alien army

Chapter 340 Li Song 1 Song

Chapter 340

When Walker woke up from a coma, he found himself in a cave.

"Where is this?" Walker asked in a deep voice.

"Return to the general, this is a cave under the broken wall of Luoding Mountain!" A soldier of the National Defense Army ran up to him and replied.

"You guys knocked me out and got me here?" Walker's voice became colder and colder.

"Forgive me, General, we are acting on the orders of General Jay." The soldier said.

"What about the rest?"


No one made a sound, because no one had the courage to answer his question.

Walker was furious: "Damn it, I asked you something, answer me!"

"Return to the general, they have all died for their country!" the soldier said, tears streaming down his face.

Walker leaned on the stone wall and closed his eyes in pain: "Okay! Okay! Only a few of us survived out of more than 1000 people. It's so damn good!"

Three soldiers surrounded Walker, not knowing what to do for a while.The pain the general was experiencing in his heart at this moment has been tormenting them all day.

Mike squatted alone in the corner of the cave, sucking on his pipe, his head stuffed and silent.

"You're fucking doing this to trap me in disloyalty and injustice!" A moment later, Walker jumped up suddenly, his bloodshot eyes opened, and he roared angrily.

"I took a thousand brothers on the road and brought them into a desperate situation. They didn't complain, and they were willing to accompany me to die! However, I left them at the last moment. What kind of face do you want me to have? Live in this world?"

"I, Walker, am not a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, what are your intentions!"

Inside the cave, Walker's curses echoed.

When he woke up, he was like a mad lion.

"Have you scolded enough?" Mike stood up from the corner, and walked up to Walker with a knife.

This is a veteran who is about the same age as Jay. His weathered face is full of vicissitudes of time.

With a crisp sound of "clang", he threw the knife in his hand in front of Walker.

"The old man Jay once said that for today's Sith soldiers, death is the easiest thing to do, and it takes a lot of courage to live! Look at you, Jay misunderstood you. You Just a coward without courage, take this knife and wipe your neck as soon as possible, go and reunite with your brothers!"

The unexpected change stunned the three soldiers around Walker.They didn't even have time to say a word to stop them, so they looked at Walker nervously.

Walker, who was furious, stared at the veteran in front of him with fire-breathing eyes, panting heavily.

"Why are you still hesitating, don't you even have the courage to wipe your neck?" Mike sneered, "It's so fucking easy to die. Being a hero, my vanity is satisfied, and my conscience is better! Fucking Blood God Cult , go to the fucking military duties, go to the fucking country and the people, how happy it is to finish it all!"

Facing all kinds of sarcasm from the veteran, Walker's heart suddenly calmed down.

"Sorry, I was wrong!"

Walker walked up to Mike, bowed his head and apologized solemnly.

"20 years ago, Jay and I were comrades in arms! 20 years later, for the sake of this country, I put on the armor and went to the battlefield together with him. Today, I should have accompanied that old guy to find death Chatting, but I was entrusted by him to accept the task of escorting you away. He said, I am not escorting one person, but the future of the Sith Kingdom, which is the unrealized dream of many soldiers." The veteran said slowly, "You have survived, but you have no right to live for yourself, let alone die! If you are a man, you will pick up your burden!"

"Walker understands."

When people fall into confusion and madness, sometimes what they need is not warm comfort, but a slap in the face.

"This letter is left to you by Jay." Mike took out a letter from his arms and handed it to Walker, then turned around and walked to the corner, squatting down with a cigarette pipe in his mouth, and stopped talking.

Walker silently read the letter left by Jay.

"Get ready to go! We still have unfinished missions!" After putting the letter in his arms, Walker straightened his military uniform and gave orders to his last four soldiers.

"Jay, our general is back, it's a pity you can't see it anymore!" Mike put away his cigarette pouch, with a bitter smile on his face.

Aden city death row.

Death row is always cold, damp and dark, because it is the passage to hell.

The death row is always full of despair and desolation.The heavy sighs of the death row prisoners are the final confession, but they cannot complete the redemption of past sins and let them gain a new life.What awaits them is the end of death.

