alien army

533 Lock the target

533 Lock the target
When it was dark, it began to rain heavily.A carriage came in the rain and stopped at the gate of a magnificent courtyard.A man in a robe got out of the car and hurried up the steps.The door creaked and opened a crack, a middle-aged servant looked around, then greeted the person coming in, stretched out his head to look around, and then closed the door.

Lusco sat in the living room, waiting nervously.When Wesker's figure appeared at the door, he hurriedly got up to meet him.

The two hands were tightly clasped together.

"Why take such a big risk to come back at this time?" Letting go of his hand, Lusko looked at his former classmates and friends, and asked solemnly.

"I want to see how sick our country is!" Weisker sighed.

"In a sense, the empire has actually died out. It was replaced by a fanatical religious country with the temple at its core." Lusco said sadly, handing him a glass of water.

"How could the situation be so bad?" Wesker was shocked when he heard this.

"Both His Majesty and the Empress died of a sudden illness. After the prince Ming Luo succeeded to the throne, he purged the top management of the empire, and the people in the temple headed by Priest Luo Er entered the power center of the empire." Lusco sighed, "I used to think it was Ming Luo Prince Luo will be the founder of the great cause of the Koslin Empire, but he did not expect that he would become the gravedigger of the empire."

"It seems that they didn't lie to me. The situation of the empire may be worse than estimated." Wesker couldn't help feeling sad.

"Are you okay? I heard that you ordered the defenders of Liberty City to surrender, and then you became the deputy commander of the Continental Allied Forces?" Lusco looked at Wesker, expecting him to give a reasonable explanation.Until this moment, he still didn't believe that his best friend in this life, a strong general, would commit treason and surrender to the enemy when the empire was in turmoil.

"The news you heard is true." Wesker replied calmly.

"Why?" Lusco was angry, "Do you remember the vow we made together?"

"I would like to promise the country with this body, even if I die a hundred times, I will have no regrets!" Wesker read softly.

"The oath is still there, but you have turned to the enemy!" Lusko said with a sad smile, "Perhaps, in today's Koslin Empire, this is a wise choice!"

"Lusco, I have never abandoned the country that gave birth to me, even though it has changed beyond recognition. And I, as the general of the Koslin Empire, served as the deputy commander-in-chief of the Continental Allied Forces, and I am still fighting for my country!" Weisker explained road.

"Every traitor will find a reasonable excuse for himself." Lusco said sarcastically.

"Okay." Wesker smiled.

He took a few steps, took down a long sword from the wall of the living room, turned around and came to Lusko.

"If you believe that I am a traitor, you might as well use this sword to take off my head and go to meet your new lord. Maybe you can make a great contribution, and then you will be on the rise." He held the sword in front of Lusko with both hands, Lang Ran said.

Lusco looked up at him.Wesker has not changed, he is still the heroic general in all battles.What has changed is the motherland he has always been loyal to.

"Hang up your sword, you know I won't do such a thing. I've been sick and left the army." He shook his head and said disheartenedly, "As long as you don't regret it, then do as you want do it."

"Lusco, my brother, it is useless to escape. We must face the reality, fight bravely, and completely remove those evil forces from the body of the empire, so as to usher in the new life of the motherland. The people of Koslin, Only then can we embrace peace and light again." Wesk patiently persuaded.

"Maybe you're right. But what else can I do, I can't do anything!" Lusko leaned back on the chair slumped, his eyes lost.

"I didn't come alone." Wesker said, "I have a few brothers who need to settle with you temporarily. We will leave Venice City as soon as our mission is over. During this period, there may be some things that need your help."

"This is no problem." Lusco nodded without much problem.

There is a kind of friend who can be relied on for life.The passage of time and the changes in each other will not have any impact on this friendship.Lusco was such a person to Wesk, so when he arrived in Venice, he found him.And his performance did not disappoint Wesker.

When Liu Yun led Sparrow and others into the gate of the mansion, Lusko was immediately shocked by the powerful aura of several people.

Before he could speak, Liu Yun walked up to him and stretched out his hand.

"Continental Allied Forces, Liuyun. Thank you General Lusco for your support!" He smiled.

"Liuyun?" Lusko fell into extreme shock and was speechless for a long time.

"You are Your Excellency Liuyun, the commander of the coalition forces?" After a long time, he came back to his senses under Wesker's reminder, and murmured.

"Yes." Liu Yun nodded.

"Sure enough, you are extraordinary." Lusco sighed, "Aren't you afraid that I will betray you? Do you know that you are now regarded as a thorn in their side!"

"I believe in my own eyes, and I also believe in General Wesker's." Liu Yun said calmly.

