alien army

Chapter 323 Flesh Passage

Chapter 323 Flesh Passage
Since Spike was unable to destroy the monsters in front of them, those youths who followed closely behind Spike soon became the targets of blood skulls.

The same tragic scene was repeated in front of the boy's eyes.

"I'm going to kill these guys!" The boy suddenly pressed the button in front of him, and a series of sharp blades shot out, slashing towards the surrounding blood skeletons.

Just a little spark.

Afterwards, there were blood skeletons that rushed towards the wolf's teeth.

"Boom, boom, boom!" The blood skull hit the shell of Spike, making a loud noise.

Kerr let go of the joystick and slumped limply in his seat.

"I want these monsters to fight!"

Fear is the source of courage.

Seeing the atrocities of the monsters with his own eyes, the boy had already forgotten his fear, lifted the long sword beside him, and was about to rush out of the wolf's teeth.

"You're courting death!" Kerr jumped up from his seat and hugged the boy by the waist.

"Let go of me, I want to avenge them!" The boy struggled desperately.

"Don't be silly, let me think of a way!" Kerr shouted loudly: "When you go to the battlefield, you are a soldier and you must obey my orders!"

After Kerr finished speaking, he looked at the middle-aged magician for help.

"Mr. Kerr, Spike Fang still has one last attack method. General Brook ordered that it should not be used until the last moment. I think the time has come." The middle-aged magician said solemnly.

"What attack method?"

"Magic Explosion." The middle-aged magician said in a deep voice.

"Whatever he can do, as long as he can destroy these monsters! Mr. Magician, hurry up!" The boy wiped his tears and shouted.

Kerr understood what the magic explosion meant from the eyes of the middle-aged magician.

He held the boy tightly in his arms.

"Brother, you are a brave warrior of the It family." Kerr dotingly wiped away the tears from the boy's face, "No matter what happens, don't be afraid. Brother will always be by your side."

"Well. Brother, when I go back, I will practice martial arts well and kill all these monsters in the future!" The boy nodded firmly.

"Well done, boy!"

"Of course, everyone in the It family is a hero!" The boy raised his head proudly.

"Unfortunately, after today, the Yit family may just be a legend!" Kerr thought, feeling depressed.

"Mr. Magician, let's start!" Kerr turned his head and said to the middle-aged magician.

The middle-aged magician nodded and began to chant loudly.

The magic spar placed in the wolf's fang suddenly shone brilliantly with his singing.

"Brother, look, it's so beautiful!" The boy happily pointed to the shining magic spar.

"Of course it's beautiful, that's the last light of our lives." Kerr didn't speak, but smiled faintly, and hugged the boy in his arms even tighter.

On the battlefield, there was a loud noise that shook the sky suddenly, followed by a mushroom cloud.

Brook saw that the wolf fang that rushed to the front suddenly exploded, and the place more than ten meters around the wolf fang became an open space.


With a loud cry, Brook jumped off his horse and flew towards the place where the explosion occurred.

"Damn it, what's going on!" The envoy in yellow watched the more than ten blood skeletons in the battlefield turn into powder in the violent explosion, and couldn't help but angrily reprimanded the officers around him.

Since the Asman battlefield is no longer the focus of the blood god religion, he only brought five hundred blood skeletons with him this time.Every death made him feel heartache.

"I'm sorry, my lord envoy, we haven't seen this kind of attack in previous battles." The officer shrugged helplessly.


There was another loud noise on the battlefield, and after a mace rushed forward tens of meters frantically, it exploded again.

The encirclement circle of the Blood God Cult was suddenly blown open.

However, the gap was quickly filled by several blood-clad emissaries with blood skeletons.

"Pass down the order and call me all the blood demons around me!" the envoy in yellow yelled violently.He finally understood that he still underestimated the power of human resistance.

The explosion continued.

The channel slowly extended in the explosion.

This is a road that is completed by piles of flesh and blood.

Among them, there are human beings and demonic ones.

Of course, more is human.

When Brook ran towards where Kerr was, the youths in Venice seemed to understand what happened on the battlefield.

On both sides of the passage opened by Langya, young people built two human walls.

This is no ordinary human wall, its thickness has reached more than ten meters.

Those standing on the outermost layer will directly face the terrifying blood demon, waiting for death to come.

What they can do is to use their own bodies to entangle with the powerful gorefiend for a moment, and die generously, leaving the courage for those behind to embrace the god of death.

Every time Spike took a step forward, young people soon built a human wall behind them.

Walking in the passage protected by the human wall, the hearts of the soldiers of the wolf army were bleeding, and tears were already streaming down their faces.

These soldiers, who would not blink their eyes in the face of death, were deeply moved by the heroic people at this moment.

These ordinary people, whom they usually regard as grassroots, have become the patron saints of their lives after the nobles they served for escaped.

