alien army

Chapter 51 Dark Cloud Overwhelms the City

Chapter 51 Dark Cloud Overwhelms the City (Daily Three More Support)
Hancheng is a large city to the west of the Huoyun Empire, and it is also the west gate of the empire.This city is located in the canyon of the two mountains, which locked the orcs' main road leading to the depths of the empire, and only one wall can be climbed and attacked, which can be described as extremely dangerous.It is also because of this that the orcs have only fought the autumn wind on the border of the empire for many years, and never dared to attack the Huoyun Empire easily.

However, outside the cold city at this time, an army of tens of thousands of orcs gathered, with banners unfurled, and the sound of killing shook the sky.The entire cold city was engulfed in flames of war.

"Come on, take this city, there are plenty of delicious food and wine!" A lion man stood under the cold city, waving a mace, and roared loudly.

"Who the fuck climbs the city wall first will be rewarded with ten taels of gold! Two orc beauties!" A werewolf drew out his long knife, pointed at the city wall of Hancheng, and shouted sharply.

Groups of orcs, under the command of the chiefs, desperately climbed the ladder and climbed towards the wall of the cold city.When approaching the top of the wall, a stone as big as a millstone was smashed down from the city wall, bringing up bloody flowers.Many orcs fell and became one of the thick corpses under the city wall, and the orcs behind rushed up on these corpses.The orcs who accidentally rushed to the top of the wall were quickly dismembered by the defenders on the city wall, and were thrown down from the city wall in pieces. They were no longer blessed to receive rewards from the chief.

The strong smell of blood aroused the orc's beastliness, and the attack became more and more ferocious.And the defenders at the top of the city also felt the threat of death from the smell of blood, and became desperate and risked their lives.

Waves of orcs rushed up, and waves retreated.The defenders on the city wall suffered a rapid increase in casualties under the desperate attack of the orcs.

When the sun was setting, the orc attacks finally stopped.Under the city wall, the orc soldiers were busy carrying the corpses, and the defenders on the city wall seemed to be too lazy to take care of them, taking advantage of the gap between the battles to recover their strength as soon as possible.The battlefield suddenly became silent, only the screams of the wounded came from time to time, reminding people that there had been a tragic war here.

Lie Hu, the head of the third orc army, stood outside the tent, staring closely at Hancheng.In the orc army, he was famous for his courage to fight tough battles, so the orc king entrusted him with the task of attacking the cold city.

Lie Hu was extremely surprised by the weakness of Hancheng's defense.

At that time, Liehu was lamenting that the tiger of Huoyun Empire, after a long period of peace, finally took a nap, which gave him an opportunity to take advantage of.

But he didn't expect that he would encounter tenacious resistance the next day, and even after five days of attack, he could not take it down, and nearly 2 people were killed or injured.

"Hey, maybe the gain outweighs the loss this time!" Lie Hu sighed and shook his head, "But, Han Cheng, tomorrow everything you have will belong to the orcs!"

Thinking of the large and fertile land behind the cold city and the large amount of food, Lie Hu seemed to be in a better mood.

On the wall of the cold city, a female general in battle armor was checking back and forth for the casualties of the soldiers and the consumption of supplies for the defense of the city.

"His Royal Highness, we only have these stones and gold juice left. If the orcs attack again tomorrow, Hancheng may fall! So, you must leave today!" General Luo Lin, who is about 30 years old and guards Hancheng, walked quickly After chasing her, she mourned in Naya's ear.

"I am the princess of the empire. How can I leave the soldiers and escape alone at a critical moment? Don't mention this matter again!" Naya turned around and said angrily.

"General Luo Lin, if this city falls, let's die together for our country!" Looking at the wounded and exhausted Luo Lin, Naya couldn't help but soften her heart, and said softly, her tone was still firm and decisive.

"Princess, you are trapping me in disloyalty!" Luo Lin choked up.

The unexpected attack of the orcs was beyond his expectation.Because according to the usual practice, every year in autumn, the orcs will fight the autumn wind on the border of the empire, but they never invade in a large scale.Although Hancheng is the gateway to the west of the empire, there are only [-] defenders in the city because there has been no war for a long time, and because of its dangerous terrain, there is only one wall that can be attacked.

