alien army

Chapter 506 Some Considerations About the Old Book Alien Army and the New Book Alien Army

Chapter 506 Some Considerations About the Old Book Alien Army and the New Book Alien Army
Commoner decided to officially return to the starting point and continue to code words. First of all, I deeply pay tribute to the book friends who have been waiting for me for several years, and sincerely apologize.

It has been several years since I left the starting point. During this period, I have updated Yijun intermittently. While keeping a hope for everyone, I also kept my dream of writing.There are many things that I can't help myself. When I was young, I didn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, and I finally walked into a predicament that I never imagined.

Leaving the military camp, changing jobs and returning to work in the local area, I gained the freedom and comfort I longed for, but it seemed that I lost a lot.Leaving the starting point, returning to a normal life, away from the hardships and pains of code words, but still struggling.So, I came back, and with my love for codewords and my dream of belonging to the military, I set off again.

Many book friends have asked me about the update and end of the Alien Army.Although he is shameless, he has to give everyone an understanding in the end.Yijun was supposed to draw a complete sentence at the end of the story of the Blue Moon Continent, but due to the request of the publishing house, an overseas editor was added, and thus entered a difficult situation.I want to end it, but I don't want it to be unfinished, because every character and every story in the book is my painstaking effort.I write very slowly, more than 1000 words an hour, each line of words is written after repeated thinking.Today, the passion has retreated, and I want to finish it calmly, but I am a little powerless. I hope everyone understands.So after I came back, I used some ideas and new ideas in my mind to write a new book "Strong Soldiers from Another World". I hope that in the process of writing the new book, I can find some inspiration and try to give the army from another world a more ideal ending.Liu Yun and others drifting overseas have also become a heavy concern in my heart, and it is also a debt I owe to everyone.

The new book "Strong Soldiers from Another World" will be uploaded today (September 9).This book, I set it as a sister chapter of "Army of Alien World", and at the same time hope to complete the surpassing of the old book.Friends who like commoner writing style, please support me, I will work hard to finish the book after the new book is stable.

The years are quiet and the wind is clear and the clouds are light.Looking back, how many past events are far away, how many friends are still there, and how many passions can be rekindled?I look forward to walking the road of joining the army with you again, and looking for lost dreams in the flames of war together!

One last thing to say, everything is fine for Commoner, and he is going to be a father, and the child will be born in March next year.

Once again, I would like to extend my sincere apology and respect to the friends who have been waiting for the new army for several years, as well as my heartfelt gratitude!It is you who kept me from giving up, and finally chose to go back to the starting point.

(End of this chapter)

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