alien army

Chapter 94

Chapter 94
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It was early in the morning when General Wiki, the commander of the First Division of the Asman Left Army, entered Sepp Town.Stepping on the corpses of soldiers and the blood on the ground, he finally walked into this border town where the First Division had suffered [-] casualties.However, there was not a single Fire Cloud Empire soldier to be seen in the town at this time, obviously the enemy had already fled, and the hundreds of people on the mountain road were just leftover troops.Therefore, Wiki ordered the troops to rest in place and clean up the battlefield.

When burying the dead officers and soldiers, he ordered that the bodies of the officers and soldiers of the Huoyun Empire who died in the mountain road be gathered up and buried on the spot.Many people can understand this order.Because in the previous battle, the Huoyun officers and soldiers won their respect with their actions.On the battlefield, there is no grievance, and the two sides fighting for life and death are just executing orders.

"Report to the general, about 800 soldiers of the Fire Cloud Empire died here." The officer in charge of cleaning the battlefield counted the number of dead soldiers of the Fire Cloud Empire according to Wiki's request.

"800 people are less than one-third of the strength of the third regiment. What about their main force?"

Vicky looked at the surrounding terrain, thinking about the whereabouts of the main force of the third regiment, but still couldn't figure it out.

"Breakout to the south? It's unlikely. They should know that there are two regiments defending the south. This kind of behavior is tantamount to seeking death. Hiding in the mountains is just waiting for death. But leaving hundreds of people behind, what do they want?" what to do?"

Shaking his head helplessly, Vicki issued an order to the staff around him: "Order the first and third regiments to pursue south along the mountain road; the second regiment stays in Saipu Town and searches in the nearby mountains."

If this order is carried out, then Liuyun's three regiments will still be unable to escape the fate of complete annihilation in the end.But the two infantry regiments stationed outside the mountain helped them a lot at this time.

"General, two infantry regiments outside the mountain have sent two officers to report urgent military information!"

After Black Hawk killed Ursula Magister, Liu Yun killed several enemy officers and led his troops to break out of the encirclement.Liu Yun still didn't know that with his knife, he unintentionally killed the heads of the two infantry regiments, leaving the two regiments in a leaderless chaos.

After sending a large number of soldiers to pursue Liu Yun and the others, the deputy heads of the two regiments felt unable to shoulder such a heavy responsibility.After a brief discussion, they decided to send someone to immediately report to Wiki the news that Liu Yun had led his troops to break out of the encirclement, and that the magister and the two regiment leaders had died in battle.

"Mage Ursula was killed in battle, and two captains were killed. How is this possible?" After hearing the report from an officer of the infantry regiment, Vicky's face turned livid. "Where do they get so many junior magicians?"

"In the Huoyun Empire army that broke through, there were indeed many magicians, and there was also an extremely elite army. The leader of the army even killed the heads of our two regiments with a single blow, and led his troops to flee south." The officer was careful. The ground answered.

"How many people?" Viki tried to calm himself down, and then asked.

"About 2000 people." This number was unanimously agreed upon by the deputy heads of the two infantry regiments.If a few hundred people broke through the defense lines of the two regiments, then their responsibility was even greater.

"It's not easy, you can actually kill a magister!" Viki felt that he had really met a difficult opponent this time.

"Order all the troops to move south at full speed and continue to pursue the third regiment." Vicky re-issued the order to the staff around him.

After receiving the order, the three regiments of the first division quickly entered the mountain road and headed south at full speed.

When the 2 people disappeared completely in the mountain road, a few soldiers stood up in a pile of bushes at the foot of the foggy mountain, and rushed towards the mountain quickly.

"Report to the deputy commander, the enemy has moved southward, and all of them have entered the southern mountain path." Several soldiers from the third regiment entered the canyon behind the Wushan Mountain and quickly reported to Long Yun the First Division of the Asman Left Army trend.

"It seems that the plan has succeeded, and the regiment leader has successfully broken through! If not, the enemy would not be so anxious to chase after him!" Long Yun patted his thigh excitedly and said happily.

His words also made Narondo, Hanno, and Charlie embrace each other excitedly.Of course, the happiest person is Shui Linger.

It's only been half a day since she separated from Liuyun, but her heart is already full of tenderness and thoughts.

"Brother Long Yun, did he really break out?" Shui Ling'er looked at Long Yun happily, her eyes full of anticipation.

"Well, this plan of the regiment commander is quite risky. Before he left, he told me that only if he successfully breaks through the encirclement, can he attract the enemy to chase down the road, and the three regiments can withdraw safely, so he insisted on personally leading the Black Hawk to break through the encirclement If the enemy starts to search the mountain, let me lead people to circle the enemy in the mountain and look for opportunities to jump out." Long Yun said excitedly.

"You took such a big risk, why didn't you tell me?" Shui Ling'er thought, her eyes suddenly turned red.

"Alright, we're ready to evacuate."

Under the leadership of Long Yun, the third regiment returned to Saipu Town with the team members left behind by Black Eagle as outposts.

In the small town, there was no one there, and it was as quiet as death.The residents of the town had fled the town or hid in the mountains before the war broke out.The dead bodies of both the enemy and the enemy also disappeared, but the bloodstains everywhere on the ground and the scattered weapons and battle armor remind people that there was a tragic battle here.

Several large pits newly dug outside the town are the final destination of the war dead.When the officers and soldiers of the third regiment walked in, their eyes were firmly attracted by the wooden sign in front of a large pit.On the sign, there was a line of big red characters: "Huoyun Eight Hundred Officers and Soldiers."

Looking at the sign, there was a low whimper from among the soldiers.Looking at the scene in front of him, Long Yun felt a twinge of pain in his heart.

He raised his hand to give a military salute to the eight hundred sleeping subordinates, turned around and pointed to the mountain road to the north, and shouted: "Everyone lying here is a hero, their blood will not be shed in vain! Three regiments, there will be more Brilliant tomorrow! Soldiers, follow the bloody path of heroes and keep going!"

Follow the mountain road to the north, head towards the territory of the Roman Province, and finally leave the Jedi of Sepp Town.

After the troops left the mountain, the officers and soldiers finally came out from the shadow of desperation.The excitement of the rest of the life after the catastrophe and the joy brought by the leader's successful breakthrough made everyone feel a little easier.

At this moment, they even forgot that their leader had already penetrated into the territory of the Asman Empire and walked into another Jedi.

"Where are we going now? Head to Roland Fortress, return to the Fifth Army?" After the troops left the mountain, they organized to rest at the foot of the mountain.Han Nuo sat beside Long Yun and asked in a low voice.According to common sense, after the troops are dispersed, they should move closer to their own legion and wait for arrangements.

"Fort Roland, I'm afraid it's impossible to go." Naron Duo looked in the direction of Fort Roland and shook his head.

"Yes, the situation of the empire may have undergone tremendous changes. If the captain's conjecture is correct, the cities of Priseli and Patna may have been besieged by Asman's army and are in danger. Once the city is lost, Fort Roland will become an isolated city. If the enemy encircles Fort Roland, we will die if we go there." Long Yun said in a deep voice.

"So what do we do now?" Charlie asked.

"Go north, go to Rees City, the Roman capital, and see the situation before we talk. If the situation is really bad, then think of a way."

As Long Yun said, he thought of the last path that Liuyun guided Santuan - a strange path that he had never seen or heard of.

(End of this chapter)

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