The envoy in yellow lay down against the wall with a weary expression, staring blankly at the small window on the wall.

That is the only connection between Death Row and the outside world.

The ray of light coming in through the window could no longer arouse his nostalgia for life, and the process of waiting for death became an extremely painful thing for him.

No scars can be seen on his body, but all the tendons in his body have been severed.

Those powerful abilities that once helped him to do evil and brought him great power and infinite glory also left him.He was like a balloon that had been pricked by a needle, suddenly wilting down.

The reality taunted him mercilessly: he once thought he was a god who could control the fate of all people, but in the end he was just a fish on someone else's chopping board.

"Take the prisoner to the execution ground!"

There was a loud shout from outside, and a trace of surprise could not help but flash in the eyes of the angel in yellow.

Soon, several soldiers dragged a death row prisoner past the iron fence.

"It's not me..." The yellow-clothed angel's eyes dimmed and gradually turned deathly gray.

"I can finally be free, haha!" The prisoner's voice reached his ears far away.

"When will I be free?" the envoy in yellow murmured.

From the day he joined the Blood God Sect, he knew he had reached a dead end.

At the end of the road, there is either the glory above all living beings, or eternal hell.Like the rest of the Blood God Sect, he was soaked in blood all day long and regarded death as a smooth way to return to the embrace of the Blood God.When he personally wiped out the fresh lives one by one instantly, turned the blood in their bodies into his own magic power, and turned their bodies into bloody monsters, he was completely numb to death.

However, in just one day, his enemies beat him back to the mortal world, which not only successfully awakened his fear of death, made him understand his fragility, but also made him realize that death is more important than death. Terrible thing - he fell into a purgatory, in the endless cycle of pain, he clearly saw his soul and will being devoured bit by bit, but he could only hover on the edge of darkness and death forever, unable to reach the end.

The soldiers dragged the condemned prisoner into the room where the jailers were resting, and then threw the condemned prisoner heavily on the ground.

"Can you guys be gentle?" "Death prisoner" jumped up from the ground, rubbed his buttocks and cursed, "Even if you are a death row prisoner, you can't fall like this!"

Tie Lie laughed and said, "It's really a mistake for you to pretend to be a death row prisoner, you're as heavy as a pig!"

"The most disgusting thing is that he laughed and said that I was finally freed. Have you ever seen a death row prisoner who was so happy when he went to the execution ground?" Yang Ming also said contemptuously.

"I originally wanted to say that after 20 years, he will be a hero again!" Zi Wencheng argued.

"Then it won't be called a death row prisoner, but a hero who died bravely!" Ryan laughed.

Heda looked at the guys who took the initiative to help, and said with a wry smile: "Okay, stop arguing! Tell me, what's his reaction?"

"This guy wants to die now. When we dragged the big guy past him just now, I saw his expression, not fear, but envy." Ryan said.In the dark, his eyesight is the best, so he has been responsible for observing the reaction of the yellow-clothed angel.

Heda nodded: "Yes. I also found out when I tortured him. This guy knew that he would die if he fell into our hands, so he just played tricks and said nothing, waiting to die."

"If I were him, I wouldn't say anything. For the things he did, thousands of deaths are enough!" Zi Wencheng laughed.

"The boss may be leaving for Priseli soon, and we don't have time to spend with him, and it's not convenient to take him on the road. Please help us find a way!" Heda was a little anxious.He has already used all the moves he can use on the body of the angel in yellow, but due to the rush of time, the effect is not good.Of course, if he has enough time, there is no mouth that cannot be pried open for him.

"Well, let's get some pepper water and pour it up his nose!"

"Use a bamboo stick to nail in between his fingernails, the kind that should be thin and long!"

"Give him a tiger stool!"

"Yes, put some super glue on the stool, and tear off his skin bit by bit!"

"In my opinion, it's better to find a big wooden stick and stab his asshole!" When everyone was discussing, Zi Wencheng's words shocked everyone.

