My undead brother is a bit too much

Chapter 310 Secret Door, Meeting Qin Wen

Chapter 310 Secret Door, Meeting Qin Wen
In addition to the teapot, the four teacups can also slide. At this point, Hongyue basically knows the idea here. Obviously, the teapot and teacup must be composed according to certain rules in order to break the mechanism here.

He kept sliding the teapot and cup, trying to try his luck to see if he could trigger the mechanism.

But it's a pity, no matter how the red moon slides, there is still no movement, time waits for no one, it is almost running out of time!

"Boss, I don't have time, so forget it. Anyway, the Ice Palace is so big, it doesn't have to be here." The subordinate hurriedly reminded.

Is it really necessary to withdraw?Hongyue looked away from the tea set, and glanced aimlessly across the reception room, trying to make the last effort.

Suddenly, Hongyue's eyes fell on the painting she saw before. The content of this painting... seemed to imply something!
Before just looking at this painting, Hongyue didn't notice anything, but she had just finished studying the tea set on the table, and when she looked at this painting again, she immediately made a new discovery.

The content of the painting is very ordinary, it is a common ink painting, a picture of drinking in a pavilion in the mountains, four men in the picture, sitting on a stone table, in different shapes, talking and laughing happily.

But Hongyue's attention was not on these protagonists, but on the stone table, because on that stone table, there happened to be a pair of tea sets, a pot of four cups, and the person next to Hongyue. The tea sets are exactly the same!
Found the key!
Hongyue was immediately excited. Although her guess had not been confirmed to be correct, the woman's sixth sense told her that there was nothing wrong this time!

Time is running out, the melee class has been completely killed, and now there are only a few legal systems left to fight. If you choose to continue to crack, then there is no possibility of retreat. If you can't crack, you will die.


Hongyue is also a decisive person, she has reached this point, she can't give up no matter what.

Without saying a word, Hongyue turned around and faced the table again. In the picture just now, the location of the tea set on the stone table had been memorized in her heart. She reached out and moved the teapot and cup quickly. In a few seconds, the tea set on the table was arranged in exactly the same shape as the picture.

There was only a light click, and the tea set, which could have been easily moved, was immediately inserted into the table and remained motionless.


The room vibrated slightly, and a door was slowly revealed on Hongyue's left side!

Hongyue was overjoyed, and immediately greeted the surviving Huaqianyuexia players to hurry in, but some people were not happy.

Because of the opening of the secret door, the guard team became even crazier. There were not enough melee players, and the remaining people in front of the guard team had no ability to resist at all.

"Boss, go in quickly, let's help block them!" Since they can't leave, they won't leave. Anyway, they are ready to die, and being able to send Hongyue in is considered a success, a great achievement.

Hongyue was not pretentious either, and rushed towards the secret door alone, while the rest of the Huaqianyuexia players insisted on drinking red medicine to block the charge of guarding the soul.

But after Hongyue entered the door, the door actually closed by itself, completely cutting off the retreat of the last few players.

When it was closed, the sound outside suddenly disappeared without a trace. From extremely noisy to extremely quiet, Hongyue still seemed quite unaccustomed to it, but soon, Hongyue saw a sound that was both expected and appeared. unexpected people.

At this time, Qin Wen was staring at Hongyue who suddenly barged in, dumbfounded. He had clearly parted ways with Hongyue before, but he didn't expect to see Hongyue barging in shortly after he came in.

"You...why are you here?" Qin Wen asked suspiciously.

Although she guessed that Qin Wen might be nearby, Hongyue didn't expect that there was only a secret door between them.

"Uh... I... I went that way before, but I didn't find anything there. I thought you were here, so I came over to have a look." After Hongyue finished speaking, Wei Wei She breathed a sigh of relief, since Hua Qian Yue Xia became a top guild, she didn't know how long it had been since she felt guilty.

"Then why did you come here so quickly?" Qin Wen continued to ask, he asked himself that although he was delayed for a while, he wouldn't be caught up by Hongyue so quickly, or Hongyue's speed was a bit against the sky, he Only one place was figured out, but Hongyue explored two places.

Unexpectedly, Qin Wen would not let her go, Hongyue didn't want to entangle her any longer, otherwise her little thoughts would be exposed.

"Haha, that, by the way, I have spent a lot of thought on this agency just now, and all the people I brought are here. What is this place?"

Qin Wen couldn't hear such an obvious change of topic, but even if Hongyue didn't say anything, he could guess that he obviously wanted to explore the way ahead, and then walk behind to pick up ready-made ones.

However, Qin Wen Road was explored, but the good things were also taken away at the same time, like the place where it is now, it has almost been searched by Qin Wen.

