alien army

Chapter 348 The Strength of the Second Iron Division

Chapter 348

When leading the students to relive history, the general seemed to be deeply trapped in the memories of the past and unable to extricate himself.Deep sadness, like the wrinkles left by the years, covered his face.

These children who grew up listening to Liuyun's story finally understand a truth: the reason why Earl Liuyun can stand at a height that the world cannot reach is not only because of his personal achievements in his life, but also because he created a great team. The army has cultivated a group of great soldiers.

They have changed history and let history remember them forever.

Their teacher, the one-armed general in front of them is undoubtedly the deputy company commander who lost his arm in that battle, a survivor of the blockade on the West Bridge, and a witness to a period of extraordinary times.

"If this battle hadn't happened, the company commander, who was addicted to alcohol, might have sat under a tree in a senile state after retiring, drinking a glass of wine, and getting drunk all night. In the history of the empire, one who was killed by a giant would be lost forever He is a hero whom he admires, and there is an old man who takes care of his children and his wife to enjoy his old age.”

The General's deep, mournful voice sounded again.

Whether the current situation has created the great lives of many heroes, or destroyed the beautiful lives of many mortals, the general is not sure.

"During that battle, I was directly promoted by a deputy company commander to become the chief of staff of the Second Iron Division. Many people regarded my experience as a myth of rising to the sky. How could they know that it was because the Second Iron Division was responsible for blocking missions. In this army, the division chief, regimental commander, deputy regimental commander, and company commander all died heroically. Even the deputy company commander, I am the only one left without an arm! Therefore, I Acting as the chief of staff of the division, the task he entrusted to me before he died was to bring the remaining dozens of people back alive!"

"When I took the man back, I also brought the last words of the chief of staff to the division commander. The division commander cried on the spot. An old man in his tens of years, a veteran general, burst into tears like a child! It wasn't until that time that he understood why the chief of staff contradicted him and took the task of stopping the Blood God Cult army. Because the chief of staff knew that it was a mission of a narrow escape, and he didn't want the division commander to take risks. He kept sending the officers and soldiers of the second division Treat him like his own son, so this best son exchanged his own life for his own. Later, he said to me, since Chief of Staff Xia asked you to be the chief of staff, you should do it for me, don’t fuck I lost the face of the chief of staff! I was officially appointed as the chief of staff of the Second Iron Division. My existence actually represented the memory of the commander for Chief of Staff Xia, and represented the officers and soldiers of the Second Iron Division, and the Black Eagle Legion’s support for that day. A kind of nostalgia for the fallen soldiers!"

"Teacher, thank you for telling us all this! You are from the Black Hawk Legion. No matter where we go, we will always remember that we are the successor of the Black Hawk, and we will not disgrace you!" a student said softly.He couldn't resolve the sadness in his teacher's heart, so he could only comfort him in this way.

The general tried his best to calm himself down, and finally said: "The war on the mainland is over, and peace has just begun. The leader once said that soldiers are born for war, but they are the guardians of peace! Fighting is the eternity of soldiers." pursuit, but the purpose of fighting is only to strangle the throat of war and usher in the dawn of peace for the world! I hope you will keep his words firmly in mind. Long-term peace will make an army lose the value of existence, and you , may also be like the martyrs who have been buried here, no longer being paid attention to by people, because the times have changed, and people need to pay attention to more and more things. This profession, in a sense, is a profession full of tragedy In the war years, you need to shed blood, work hard, and sacrifice, and in the peaceful years, you need to endure unimaginable loneliness, loneliness and bitterness! I hope that when the halo on soldiers fades, you can still wear this military uniform Be straight, this is the teacher's only expectation of you!"

On the banks of the Pecos River, the silver-haired general led a group of young soldiers to give a solemn military salute to the place where the officers and soldiers of the Second Iron Division were buried, and then left slowly.

The river flows and murmurs.

It seems to be telling the sky the stories that once happened around itself.

Maybe many years later, no one can remember these soldiers who died here, but it will remember them, because their blood has melted into its body.

After the attack on the West Bridge started, the contest between the Black Eagle and the Scorpion also kicked off in Asman.
"Captain Ryan, how many arrows can you shoot at the same time?" Hailun asked suddenly.


"It's still not enough to cause fatal damage to cat people." Hai Lun sighed, "Then you must be careful when dealing with them!"

"These people are basically the same as Xiaoqiang, they can't be beaten to death!" Liu Yun laughed.

Ryan asked, "Miss Hylun, do you know where their hearts are?"

Helen nodded.

