Chapter 249
Several people in the dark camp were also bluffed by Qin Wen's sudden burst of strength.

Especially the berserker, looking at Qin Wen who was showing great power beside him, he opened his mouth wide but couldn't speak. Looking at Qin Wen's style before, no matter how you look at it, he is a complete rookie. I thought Qin Wen rushed over It's just because of the enthusiasm of a rookie and the imposing manner of a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers.

Even before Qin Wen escaped the sniper attack of the light camp's archers, he just thought that this newcomer was lucky, but he didn't expect that Qin Wen would intimidate the audience as soon as he made a move, and the situation turned around instantly. With more than 40 black warriors, he directly Take complete control of the scene.

This sudden earth-shaking change is really unacceptable. Not only this Kuang Zhan, but also the rest of them were speechless in a daze. They just watched Qin Wen control the black warrior army against the enemy. They were still in dire straits, and all the dangers were lifted at once, and they seemed a little uncomfortable. They wanted to help, but they didn't know where to start.

Because Qin Wen's black warrior army has already protected them tightly, and judging from the black warrior's offensive, it seems that they don't need their help. Now everyone in the light camp has no power to fight back. With a huge advantage in numbers, In front of Qin Wen's undead army, they are completely useless. Now their only hope is to escape successfully.

"Soldiers open the way, focus fire from a distance, and open a path!" The captain of the light camp calmly ordered, although the number of undead legions is twice as large as theirs, but they are also quite a few, with [-] combat forces, there is every hope of rushing out of.

This time, no one had any objection to the captain's order. They had watched the video of the 89th garrison battle. They were shocked by the number of Qin Wen's mighty legions at that time, and that was before Qin Wen changed his job. His strength, now that he has successfully changed his job, without even thinking about it, his strength has definitely increased significantly.

All Berserkers turned on Berserk, and with their increased attack power, they forcibly charged at the black warrior blocking the way, trying to open a way so that everyone could rush out smoothly.

But since Qin Wen made a move, he naturally wouldn't let them escape easily.

The ancient wooden magic sword in his hand has already been switched to a magic staff. The only function of the ancient wooden magic sword is to perform undead summoning and increase the strength of undead creatures by 15%. Most of the other skill effects are linked to attack power , naturally use the magic wand.

Following Qin Wen's chanting, a group of ghost claws quietly appeared on the ground, and before the players from the light camp could even react, they locked everyone in place.

The offensive of the light camp was disintegrated in an instant, and there was no possibility of escape. The black warrior army surrounded them in an instant, and it was an unscrupulous siege from n to one. However, under Qin Wen's control, he could fight as long as it was beneficial.

The first thing to be wiped out is the crispy legal class. The physics class is relatively resistant. How to say, the physical defense is higher than that of the legal class, but the legal class is undoubtedly like tofu in the face of the black samurai attack. Fragile.

"Boss Zhiqiu, that, can we go up and find a place?" Kuang Zhan beside Qin Wen asked awkwardly.

Several people from the light camp had already guessed Qin Wen's identity. They were standing beside Qin Wen. There was no possibility of guessing. Seeing the appearance of the black warrior army and combining Qin Wen's attire, it was very easy. You can think of the video that Qin Wen streamed in the No. 89 station.

In the video, the one who left the deepest impression on people was naturally the Cyclops mage, who combined the skills of Meteorite Falling from the Sky and Pyro Explosion, and the power that erupted in an instant shocked the players of the light camp, so that they had no second choice. The right decision was made at once, and the final lava eruption was also unparalleled in power, and it was also one of the most important reasons for the break of the cornerstone of the light camp's resident.

Therefore, almost everyone who has watched the video has an impression of the power of the Cyclops Mage, and besides the Cyclops Mage, the other thing that left an impression on them is the mighty army of undead. The cyclops mage is Qin Wen's ultimate move, and the undead army is Qin Wen's foundation.

Most of the undead army is composed of black warriors, so the black warrior army has almost become the spokesperson of Qin Wen's image. At least, except for Qin Wen, no one has ever seen anyone who can have such a huge undead Legion, so when they saw Qin Wen appearing in two consecutive groups of black warriors, they immediately guessed Qin Wen's identity.

This mad battle is also a bit embarrassing, just now I kept treating him like a rookie, and blocked him from coming over, but it turned out that he was just a bold person with high skills, and he rushed over with two moves to help him solve the crisis.

"Of course, you can fight as you like, just don't let them run away." Qin Wen shrugged.