"This looks like a study room. I've been researching it for a long time, but I haven't found anything suspicious." Qin Wen shrugged and replied. Yes, as for how to break the situation, it is not within the scope of Qin Wen's research for the time being.

"Um, don't you have any idea?" Hongyue asked, this study was blocked by a secret door, it must be difficult to imagine, or there is some important secret, or there is a treasure or something .

"Clue? There is a little bit of this." Qin Wen replied honestly.

"What?" Hong Yue asked.

"That means we are trapped again, there is no passage here, and I haven't found a way out yet." Qin Wen said an answer that made Hongyue speechless.

That's right, just after entering, Hongyue has already glanced around quickly. Although this study is not small, it is not too big. There is a desk in the middle, a chair, and a few bookshelves next to it. , and nothing else, at a glance.

Of course, Qin Wen would not tell Hongyue that there was a sword hanging on the wall, but he took it away. Wouldn't it be a waste to hang a gold-level long sword on the wall as an ornament?

There were quite a few skill books in those bookshelves that could be used, and Qin Wen also stuffed them into his bag. Naturally, skill books were meant to be used by people, and stuffing them into the bookshelves was also a shameful act.

So in this study, although Qin Wen didn't find any valuable clues, he got a lot of valuable things, and the first one to eat the crab is the biggest beneficiary.

"Is there something behind the bookshelf? Why don't you move it away and have a look?" Hongyue said.

"I tried it just now, and the bookshelf can't be moved. Of course, there may be a mechanism that can make it move, but I haven't found it yet."

Qin Wen also guessed whether there would be another universe behind the bookshelf before, but even though he tried his best, the bookshelf showed no sign of moving. According to Qin Wen, the bookshelf should be fixed.

However, because of this, it looks even more suspicious. It is normal to have two bookshelves in the study, but if this bookshelf cannot be moved, it seems to be a ghost.

The two of them didn't speak, and continued to search for a way to break the situation, to see if they could find any clues. Although there was no danger now, if they really couldn't get out, they would have to go back to the city and start again. That would be a bit too troublesome, and There is still time to get the teleportation token of the Extreme Ice Palace again, time is running out, neither Qin Wen nor Hongyue can afford to delay.

As time passed, Qin Wen looked through all the places on the wall, reached out and pressed some places that might hide organs, but there was no response at all.

On the other hand, Hongyue was studying the two bookshelves, stretched out her hand to push them, and then pulled out each book to see if the mechanism would be hidden on the books, but it was also fruitless.

However, Qin Wen knew it well, and naturally there was nothing to gain, because he had already studied that bookshelf just now, and all the useful things had already arrived in his bag, and the rest were useless.

"Zhiqiu, now my men are gone, and we're stuck here and can't get out, can we always team up with me now?" Hongyue said with a half-smile while leaning on the bookshelf with her arms folded.

The woman is really narrow-minded, and she is still thinking about Qin Wen's rejection of her request to form a team.

Qin Wen said helplessly: "I'm stuck here, what's the use of forming a team or not, let's figure out how to get out first."

"Then you should be in the group or not. Am I so annoying to you?" Hongyue said angrily, she reached out and brushed her hair, quite temptingly.

She's quite a stunner... Qin Wen thought to himself, but nothing changed on the surface, just take a look...

"I don't hate you, it's just that you are the boss of Huaqianyuexia, and you have many subordinates. If you need my help, you can find an outlet." Qin Wen didn't want to get entangled in such meaningless things.

"That's not the same. For example, now, my subordinates are all dead, so I was sent in narrowly, but you are wandering around easily by yourself. That's for sure. Let's go together!" Hongyue was a stubborn character, so she insisted on sticking to Qin Wen.

Qin Wen couldn't help thinking evilly that she deserved to be the female boss of the Great Guild, she must have a strong desire to conquer...

Perhaps because of the motivation, Hongyue looked a little more motivated next time. The bookshelves seemed to be normal, and Qin Wen had also studied the walls. The only thing left was the desk.

There is nothing on the desk now, which seems a little strange. Generally speaking, at least the Four Treasures of the Study will be placed on it.

"Hey, did you plunder the things above?" Hongyue looked at Qin Wen and smiled.

"Uh... The attribute said that selling it to an NPC is worth a lot, so I took it..." Qin Wen said innocently. He felt like a poor ghost, taking whatever he saw, but Hongyue's guessing ability was also true. amazing.

"How do you know I took it?" Qin Wen asked.

"Just look at the marks on it and you'll know."

Qin Wen glanced at it, and immediately understood that there were a few obvious traces on the lower part of the things he took away, and a thin layer of dust on the rest.

Hongyue sat down on the chair behind the desk, put her hands on the armrests, and let out a light snort.

(End of this chapter)

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