Chapter 726

——System announcement: Player "One Night Autumn" shouted: "Moonlight City is officially open to all factions! Here are the most powerful appraisers, the most powerful potions, and the best weapons and equipment! More importantly, , this is the very center of the battlefield! All brothers and sisters are welcome to come and visit!"

——System Announcement: Player "Quiet Night" yelled: "The first auction in Moonlight City will be held in a day's time. Participating auctions include various powerful potions, rare materials, top-level pet eggs, and countless sophisticated equipment, dark gold There are more than [-] pieces of first-class equipment, more than ten pieces of glorious-level equipment, and the final auction item is legendary-level equipment! The seats in the auction are limited, and players of all kinds are welcome to buy tickets in advance!"

——System announcement: Player "Sirius" yelled: "Congratulations to the Brotherhood Moonlight Allure for opening the City of Moonlight, and their strength has improved to a higher level!"


The dark camp was once again screened by countless system announcements. The bright red words dazzled people after reading it. Except for Qin Wen and others who were promoting the attractiveness of Moonlight City, congratulatory messages from top guilds and large and medium-sized guilds took up the majority. the vast majority.

Under such a huge publicity campaign, many players who had been waiting for the opening of Moonlight City for a long time could no longer hold back at this moment. They ran directly to the teleportation array without anything to do. Players in the wild also returned to the city one after another. It is the same place, that is the City of Moonlight.

Players from the entire dark camp swarmed towards the City of Moonlight almost like a torrent.

Even though the teleportation array in Moonlight City has been upgraded to a large teleportation array, it still cannot carry the teleportation of so many players at once, and many players have to queue up to enter Moonlight City.

However, the players didn't have any complaints about this, and the large number of people proved the attraction of Moonlight City!

No matter which thing the City of Moonlight advertised, it was enough to attract them. Many players who had accumulated a lot of equipment in their hands were waiting to go to the City of Moonlight to find the only master-level appraiser who was abducted by Qin Wen. .

Some people went to the auction specially arranged by Ren Jing. The things that Moonlight Allure sold were absolutely the same, and the last auction item turned out to be legendary equipment.

More players, without any purpose, just curious, to see the excitement, whether they can successfully retain these players depends on whether the Moonlight City has enough places to attract them.

The transfer fee of Moonlight City was set by Qin Wending quite high, one gold coin per transfer, which is equivalent to the transfer between the main cities, and these transfer fees, as a tax, will be divided in half by Qin Wen, the city lord. , that is to say, for every person teleported in, Qin Wen can get half a gold coin. These teleportation fees alone are a huge sum.

With the influx of countless players, Qin Wen opened the tax page and looked at the ever-increasing numbers, laughing from ear to ear. This kind of money-making speed can hardly be called making money, but picking up money.

Soon, the City of Moonlight was overcrowded, and there were three places with the largest number of people.

The first one is near the appraisal office of the old appraiser. Countless players are waiting in line for appraisal. The second one is near the teleportation array of Moonlight City, the most conspicuous Moonlight Pharmacy. Such a tall building is already attractive. When countless players walked in, they realized that the medicinal materials inside were the most attractive!

Except for some miscellaneous medicines developed by some alien stars, the medicine that caught their eyes the most was the percentage medicine!
For players who have reached level [-] or are close to level [-], the percentage potion is definitely a boon.

Ordinary potions have long been unable to satisfy their recovery speed, and now the emergence of percentage potions has completely filled this gap. With percentage potions, whether it is killing monsters or in PK, the survival rate is greatly improved. promote.

What is the most profitable thing in this world, monopoly!

In addition to the percentage potion, they also saw the lucky potion, and Viagra, which is an explosive potion.

Almost all players have thought of it, if the lucky potion is used together with Viagra, how awesome will it be when opening bosses in the future?
Now many ordinary players finally understand why Moonlight Allure has so many good equipment. Apart from the fact that Moonlight Allure itself is powerful and can overthrow bosses far more than other guilds, these potions definitely helped a lot.

However, these main medicines are all strategic materials, and Qin Wen will naturally not let him flow out easily. Apart from the high value of these medicines, there are also restrictions.

The first condition is to set Moonlight City as your resurrection point, and the second condition is to require activity in Moonlight City. As long as one of the two is not satisfied, you cannot buy it.