"Thank you." Wesker said emotionally.He did not expect that Liu Yun would frankly reveal his identity in front of Lusko.In doing so, there are great risks, but the rewards are also amazing.He can guarantee that from this moment on, Lusco will absolutely assist their actions in Venice City with all their strength.

"Since the Commander-in-Chief said so, if there is something effective, Lusko will die!" Lusko said with emotion.

"Thank you, General. I also want to say one more thing. The Continental Allied Forces are not your enemy. We have to deal with the Dark Lord who is about to wake up. The drastic changes that have taken place in the Koslin Empire in recent days are all related to the Lord. In fact, we We fought in the same trench. From this moment on, I think we should be called comrades-in-arms!" Liu Yun continued.

With the help of Lusco, Liu Yun and others had a clearer understanding of the recent situation of the Koslin Empire.It is very unreasonable that Emperor Koslin and the Queen died of a sudden illness on the same night.And judging from all signs, Ming Luo's changes seemed to have begun that night.What happened during that time, no one knows.After Ming Luo completed the purge of military and political officials, the people in the temple were empowered and became important members of the new regime.After ascending to the throne, Ming Luo seldom went to court, and rarely appeared in public. All important affairs of the country were decided by a few temple priests, and the minions of the temple controlled many key parts of Venice City, and firmly controlled The city is in their hands.It can be said that in today's Koslin Empire, the temple has replaced the royal family and become the de facto ruler.

Liu Yun had to be very cautious if he wanted to capture the high level of the temple under such circumstances.According to the information in his hands, combined with the reality of Venice City, after repeated tracking and checking, he finally locked on the Temple Priest Pegg, who was serving as the Minister of Military Affairs, as the target of this trip.Judging from the information collected, this person has acted in a high-profile and defiant manner since he became the Minister of Military Affairs, and he is extremely conceited, and has few entourages around him when he travels.More importantly, he is obsessed with sex, and he really likes to play with innocent girls.As long as the women in the city of Venice are his fancy, he will not hesitate to destroy the other party's family and family.

"It's just him! He can also get rid of the harm for the city of Venice!" Liu Yun threw Peg's information on the table heavily, and said to Sparrow and others.

"But, who should sacrifice their appearance to seduce this guy?" Sparrow asked with a frown.

"Don't look at me, I'm still too young, I don't know how to flirt." Long Ling'er waved his hands, and his eyes fell on Xiao Ka, as if to say: I'm a famous woman. .

"You go, if you don't turn the city of Venice upside down, none of us will be able to escape." Liu Yun joked, "Wait for two days, Mengyue will rush to the city of Venice to join us soon. For these two days, we will plan first, and we will implement it as soon as she arrives."

"I don't know what kind of news she will bring this time." Liu Yun thought to himself.The day before leaving, Mengyue returned to the Mengzu army.According to her, she must retreat into the illusion and accept the new oracle from the goddess.Without the instruction of the goddess, Liu Yun did not dare to order the coalition forces to launch a large-scale operation.No one knows how strong the dark forces are. If they accidentally fall into the opponent's trap, it will bring immeasurable losses to the coalition forces.

Two days later, Mengyue rushed to Venice City and joined Liuyun and others.

"Master Commander, the goddess is very satisfied with your performance so far. She said that although Mingluo is under the control of the demon king, the dark power in the Far West is still restricted by the seal, and it has not yet penetrated into the Koslin Empire army. The coalition forces can launch operations against the Koslin Empire, but pay attention to the temple. This organization has developed over a long period of time, and its strength is difficult to estimate." She brought the goddess' message to Liu Yun.

"As long as they are not dark creatures, I guess the temple will not be much stronger under the erosion of wine, sex and wealth." Liu Yun felt confident after hearing her words.The information in hand shows that most of the people in the temple have extremely strong desires and ambitions, which is why they follow the devil.On the one hand, through the temple branches all over the continent, they can enjoy the benefits of great power. On the other hand, once the demon king returns, they can even surpass all living beings.However, since we are human beings, we have human weaknesses.The unfillable desire makes it difficult for them to achieve too high in cultivation.

"Don't take it lightly. The Demon King can influence Ming Luo, so naturally he can also affect these people." Mengyue reminded.

"Okay, then let's try it out. If this Peg can withstand the temptation of your beauty, I will re-evaluate the strength of the temple." Liu Yun smiled.Is this possible?impossible.Because back then, it was precisely because he couldn't resist Yue'er's beautiful face that he started pursuing her crazily.

"Even if you shoot me, I will be a dead ghost, guarding her side day and night!" The future father-in-law and his top boss firmly opposed them being together.For the sake of love, he disregarded military discipline, took out his gun and slapped it on the desk against him.

"Okay then, I'll do as you arranged." Mengyue smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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