alien army

Chapter 360 Toxic Blood Antidote

Chapter 360 Toxic Blood Antidote
"Go back and tell General Mo that while the princess was injured, the fortress will be handed over to him! The weapons and equipment transported by Dahangshan to the West Fortress are already on their way. The head of the army will soon lead the Black Hawk Special Forces Brigade back to Priseli City, please be sure to resist! Also, no matter what happens, you must protect Her Royal Highness!"

In the early morning, when parting, Alexander shook Ice's hand vigorously and exhorted.

"Yes, Chief of Staff! Then we're on our way!" Iss and another officer saluted Alexander before turning and leaving.

Looking at the backs of the two, Alexander felt extremely heavy.

Of these two officers, one is a survivor of the Second Iron Division's attack on the West Bridge, and the other is from the Fire Phoenix Army, who has experienced the ambush at the foot of Mount Silman.Through their narration, Alexander learned about everything that happened on the battlefield, and also knew that the Blood God Cult's army was about to arrive at Fortress of Sit.

Alexander had to re-examine this evil army, and these two battles completely overturned his understanding of the blood god army.

Since the outbreak of the war, on the Sith battlefield and the Asman battlefield, the Blood God Cult has gained an absolute advantage in the face of the vulnerable human army, relying only on blood-clothed emissaries, blood demons and walking corpses.For all races in the mainland, the army of the Blood God Cult can be regarded as the most terrifying.

After the establishment of the Continental Allied Forces, the human army represented by the Black Eagle Legion Cavalry Division and the Orc Expeditionary Army launched a fierce counterattack against the Blood God Cult, breaking its myth of invincibility, and the Blood God Cult was forced to turn to defense.Everyone has seen the dawn of the end of the war.The Hailan Incident was regarded as the precursor to the demise of the Blood God Sect, and the Blood God Sect's full-scale contraction, and the act of sending all [-] Blood Demon troops to the Asman battlefield was also regarded as the last crazy counterattack launched by the cult.

For a long time, even Alexander turned his attention to the Orc Empire, preparing for a new round of attacks that Ming Luo might launch.

No one could have imagined that at this stage of the war, the Blood God Cult would still be able to launch a new round of offensive.

"Looks like it's time to show your cards!"

Alexander had a premonition that the final decisive battle was coming.

And this decisive battle will be fought between the Black Hawk Legion and the Blood God Cult army.

"Boss, you still can't escape this fate!"

Alexander sighed and walked out the door.

He has always regarded that thousand-year-old legend as an absurd story.

It now appears that this is not a story, but a fate.

If Liu Yun could not come back in time, this attack from the Blood God Sect would be fatal to the Black Hawk Legion.Although Alexander has done a lot of research on wars, the war in front of him is different from any war in history, and he feels helpless.In the hands of the Blood God Sect, there is absolute power. In the face of this kind of power, any art of war command is pale, and the only thing that can eliminate this power is a stronger power——The fusion of six magics is this kind strength.

"Smelly boy, I said that during my retreat, no one can disturb me!"

When Alexander dragged Lao Ka out of the laboratory of the Military Academy's Long-range Fire Research Center, Lao Ka was obviously very annoyed.

"Do you know how important this medicine brought back by the sparrow is to us? This is the antidote for the poisonous blood of the Blood God Sect! If I can successfully make this medicine, how many lives can it save? ?”

Lao Ka kept complaining.

Alexander smiled wryly: "Uncle, if I hadn't lost my way, I wouldn't dare to bother you! The Blood God Cult is about to hit the West Fortress, if you continue to retreat like this, when you leave the customs, you may see Is it just a corpse?"

"The Blood God Sect is calling?" Lao Ka frowned, and then smiled, "They will choose the time, and come to bully you when that kid Liuyun is away?"

"That's right. The Second Iron Division and the Fire Phoenix Army have fought against them, and we have suffered heavy losses! Even Her Royal Highness was injured!" Alexander said worriedly.

"Don't scare me!" Old Ka asked in surprise, "It's not like I haven't seen those blood demon walking corpses before. Just use Luo Fu to make a blast, and then use the magic gun to shoot randomly, and it's easy to solve Is there a problem? That girl Naya is not a fuel-efficient lamp, how could she suffer a loss?"

After the old card finished speaking, he stared straight at Alexander: "Boy, you are the best at shady people, and that kid Mogo likes to take advantage of it the most. Are you guys joining forces to get some benefits from my old man? Or, just You enriched yourself with the weapons and equipment that Liuyun gave to the Fire Phoenix Army, now something goes wrong and you want me to help you speak well?"

Alexander couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this, and said: "Uncle, am I like that? I'm telling you something serious! Mogo's regiment plus a battalion, with more than 1000 people, was ordered by Her Royal Highness at the West Bridge. Blocking the Second Iron Division, only 43 people returned to the West Fortress alive. Her Royal Highness led the Fire Phoenix Army to ambush the vanguard of the Blood God Cult. More than 1 people died in the battle. It's also lit up!"

