alien army

Chapter 367

Chapter 367

"You said, I almost forgot that this battle was fought. There are still two powerful legions!" Alexander lightly threw the letters of invitation from the second and third legions on the table, and turned towards the army who was working in front of the sand table. The staff officers smiled wryly.

"It can only be said that the Blood God Sect is too evil, so we can't use it." A staff officer raised his head and said.

"That's right, no matter how many people go there, they will die. Maybe well-trained soldiers are the best raw materials for them to make blood skeletons!" Alexander laughed at himself.

"Chief of Staff, do you really think we can win this war if the boss comes back?" asked another staff officer.

The perverted Blood God Cult and the fierce battle they had never experienced created panic and doubts in everyone's hearts.

"If he can't do anything, then you just wait to become a member of the blood skeleton army!" Alexander scolded with a smile.

"I hope General Mo and his Second Iron Division can hold on till the end!"

"Old Mo, I had no choice but to leave you and the Second Iron Division in the fortress. Don't blame me! Damn boss, come back quickly!" The words of the staff officer made Alexander uneasy.

With a loud bang, the door of the headquarters was knocked open.

Everyone followed the reputation, and then became dumbfounded - Mogo, who was supposed to be guarding the fortress, actually appeared at the door.

"Alexander, you bastard!" Mogo, who was full of anger, pointed at Alexander and cursed.

Alexander was confused by the scolding, and was about to speak, when Mogo yelled at several staff officers in the headquarters: "Get out of here, I want to settle accounts with him!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, the staff members hurried out of the door.

"Old Mo, why are you back!" Alexander looked at Mogo and asked in surprise.

"Why did I come back?" Mogo walked up to Alexander in a few steps, and sneered, "Are you fucking insane!"

Alexander was furious by Mogo's scolding, stood up abruptly, glared at Mogo and shouted: "You didn't guard the fort, but ran back and got angry at me! I think you're just out of your mind!"

"Defend the fortress? Show me this shameful order yourself!" Mogo took out a warrant from his pocket and threw it heavily on the table, "See clearly!"

Alexander picked up the warrant in confusion, opened it and looked at it.After reading it, his face suddenly turned pale.

"Master Chief of Staff, I admire your courage to issue this order! I think you will regret it for the rest of your life!" Mo Ge sneered.

"Impossible, impossible!" Alexander shook his head and kept saying.

"Now, Second Iron Master and I have withdrawn according to your order! But, I want to tell you, I won't listen to your bullshit orders if it's not for the princess!"

Alexander suddenly raised his head, stared fixedly at Mogo, and said in a trembling voice after a while: "Old Mo, you are so confused! It's over, the Fire Phoenix Army is over!"

Mo Ge couldn't help being startled when he heard this.

"We've been together for so long, don't you really know me, Alexander? At this moment, how could I issue such an order?" Alexander said with a wry smile, shaking the warrant in his hand.

"Then...this...?" Mogo asked puzzledly, pointing to the warrant.

Alexander sighed: "This order has been changed. It imitates my handwriting. Of course you can't see it. I ordered the Fire Phoenix Army to withdraw to Priseli City and let you lead the Second Iron Division to defend it to the death." Fortress! To be honest, I intend to sacrifice you, Lao Mo and the Second Iron Division, to protect the princess and the Fire Phoenix Army!"

Mo Ge was dumbfounded: "Who dares to change your order?"

"It's the princess, it must be her! Only she can do this!" Alexander said helplessly.

Thinking of the meeting with the princess, Mo Ge suddenly understood everything, and sighed: "Yes, Second Master Tie and I were forced to leave by her."

"What did you say?"

"After receiving the order, the Iron Second Division and I prepared to disobey the order and stay in the fortress. But the princess forced me to lead the troops to leave, so I had to leave."

Alexander couldn't help getting angry when he heard the words, and said angrily: "Old Mo, do you know that if you leave, the Fire Phoenix Army will be in danger! The Blood God Cult is here for our Black Eagle, how can the Second Iron Division be here?" Leave at this time? Even if she puts a knife on your neck, you shouldn't leave!"

"However, the situation at that time, even if it were you, you would have to leave." Mo Ge said with a lonely expression.

"Is there anything more important than the safety of the princess and the Fire Phoenix Legion!" Alexander slapped the table and stared at him with fire, "I see the boss is back, how do you explain to him!"

Mo Ge smiled bitterly: "Of course I have a way to explain to him! Princess, she..."

"Old Mo, don't talk about anything else, you will lead the Second Iron Division back to West Fort right now!" Alexander said to Mogo before he could ask Mogo why he returned.

"Okay. I will lead the second division back now." Mo Ge nodded.

Alexander walked up to Mogo, held his hands tightly and said, "Old Mo, the fortress is handed over to you. Remember, you must stay until the end and come back. I believe you can do it! As for the princess, I don't care what you use. No matter what method, let her return to Priseli City safely!"

"Okay." Mogo nodded emphatically.

Under the leadership of Mo Ge, the Second Iron Division embarked on the road back to the West Fortress.

However, they did not go far before they encountered the troops led by Iss.

After the two troops joined together, they returned to Priseli City.

This time, when the Iron Second Division came back, it not only brought the bad news of the fall of the fortress and the defeat of the Fire Phoenix Army, but also the bad news of the princess' martyrdom.

The news that the flower of the empire withered, like a bolt from the blue, exploded over the city.

A great sorrow fell from the sky, swallowing up the city and the soldiers and civilians in the city who had come out of the trauma of the war in an instant.

All entertainment stopped, all smiling faces disappeared, and the city was silent.

Silence is a silent mourning.

Grief, and turned into a silent remembrance.

The people of Priseli City will never forget that in the precarious days of the Imperial Civil War, it was she who led the army to fight in all directions and turn the tide.

The people of Priseli City will never forget the heartbreaking pain on her face when she saw the heavy price the city paid for the war.

The people of Priseli City will never forget: in front of the Monument to the Heroes of the Battle of Priseli, she held a little girl by the hand and supported the new life of the city with a solemn promise.

Today, in order to fulfill her original promise to the city and the people, she led the army to fight fiercely with the Blood God Cult in the West Fortress, and finally gave her life for the country and the people.

When a flower withers, what remains is an indelible scent.

The passing of a flowery life leaves behind an eternal memory.

Of course, it's not all about the memories.

Princess Naya, to the soldiers and civilians of Huoyun, is not only a noble princess, but also a goddess in their hearts, and a symbol of the empire.

Her departure left endless sadness for the city, but also a precious wealth for the country.

The centuries-old history of the Huoyun Empire is a war history full of suffering.

In the past hundreds of years, the flames of war burning on this land, like a sharp knife, not only left scars on the people living on this land, but also carved out the unyielding soul of a nation.People who stand up again on the ruins of the war have a strong feeling in their hearts-deep love for the suffering motherland.This kind of love has become the unstoppable pillar of the Huoyun Empire for a hundred years.

However, war is just a big meal enjoyed by the rulers when they are bored, and it is often ordinary soldiers and civilians who pay for this big meal.The royal family and nobles, even during the war, still lived a peaceful life.

In Huoyun's hundreds of years of history, Naya was the first member of the royal family to die on the front line.And she is to protect the people behind her.

She has not abandoned her people, and her people will not forget her.

(End of this chapter)

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