"Then can I trouble Miss to draw a picture for me and mark these positions. I am confident that five arrows will hit five parts, plus an elf archer, and the cooperation of the two should be able to kill them." Ryan Said.

"That's a way. I'll draw it for you when I get back." Hailun nodded.

"Ryan, after dark, you choose a few elf marksmen, and I will go into the forest with you to meet this cat." Liu Yun said.

Ryan asked weakly: "Boss, the elves are best at fighting in the jungle, and according to Miss Hylun, the cats are also good at this kind of fighting. You make such a mess, I have to take care of you, Not so good?"

Liuyun couldn't help laughing when he heard the words: "Ryan, I am the ancestor of jungle warfare! Your elves' strength is how to survive in the jungle, and my strength is how to kill people in the jungle! Also, the archer's strength in the jungle A duel can also be regarded as a sniper battle, don't forget, the snipers in the sniper battalion are all trained by me!"

Ryan smiled and said, "Boss, I've never seen you use an arrow, so what would you use to shoot these cat people?"

Liu Yun gently threw away a corner of the armor on his body, and a row of shining silver flying needles appeared on the inner layer of the armor.

"Isn't it just nine hearts? If I throw a handful of them casually, he won't be able to eat them and walk around!"

Hailun said: "Then let me go with you, I know more about cat people and poisonous scorpions, maybe I can help you!"

"No!" Ryan and Liu Yun said in unison.

However, the thoughts in the hearts of the two people are completely different.

Ryan felt that it would be too troublesome to bring the boss along, if another woman was added, he would simply send him to K's door.

But Liu Yun believed that bringing Hai Lun with him would seriously affect his performance.These days, there has always been a fire in his heart, which has given him a strong tendency to violence and bloodthirsty impulses, and he needs a chance to vent it.

"Earl Liuyun, I want to talk to you privately." Hailun no longer insisted, and only said something to Liuyun lightly.

In the night, Liu Yun and Hai Lun appeared in front of Ryan and the seven elf marksmen.

"Boss, why did you still take her with you?" Ryan whispered in Liu Yun's ear.

"In this world, strength determines everything!" Liu Yun said with emotion.

"What do you mean by that?" Ryan asked in surprise.

"What she said, to talk to me in private, is to come to me with a sword, and then put the sword on my neck within ten strokes, forcing me to agree!"

Liu Yun pretended to be pitiful, and said miserably.

In fact, his heart was already full of joy - who wouldn't want to have multiple free thugs around him!What's more, this thug is still a beautiful woman who is all over the country.

"Why, your women are always stronger than the other?" Ryan sighed softly.

When Liuyun and the others entered the forest from the south, Dean had already returned to rest in the tent on the north side of the forest.

The performance of the elf archer of the Black Hawk Special Forces Brigade in the face of Lianzhu Blood Arrow really disappointed him, and it also made him lose the patience to continue waiting.

At this time, he was lying on the body of a winged woman, and let out a series of heavy panting sounds.

"Grandma's, just like a bear, also called a sharpshooter?" Dean twitched wildly while cursing.

"I'm called a sharpshooter! I shoot, I shoot, I shoot you to death!" 2 minutes later, Dean yelled at the moment of climax.

Dean clicked his lips in satisfaction, and rolled off the woman.

He seemed very satisfied with the shooting just now, and he didn't notice the faint disdain at the corner of the woman's mouth at all.

Of course, even if he noticed, he didn't care, because for a marksman, the process from winding an arrow to shooting it was a very short process, and he was used to such a fast pace.

You can't ask a shooter to test the feelings of the person being shot.

"General, something is wrong!" When a catman soldier rushed into the tent in a panic, Dean was still resting on the bed with his buttocks naked.

"What's so tense?" Dean asked, lazily opening his eyes.

"Two soldiers were ambushed in the south of the forest. One of them died on the spot and the other was seriously injured!" the soldier hurriedly reported.

"What!" Dean sat up suddenly, "How is that possible?"

"The situation is absolutely true! The body of the deceased is just outside!"

"Bring me in!" Dean said loudly with a cold face while putting the armor on his body.


Soon, the body of a catman was brought in.

Dean took a closer look, and his expression suddenly became serious.

The magic armor on this catman's body has disappeared, and his body is covered with tiny scars.These are traumatic injuries, not fatal.What is truly fatal is the nine feathered arrows that are accurately inserted at the positions of the nine hearts.

"Oh my god, Nine Stars Lianzhu! How is this possible!"

Dean's heart was filled with ghosts, and the cold air surged.

(End of this chapter)

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