Luo Lin didn't even expect that when the orcs suddenly attacked, the city was panicked and the people rushed to flee, the emperor's favorite Princess Naya suddenly appeared in the cold city and personally came to the front to command the battle.

"General Luo Lin, I am the princess of the country. Behind me are our country and people. Do you want me to abandon them? If I leave, I will be disloyal to the empire and the people!" Naya sighed softly. road.

Although she is talented, facing the powerful orc army in the dangerous terrain of Hancheng, which is suitable for defense rather than attack, she has no choice but to wait for a while.

The weakness of Hancheng's defense made her very surprised and furious.There are not enough arrows, not enough equipment for defending the city, not enough food reserves, not even enough weapons for soldiers.For this reason, on the first day of the war, she ordered the beheading of Hancheng's quartermaster, a close relative of a dignitary in the imperial capital.

Facing all this, Luo Lin was very ashamed, and Naya didn't pursue it too much, because she knew that in the officialdom of the imperial capital, a general who was away would not dare to offend the nobles who were in the center of power.At the same time, in the past few days, Luo Lin's performance has also made her feel very gratified. She never thought that such a cowardly person would think of not running away, but dying with the city at the moment of life and death.

Looking at the migrant workers transporting stones to and from the city, Naya said desolately: "General Luo Lin, look at these people of the empire. They could have escaped, but they gave up on their own initiative. They even demolished themselves. They sent these stones. What are they for? Just to defend the city and have the opportunity to rebuild their homes on this land. Do you think it is worth fighting to die for them?"

"But, Your Royal Highness, it is the general's responsibility to defend the city. You just passed by by chance. You can leave tonight. The general is here to wait for the reinforcements to arrive, and vows to live and die with the cold city!"

"Stop talking, I've made up my mind." Naya said lightly, "When will the nearest reinforcements arrive?"

"Five days. We still have enough food, but I'm afraid the soldiers won't be able to hold on anymore." Luo Lin said.

"Why did the orcs attack the cold city this time? It's not like their usual style. Could it be that they want to start a full-scale war with the empire?" Naya felt very confused, looking at the densely packed orc camps outside the city, she couldn't help shaking her head.

"Rolin, gather the soldiers." Naya said softly.

Soon, a large group of soldiers gathered on the walls and inside the city.

Standing at the highest point of the city wall, Naya's crisp voice spread throughout the city wall.

"Soldiers, I am Princess Naya of the Empire. Today, the orcs openly violated our land, attacked our cities, and plundered our people. The Empire will never tolerate it! You may know that the enemy we are facing is very strong, but I am determined to fight with all soldiers. Together, defend the cold city and never leave! Behind the cold city are our parents and brothers, our rich land, and we must not let the iron hooves of the orcs trample on it! Are you willing to join me in fighting the cold city to death?"

"I would like to die with the princess!" All the soldiers responded loudly, and even some wounded struggled to get up from the ground.

"Alright, you are all good men of the empire! The empire will never forget you!" After speaking, Naya walked down the city wall with tears in her eyes.

"Could it be that the empire won't forget them?" A voice asked in Naya's heart.

Naya remembered what Liu Yun once said. After experiencing the cruelty of the war, she realized the loveliness and respectability of these soldiers.

"Luo Lin, go and bring all the nobles of Hancheng to the city wall." Naya said coldly.

Soon, Luo Lin led people and brought all the nobles who had not escaped from Hancheng to the city wall.Most of these nobles panicked and looked anxious.

"I am Princess Naya of the Empire. It is an honor to meet you all. You are all nobles of the Empire. When the country is in trouble, I hope you will be loyal to the country. From today onwards, you will stay here to fight against the enemy. Hancheng is here , you are here, and the cold city is dead, you all will go to the country together with me. I believe, as nobles, you should have this awareness." Naya said coldly.

"Ah!" Several nobles exclaimed and fainted on the spot.Naya turned and left without looking at the nobles again.

Afterwards, Naya organized 1 of Hancheng's remaining 2000 troops into five brigades, and Luo Lin was in charge of defending the city in rotation.And she personally led [-] people as a death squad, responsible for retaking the fallen city wall.

Night finally shrouded the cold city.The thick night was like black clouds pressing down on the city, making Naya feel confused.

"Tomorrow, what kind of fate will be waiting for me and the soldiers of Hancheng?"

(End of this chapter)

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