Chapter 484 Consortium
"Well, the other party is a consortium and wants to get a share of the summit, but he has no similar experience, so someone found me and asked me to help with ideas. I thought, now you should be in short supply. The support of such a consortium, right?"

The other party of the cooperation is not the large-scale guild in the city of demons that Qin Wen imagined, but to Qin Wen, this partner is more important than a large-scale guild.

The biggest limitation of Qin Wen's plan to establish a branch just now is the limitation of financial resources. If there is a financial group to support it, then this problem can be easily solved.

Qin Wen does not reject joining the consortium, and quite welcomes it, because now that he has played the guild himself, he realizes what a money-burning game it is, and his little money alone is of no use at all. , and almost all the top guilds are backed by different consortiums. Otherwise, a guild is worth hundreds of millions or even billions, which is not affordable by individuals.

Qin Wen knew that after Yueguang gained a firm foothold, various financial groups would definitely come to him, but he didn't expect that they would come so fast. Of course, this is also thanks to Ye Tian's care, and whether the cooperation can be negotiated. , is still a problem.

However, faced with such a good opportunity, Qin Wen would never miss it, and after talking about it, he agreed immediately.

"Well, I'll help you make an appointment with him, and I'll go with you when the time comes. You should prepare well and take advantage of Moonlight." Ye Tian is quite enthusiastic about Qin Wen's affairs, especially the current guild called Moonlight Allure , and tied the two of them together, Ye Tian was also very happy to see his former guild rise again.

Qin Wen hummed, and then his head started to work quickly. He didn't explain to Ren Jing for the time being, maybe he was happy for nothing. It's just a little better, and I have to be busy with branch affairs.

Ye Tian's efficiency was very fast. After pondering for a while, Qin Wen received a message from Ye Tian, ​​the box on the top floor of Guanghan Palace in the City of Demons.

Qin Wen praised it, it really is a consortium, the move is extraordinary, and the top floor of Guanghan Palace was booked as soon as it came.

Meetings now, except for particularly important meetings, are popular in holographic online games, because here, even if they are separated from each other, everyone can have a face-to-face meeting in a short period of time, and there is no need for trains and planes to run around. Save on car fare.

Qin Wen is familiar with the Guanghan Palace in the City of Sin, but this is the first time to visit the Guanghan Palace in the City of Devils. The decoration and layout are slightly different, but they are generally the same. Under the leadership of Qin Wen, through the teleportation array on the first floor, Qin Wen came directly to the box on the top floor.

The door was opened by Ye Tian, ​​and the two of them nodded in greeting, then walked to the reception room inside, Qin Wen saw a middle-aged man sitting inside at a glance, he was the only one there, there was no one else there, Obviously, the atmosphere of this meeting was relatively relaxed, and there were only three people including Ye Tian.

Ye Tian was going to introduce something to the two parties, but the middle-aged man stood up first, and opened his mouth with a smile on his face.

"Hello, I'm Zhang Wenfeng, the chairman of Wenyi Group, welcome to the little brother of Autumn."

Seeing Zhang Wenfeng stretching out his hand, Qin Wen quickly stepped forward, held Zhang Wenfeng's hand and said, "Mr. Zhang, please call me Qin Wen. I have heard about Wenyi Group for a long time. I didn't expect to be lucky enough to meet you today." It's a great honor to meet the boss of Wenyi Group."

When they met for the first time, the two exchanged a few pleasantries, and Qin Wen also felt that Zhang Wenfeng was easy to deal with, and this kindness should not be pretended.

And Ye Tian also helped out a few words, and the atmosphere became more harmonious. In fact, Ye Tian didn't know Zhang Wenfeng before. Zhang Wenfeng got Ye Tian's line through another friend. After learning about Zhang Wenfeng's intentions, He introduced it to Qin Wen.

After chatting for a few words, Qin Wen couldn't hold on any longer, so he took the initiative to propose something about cooperation.

"I heard that Mr. Zhang intends to enter the pinnacle?" Qin Wen asked a very unnutritious question. This is an obvious thing, but it finally brought up the topic.

"Well, yes, Pinnacle is a big cake. There are hundreds of millions of players. This is a huge market, so I want to understand the situation first." Zhang Wenfeng didn't say cooperation, just said to understand first.

However, Qin Wen was not in a hurry. He didn't have too much hope anyway, so he was naturally happy to cooperate, and there was no loss if he couldn't. He was still so short of money.

"Hehe, before Mr. Zhang makes a decision, he should have a certain understanding of the online game industry and Pinnacle, right? If you want to get a share of the game, one is to be a studio, and the other is to be a guild, but the studio structure is too big. It is small, not suitable for enterprise development, and the source of profit is mainly for gamers, even if the profit is not too big, so a big consortium like Mr. Zhang chooses to be a guild?" Ye Tian said from the side, some If neither Qin Wen nor Zhang Wenfeng spoke, he, the third person, would have to speak.

"Well, the influence of a big guild is very huge for the players of the entire peak. I mainly took a fancy to this influence. I investigated and found that the popularity rate of the pinnacle is quite high. If there is a strong enough The guild can bring good benefits." Zhang Wenfeng has nothing to hide, since he decided to take a bite of this cake, he naturally did his homework, and this is well known, but it is worth a large consortium The only ones to invest in are online games with terrifying influence like Pinnacle. The influence of ordinary games is not enough to tempt these consortiums.

The profit source of a guild can be simply divided into two aspects, the game and the reality. The profit components in the game are very simple. Currently, there are only various items and equipment, etc. In the later period, there will be resident income and various taxes, etc. If it is strong enough, this is not a small amount, and there are advertisements. There are so many players in the pinnacle. If you advertise through the guild, the influence is definitely much stronger than those on TV. You know, this is hundreds of millions of people directly online.

In reality, the guild's reputation and influence are also used. Because so many people play Pinnacle, they are familiar with the names of the various guilds in Pinnacle. As for how to operate and make good use of this influence, it depends on the individual.

Hearing this, Qin Wen smiled indifferently: "If Mr. Zhang chooses to join the guild, it's not a kid boasting. Looking at the top of the world, I'm afraid only my guild is the most suitable."

"Oh? How do you say it?" Zhang Wenfeng asked with a smile. Since he had an appointment with Qin Wen, he naturally knew something about Qin Wen and Yueguang, but he couldn't say it directly, so it depends on whether Qin Wen can come up with enough. Something that moves him.

(End of this chapter)

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