Then, Alexander told Lao Ka about the two battles in detail.

"It seems that the situation is not as serious as usual!" After hearing this, Lao Ka was stunned for a long time before saying.

"I don't know how to deal with it now, so I came to you to discuss it. Does uncle have any way to deal with those skeletons?"

Lao Ka shook his head: "Maybe only your bosses can handle this situation! To deal with monsters, only freaks can do it!"

"According to the thousand-year-old legend, isn't the fusion of six systems of magic the most powerful magic against the monsters of the Blood God Cult?" Alexander asked with some disappointment.

Old Ka rolled his eyes when he heard the words: "That's what I said, but I haven't completed the breakthrough of the six systems yet. I have recited the incantation left by the holy magister Kaspersky in his magic notes a few times, As a result, there is no magic fluctuation! Of course, I thought my magic power had disappeared! So, you kid, don’t expect me to use that half-baked magic to block your gun!"

"Is there an antidote for poisonous blood?" Alexander saw that it was hopeless to ask Lao Ka for help, so he changed the subject on his own initiative.He knew that although this old man was obviously not serious, he would never talk nonsense on important issues.Liu Yun and Black Eagle were both grown up by him. If he had the ability, he couldn't just sit back and watch the Black Eagle Legion's life and death.

"Well. I have cracked the formula of the antidote, but it is difficult to find several medicines at once. I have ordered the sparrow to go out to find it. After the ingredients are ready, I will write out the formula and train some magicians. It is estimated that it will be mass-produced in a week." Lao Ka said confidently.

After Liuyun sent Sparrow and Jinglei to rush back to Priseli City with the antidote, he plunged into the laboratory and studied this life-saving thing without sleep.For him, being able to help Liu Yun and reduce casualties of the Black Hawk Legion is a very gratifying thing for him.

But he never imagined that starting with this incident, the series of events that followed made him the greatest holy magister in the history of the Blue Moon Continent, an existence that surpassed Bassky's holy magus, and an eternal legend in the magic world .

"So, I'm going to be very busy these days, so you'd better not disturb me. You have to find a way to resist the Blood God Cult, and wait until that kid comes back to find a way. If it doesn't work, you can arrest him! Elf clan, dragon clan, don’t people have nothing to do all day long! Also, you have to find a way to reduce the casualties of your troops, or I won’t intercede for you when that kid Liuyun picks your skin off. In addition, I will give you Let me reveal some inside information. That girl Naya, the relationship with your boss is a bit... Oh, yes, it's called ambiguous, ambiguous, and the relationship between the two has been entangled since Liu Yun retired! You can't let her have an accident , otherwise it would be a lot of trouble. And..."

Lao Ka made a long phone call to Alexander.Obviously, this bad old man didn't have the consciousness to become a legend at all at this time.

In Alexander's mind, it's called bad taste.

He came to look for Lao Ka, originally hoping to get his help, but this uncle not only didn't help, kicked the ball to someone else, but also talked on the phone, which made him feel more and more uneasy.

Alexander couldn't help looking at him with annoyance.

"Did you remember everything I said just now?" Lao Ka finally finished speaking.

"The evil magic of the Blood God Sect is too perverted. One of us dies, and one more of them, how do we fight this battle?" Alexander asked bitterly, "I dare not say that I will be able to persist until the end, I can only say that I will try my best." And for!"

"Confused!" Lao Ka gave him a shudder, "Can magic be used if you want to use it? If the magic of the Blood God Cult is as easy to use as eating, why didn't they use it when the war started? In Sith Why not use it when being suppressed by the Orc Expeditionary Army and the Cavalry Division? If it is really crazy, they have successfully trampled this continent under their feet 1000 years ago! You should know it with your head, this magic must be extremely powerful It is difficult to release, or there are some special conditions, or the requirements for users are very high!"

Alexander thought about it quietly, and what Lao Ka said made sense.

"It seems that I was a little confused by these two wars." Alexander said with a smile.

"You are still young, and you lack the composure of that boy Liuyun! No matter how strong an opponent he faces, he will calmly come up with a way to deal with it." Old Ka said.

"He is a freak, and normal people can't compare it!" Alexander said angrily.For Liu Yun's behavior of leaving a big mess and going to Asman to meet his lover during the important period of the war, he was already full of anger in his heart.

"Okay, go and find a way to deal with the Blood God Sect, I have to continue my work! I hope there is still time!" After Lao Ka finished speaking, he turned and walked towards the laboratory.

"Uncle!" Alexander called loudly behind him.

"Calm down, calm down!" Lao Ka said leisurely with his hands behind his back.

At noon, the depressed Alexander finally got a piece of good news: Xia Tian returned to Priseli City with the holy masters from Daxing Mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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