Everyone stared blankly at Zi Wencheng.

"Isn't that a good idea?" Zi Wencheng smacked his lips as he was satisfied with everyone's reactions.

"I don't know him." Ryan shrugged at the crowd, turned around and left Zi Wencheng a back view.

"Stay away from me in the future." Yang Ming said, and retreated from Zi Wencheng.

"Good idea, I'll leave this to you." Tie Lie sighed.

Heda looked helplessly at the live treasures: "Can you be a little bit human?"

"Isn't the wind squadron usually interrogating prisoners like this?" Everyone asked in surprise.

"The boss forbids us to use too cruel punishment. Interrogation requires the use of brains, not just relying on torture!" Heda explained.

"Then let's add up together and come up with a coup."

Several people gathered together and discussed in low voices.

In the prison cell far away, the envoy in yellow suddenly felt a chill run down his spine.

At night, the streets and alleys in the city of Aden are brightly lit and full of people.

The news of the victory in the war has spread.

The haze covering the city dissipated, and the emotions that had been suppressed for a long time spewed out like a volcano.

The whole city suddenly turned into a sea of ​​joy, and various celebrations filled every corner of the city.People who survived the catastrophe spontaneously took to the streets to share this deep joy with others through singing and dancing, fine wine, and barbecue.The dead are far away, what is important is that the living have found hope to continue living.Perhaps in the years to come, the grief of losing a loved one will linger in their hearts as long as the trauma of war, but today they are entitled to this short-lived joy.

Along with the news of the victory in the war, there was also the glorious battle process of the Demon Slayer War.

The victory of this extermination battle had an extremely far-reaching impact on the Asmans.

Earl Liuyun led the Black Eagle Legion to break the barriers between countries, rushed thousands of miles to aid the city of Aden, and annihilated tens of thousands of blood god troops in one fell swoop, not only established his immortal status in the Asman Empire, but also became a hero admired by all. , the legendary figure who saved the empire, and made the Asmans realize for the first time: It turns out that different countries and nationalities can live in such a harmonious way.

General Richard and the [-] warriors he led died in an extremely tragic way in the war against demons, and an eternal monument was erected in the hearts of the Asmans.They used their lives to build an unyielding national backbone for the Asmans, and let the world see the tough character and tenacious will of the Asmans.When the devil strikes, the Asmans perfectly interpret the dignity of life.

And war, once it has a relationship with women, it will often give birth to a love story full of heroes and beauties.The ambiguous entanglement between Earl Liuyun and Queen Linmei was interpreted by the romantic Asmans into various versions of the legend of the hero saving the beauty in the following days.The great magic power of love and Liuyun's outstanding military exploits even made the Asmans forget the fact that this man was cuckolding the emperor of their own country, and they affectionately called him Emperor Liuyun.And Queen Linmei, who led the people to end the war and ushered in a new life, has also become the most prestigious king since the founding of Asman, and they proudly called her the Peerless Queen.


A beautiful firework blooms in the sky above the city.

Liu Yun looked at the fireworks, his mind faltered for a while.

This short but beautiful flower that bloomed in the night sky reminded him of the women who had appeared in his life.

Yue'er has disappeared, but has been hidden in the depths of memory.

The ups and downs, Hua Feilei who accompanied him along the way.

Shui Ling'er, who was deeply hurt by "him", but has always been by his side without complaint or regret.

She was amazing when she first met her, and she was a stranger when she saw her again, but she has always loved and hated Princess Naya.

A hug for him, Lin Shiting who absolutely walked the world alone.

And beside him, the queen who used to be aloof, is now a tender little woman.

Liu Yun couldn't help smiling wryly.

In the face of the enemy's thousands of troops, he will not frown.

But in the face of the messy love threads, he was at a loss as to what to do.

Another firework blooms in the sky.

"That firework is me." A gentle voice came from my ear, "And you are the vast night sky. The moment I fell into your arms, I bloomed the beauty of my life for you, even if I accompany you from now on There is only endless darkness and loneliness, and I have no regrets!"