Contrary to what few people expected, Qin Wen was not as arrogant as they imagined, and he spoke very peacefully, without the airs of a top expert at all.

Kuangzhan suddenly excitedly said: "Don't worry, I can't run away, damn it, there are few people who dare to bully me, everyone, let's bully them too!"

Picking up the ax in his hand, the mad warrior rushed up, followed by another shield fighter and a thief. As for the mage and the archer, they began to pour out at the players of the light camp from the gap Qin Wen left behind. firepower.

Qin Wen first wiped out the two priests carried by the light camp, which completely cut off their supplies and could only be carried by potions.

The addition of five people from the dark camp made the light camp even worse. The strength of these five people was already good, but they were suppressed and beaten before. Take it away, the defeat of the light camp is only a matter of time.

Qin Wen didn't deliberately compete with the five of them for honor points. For Qin Wen, a few honor points were not in his eyes, but for them, nothing should be wasted. Just look at the reaction of the light camp before. Attract Qin Wen, take away Qin Wen's honor points, and would rather slow down the attack and save their lives.

But it's a pity that they miscalculated, and it wasn't the rookie who came here, but the god of death, so the result was the current situation. Not only did they not receive the five people who had already reached their mouths, but they even fell into it.

In the end, each of the five of them confiscated a point of honor, and the rest were all confiscated by Qin Wen, and none of them survived.

"Boss Zhiqiu, it's really you, hehe, I watched your video, it's a blockbuster!" After killing the people from the light camp, they finally made time to talk to Qin Wen.

"That's right, tsk tsk, it seems too relieved, Boss Zhiqiu, you don't know, the player base of the light camp is more than our dark camp, so on the battlefield, we often suffer losses, like this time, being suppressed by the light camp Fighting incidents are not uncommon on the battlefield."

"If our camp had more talented people like Boss Zhiqiu, it would be great to help us more, and we don't have to be afraid of those guys from the Guangming camp."

"Hey, it's too embarrassing for me to be Zhiqiu's boss before, I'm a noob..."

Suddenly seeing the idol real person in the video standing in front of him, these people obviously seemed a little restless, and each of them called Zhiqiu the boss, but it made Qin Wen feel a lot of pressure.

"Well, since the number of people is inferior, why don't you come out with more people? I think your strength is also good. If the number is equal, you may not lose to them..." Qin Wen said.

Speaking of this, Kuang Zhan shook his head, "It's not so easy to group people. It's easy to die on the battlefield. Those who are not familiar with it don't dare to group. Who knows how the technology is. If you are cheated, you will lose it all at once." Adding a piece of equipment at the first level, there is no place to cry, and if you are not a regular teammate, things like grabbing merit and uneven distribution often happen. The battlefield is no better than inside the camp, so until now, many of them are regular teams of acquaintances. Very few people want to go to the wild team."

Qin Wen seldom mixed in the battlefield. Although he had a high military rank, he didn't make it step by step. Even in the battlefield, he basically walked alone. Therefore, he really didn't know much about the environment of ordinary players on the battlefield. Listen to this When Kuangzhan said that, Qin Wen had a better understanding of the situation on the battlefield.

Seeing that Qin Wen listened seriously, this crazy battle seemed to have a sense of accomplishment, and he continued: "Newcomers are the most difficult to mix in on the battlefield. If they don't suffer so many big losses, they will basically not be able to grow up. Moreover, Few teams are willing to bring newcomers, after all, newcomers are the most deceitful existence, if there is no one to bring newcomers to the battlefield, they are basically delivering food."

"We are more willing to bring newcomers. Sometimes if someone in the team can't come, we still have a chance to bring newcomers together..."

"Then you're pretty good. If you think so in the dark camp, we may grow faster than the light camp despite our small number of people." Qin Wen praised.

Kuang Zhan said with a wry smile: "But you have seen the end of bringing newcomers."

After that, he pointed to the several corpses lying on the ground. Obviously, according to what he meant, the newcomers they brought this time were inside the lying corpses.

Qin Wen was speechless immediately. It seems that there are indeed some pitfalls...

"What are you going to do with these teammates?"

"No way, the priests are all dead. Unless there are familiar priests near this station, they can only be resurrected by themselves, and relegation is inevitable."

"Well, brother Zhiqiu, when are you going to break the garrison again? Can you take me with you? I can also help..."

The one who spoke was the archer in the team and the only female player in the team, named Mao Xiaowu. After speaking, she looked at Qin Wen expectantly, obviously expecting Qin Wen to agree.

(End of this chapter)

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