered a loss once, let me go!"

"My day, you suffered a loss, and we didn't suffer along with it?" Tie Lie said dryly.

During a rapid march, seeing that their troops were exhausted, they began to feel sorry for their subordinates, and decided to suggest to Liu Yun to slow down.However, Liu Yun didn't talk or smile for several days, which really made them feel scared, and no one dared to hit the gun.After a lot of praise from everyone, Zi Wencheng, who is not afraid of death, is on the scene.

As can be imagined, Zi Wencheng was severely scolded, and Liu Yun even raised the matter to the height of military quality.Zi Wencheng could bear scolding, but Liu Yun scolded him not like a soldier, he couldn't bear it.Therefore, Zi Wencheng told the whole story, and immediately stated that he would always rush to the front of the Black Hawk Special Forces Brigade during the rapid march.Depressed, he let go and ran away, Liuyun gave an order behind him, asking the whole army to follow.

As a result, the first few servants all experienced the deep pain caused by the huge energy stored in Zi Wencheng's body turning into kinetic energy.

"Have you noticed that this incident is very strange?" Yang Ming asked.

"I discovered it when we set off." Tie Lie laughed. "He seems to have had a fight with the chief of staff. It seems that this operation is unusual!"

"I just feel that the expression on his face is like a dead child!" Zi Wencheng scolded with a smile.

"How can you curse like that?" Yang Ming frowned.

"Hey... Anyway, the boss doesn't have any children, just kidding, just kidding." Zi Wencheng also realized that he had said something wrong, and hurriedly explained.

"You guys don't bring your own troops, it's fun to get together and chat?"

Not far away, there was a roar like thunder, which made the three of them feel cold.

Liu Yun quickly came in front of the three of them.

"The army is marching in a hurry, where should the commander be? You three are so idle!"

After finishing speaking, Liu Yun dumped the three of them into the muddy water.

"Go back to your place! Zi Wencheng, I wrote down what you said just now!"

After Liu Yun finished cursing, he left with a gloomy face.

"What did I say?" Zi Wencheng scratched his head in wonder.

"You said he looked like a dead child." Yangming said gloatingly, and hurriedly left.

"The boss seems to have eaten magic powder, and it may explode at any time." Tie Lie also left.

The wind and rain hit Liu Yun's face mercilessly, the cold feeling could not calm him down.

Is this violent storm a harbinger of great danger?
Once again, Liu Yun felt fear, a fear that might be lost forever.

He has always kept the feeling with Lin Mei deep in his heart, and occasionally recollects it alone.

He didn't know if the affair between him and Lin Mei was considered love, but when he left Asman, he was still soured by Lin Mei's message.

Some feelings in this world are doomed not to bear fruit, and they can only be allowed to fade quietly after blooming.It is enough to pick a petal and hide it in my heart, leaving a memory.

I used to think that separation meant seeing each other as strangers, but I didn't expect that fate would bind the two together again.

"Yun, Seablue City has fallen, and the army of the Blood God Cult is advancing step by step. Hailun has retreated to the north of Asman to plan the next stage of defensive operations, and I have also broken out from Seablue City and headed north. Now, the Blood God The second batch of troops has entered the empire, and Asman's army today is completely unable to resist those monsters. Now I am finally tired of power and war, but longing for a peaceful and quiet life has become a distant dream When she was in a desperate situation, Lin Mei thought about it, maybe you are the only one on this continent who can help, so I wrote you this letter. My life and death are not important, but the people are pitiful, and the child in my belly is pitiful What's more, he is yours. Sincerely, Lin Mei!"

It was a romantic night, but it was already a dark knot. Liu Yun felt that fate had left an inextricable knot between the two of them, which tied him and her together forever.

He had to rush to the Asman battlefield overnight, to where she was.

When he didn't see her, he was afraid that the rescue would not be enough.

If he really saved her, how should he deal with this mess?

Also, as mentioned in her letter, how would he deal with the little life in her womb?
Liu Yun thought about all kinds of things, and his mind became even more confused for a while.

He had no idea that it was his rescue operation that ignited the fuse of the bloody battle.

The magnificent war picture scroll of Blue Moon Continent has opened a new page.

(End of this chapter)

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