Liu Yun looked sideways, washed away all the lead, and Lin Mei, who was dressed in plain clothes, was staring at the sky bewilderedly, with tears in her beautiful eyes.

Gently hugging the jade man beside him into his arms, Liu Yun asked softly, "Why are you crying?"

Lin Mei raised her hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and said with a smile, "No, I'm happy. The disaster of the Blood God Sect is over, and I'm happy for this country."

Strong smile, hard to hide heartache.

The day when a powerful enemy is put to death is also the time when a lover goes away.When the parting is approaching and the farewell is far away, how can a weak woman not feel sad?
Lin Mei's sad smile gently touched Liu Yun's heartstrings.

The string moves, the heart aches.

Liu Yun held Lin Mei's face in both hands, and said affectionately: "The war is over, I will come back to see you. Asman still needs you right now."

Lin Mei looked up and met Liu Yun's eyes: "This war was a disaster for the mainland, but it was a good thing for Lin Mei. It not only destroyed the former Asman Empire, but also broke the The heavy shackles on me. Now I just want to be an ordinary woman, away from power, politics and war. Do you still want me to continue to live with these shackles?"

Liu Yun smiled and shook his head: "In my opinion, there are too many unreasonable systems in this continent. I have a dream in my heart: after the war, build a brand new continent in Lanyue, and give the people a new Life. My strength alone is very limited, and I need a lot of people to help me. Believe me, I will personally help you remove the shackles."

"Promise me, you won't lie to me." Lin Mei nodded slightly.A drop of clear tears quietly slipped down from his white jade face.

A beautiful woman's tears, one drop breaks the heart.

Liu Yun nodded heavily.

"Okay, I'm just leaving for a while, don't make it like a farewell! Guess how the Asmans would feel if they knew their queen was crying in the street?"

The weird atmosphere made Liu Yun unable to breathe, and he couldn't help laughing.

Lin Meijiao smiled and said: "If that's the case, I'll let everyone know that I was bullied by you!"

After speaking, Lin Mei walked towards the crowd in the center of the square.

"Come here, and watch our Asman folk songs and dances!"

Liu Yun followed with a smile.

The two stood in the crowd, admiring quietly.

In the center of the square, a huge bonfire was lit.Young men and women sang and danced around the bonfire, enjoying the good times after the war.

"Aren't you going to sing a song to see your lover off?" Liu Yun whispered in Lin Mei's ear and smiled ambiguously.

The joyful atmosphere deeply infected him, causing the hidden youthful passion in his heart to burst out, and he couldn't help teasing his woman.

The flames reflected Lin Mei's face red, she smiled sweetly, and tenderness flowed in her eyes.

"Okay! In my hometown, when young girls say goodbye to their lovers, they will sing "Li Song". Today I dedicate it to you. Lin Mei will be waiting for you, I hope the singing can lead you to find The way back!"

During the interval between singing and dancing, Lin Mei walked to the bonfire.

Beautiful singing, accompanied by light dance steps.

"If I had a pair

wings like a bird
Can fly freely in the blue sky

i will follow you

Fly to the distant Arak grassland

in the fragrance of the prairie

snuggle by your side

leaning on your warm shoulders
Watch the intoxicating sunset in the west

When Lin Mei pulled Liu Yun away, the scene was quiet.

Lin Mei's affectionate singing made everyone intoxicated.

Moments later, frantic screams of young people resounded from the square.

"My God, that's our queen!"

"I saw Earl Liuyun!"

"The queen has dedicated a song to Earl Liuyun!"

The whole square suddenly boiled.

Youthful enthusiasm and a fairy-tale love story are destined to be a sleepless night.

After returning from the square, Liu Yun said goodbye to Lin Mei and returned to his residence.Although he really wanted to spend more time with her, the Black Hawk Special Operations Brigade was about to leave for Puseli, and he still had a lot of things to deal with.

Before leaving, the sentence "if the relationship lasts for a long time, how can it be in the morning and evening", which made Lin Mei's eyes turn red.

(End of this chapter)

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