He gritted his steel teeth, bit his lip, and swallowed blood into his stomach.

They can only watch the tragedy happen before their eyes, and they can't do anything, because if they make a slight move, all sacrifices will be meaningless.

No one thought that the wolf army that walked this bloody road began to slowly transform.

Brook came to the forefront of the frontcourt.

He saw with his own eyes a wolf fang disappearing before his eyes in a violent explosion.

In each of the fangs, there are young fighters from the It family, and Brooke's heart seems to have been torn into pieces.

His vindictiveness skyrocketed, and Brook had already reached the brink of madness.


With a loud shout, Brook turned into a streamer and rushed straight towards the blood skull formation.

A golden sword light flashed, and the two blood skeletons turned into ashes.

When he was about to swing his sword at another group of blood skeletons, a strange force suddenly hit his vest heavily.

"Wow!" The fighting spirit of the body guard was immediately scattered, Brook spit out a mouthful of blood, and staggered forward a few steps.

With the long sword on the ground, Brook turned his head and looked at a middle-aged man in yellow.

"I am the envoy of the God Cult in yellow. It is your luck to die under my hands." The envoy in yellow grinned grinningly, and a bloody red light appeared on his palms.

"Despicable and shameless!" Brook spat, "I forgot that you are not a human being and cannot be measured by human standards."

After speaking, Brook forcibly gathered his fighting spirit, rubbed his body and threw himself at the envoy in yellow.

The two fought together.

While the two were fighting fiercely, Langya finally succeeded in breaking through the encirclement of the Blood God Cult.

Although blood skeletons are more terrifying than blood demons, the youths in Venice still built a solid human wall with their bodies.

After paying a very small price of casualties, the wolf army broke through the passage in batches.

The galloping cavalry quickly disappeared on the distant horizon after looking back and weeping a few tears.

These officers and soldiers who broke through the hell and survived have a common belief in their hearts: All the sacrifices will be paid back one day, and they will send these demons to hell with their own hands!

After the wolf army broke through, Richard led the people in the city to withdraw from the passage.

At this time, the human wall has become thinner and thinner.

Among the crowd walking in the passage, from time to time, some people spontaneously broke away from the team and walked into the human wall.Where there is a gap, countless people rush to fill it.

Life seems so humble here.

A person's sacrifice may be just to win a glimmer of hope for others to survive.

However, it is such a little sacrifice, like a candlelight in the dark night, attracting groups of moths to frantically pounce on it.

The last mace exploded beside Brook.

At that time, he had already been knocked down to the ground by the envoy in yellow, and several blood skeletons rushed towards him.The envoy in yellow didn't seem to be in a hurry to act, but stood in the field with a vicious smile, waiting to see the scene where he was dismembered by the blood skull.

At this moment, a wolf fang broke through the blood skeleton's siege, and exploded beside Brook.

Brook was thrown high into the air, then fell heavily to the ground, just right into the wall of people.

The splashed blood made his already blurred mind a little bit clearer.

However, what he saw made him fall into silent pain.

"I finally know why you risked your life to rescue the people of Sidon City, Earl Flowing Cloud." At the last moment of his life, watching the people who were constantly falling in the frantic killing of blood demons and blood skeletons Suddenly, Brook found that Liu Yun, whom he had always been hostile to, was a truly great soldier.

There was a gap in the human wall again, and several blood skeletons, under the command of the angel in yellow, rushed towards Brook who was lying on the ground again.

The sky suddenly darkened.

Brooke knew that death had finally come.

"Earl Liuyun, if there is another life, Brooke will ask you for advice again! Miss Hailun, please forgive me!" Brooke suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, "Damn it, come on, I'm waiting for you!"

As a respectable nobleman, Brooke finally swears, but he feels better than ever.

"Dragon wagging its tail!
With a clear shout, a huge black shadow descended from the sky, and several blood skeletons were instantly knocked into the air.

"Grandma, Earl Liuyun, these four words are really a life-saving magic weapon!"

The black shadow grabbed Brook, flew towards the sky, and quickly disappeared into the sky.

At noon, the battle in Venice finally came to an end.

In this battle, in order to cover the retreat of the wolf army and the people in the city of Venice, 170 and eight sons of the Yit family, led by General Brooke, served as death squads in Wolf Fang, and all died heroically except Bruce.More than [-] youths in the city of Venice died for their country, and nearly [-] people were massacred by the Blood God Cult, accounting for half of the total population in the city.

As the main force in the breakout battle, the Yite family lost their elites and vital energy in this battle, and thus faded out of the historical stage of the Blue Moon Continent.As the most tragic and tragic battle in the war with the Blood God Cult, the city of Venice will always be remembered by the world, and those brave people will always be remembered by the world.

(End of this chapter)

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