For these rare potions, countless players resolutely decided to take root in Moonlight City.

The last hot spot is before the auction in Moonlight City, where you can buy tickets for the auction. Although Ren Jing didn't reveal too much information about the auction, as the first auctioneer since the opening of Moonlight City, With the fact that there is an auction, and the name of Allure Moonlight is there, they believe that the auction items in this auction are absolutely not bad.

Those players who rented a store in the City of Moonlight, seeing such a hot flow of people, couldn't help laughing from ear to ear. With so many people, what a hidden wealth this is!

The only thing that makes them regret is that when signing the contract with Moonlight City, Ren Jing was only willing to sign a one-month contract with them no matter what, except for some special reasons. It can be imagined that with the popularity of Moonlight City, they If you want to continue to open a store in Moonlight City after one month, the rent will definitely increase several times.

Marveling at the prosperity and strength of the City of Moonlight, many players began to go to the wild in groups. The wild here is not the wild inside the dark camp, but the battlefield!

This is the first time they have teamed up with their friends to set foot on the battlefield. In the past, on the battlefield, the players who formed the team were basically unknown. They could only form a wild team, and they were not at ease about the character and strength of the other players.

But now that the City of Moonlight is established, they can teleport to the City of Moonlight at a fixed point, and then gather their own friends, a group of friends who know everything about it, to explore the battlefield.

The departure of these players also freed up a certain amount of space for Moonlight City, allowing the players behind to continue to flow in.

Seeing such a hot flow of people, Ren Jing couldn't help being a little dumbfounded. Now she is glad that Qin Wen stopped her when she was about to open the Moonlight City, but continued to open up the other three subsidiary cities, otherwise Otherwise, the City of Moonlight alone would not be able to accommodate so many players.

With the popular flow of people in the City of Moonlight, the flow of people in the other three subsidiary cities, Blood Devouring City, City of Burial, and Fengyun City, is also very hot. Compared with the city, you know, they are just affiliated cities.

With the Moonlight City as the center, countless players began to disperse towards several cities. The monsters on the battlefield had higher experience points and explosion rates than those inside the camp. Naturally, the players were happy to come here to spawn monsters.

Although it was possible to spawn monsters on the battlefield in the past, it was necessary to beware of surprise attacks from players from the light camp at any time. Now, with several big cities surrounded by moonlight as a protective umbrella, there is no need to worry about hostility at all. Even, because of the particularity of the battlefield, There are not many acts of grabbing monsters and grabbing points here.

You can’t rob monsters and points. Of course, it doesn’t mean that some players can farm unlimitedly. According to the order issued by Qin Wen himself, all monster spawning points will be queued. A team can only swarm for one hour. , Moonlight Allure will send a team to clear up troublesome players. Once found, they will be blacklisted immediately by Moonlight Allure. Maybe they won't hunt you down until you get demoted, but Moonlight City is a place where you don't need to come in this life.

Now, Qin Wen can be regarded as thoroughly enjoying the feeling of being a ruler. In the Moonlight City, he is the king!

The special location of the City of Steel has also been discovered by many players, because it is the closest to the territory of the light camp. If you want to fight with hostile players, it is the fastest to go out from there.

After hearing this news, the players who like to fight against the enemy couldn't hold back any more, they called their friends one after another, formed a team and rushed out. It can be said that the advantages of Moonlight City have all been exploited.

And at this moment, Qin Wen, Sirius and other top guild bosses received a message at the same time that people from the light camp were preparing to attack the No. 44 camp of the dark camp!

It is not a guild participating in the battle, but the joint efforts of the five top guilds of the light camp!

Obviously, the actions of Moonlight Allure completely stimulated everyone in the light camp, and they desperately wanted to win a garrison. Otherwise, they would not be able to compete with Moonlight City on the battlefield. As long as they give Moonlight City enough In just a few minutes, he was able to slowly eat away at the entire station.

No. 44 camp of the dark camp, no matter in terms of geographical location or scale, is almost the same as the current City of Moonlight, the original No. .

A playful smile flickered on the corner of Qin Wen's mouth, the light camp, is this trying to confront him?
Ten days ago, when the City of Moonlight had not been established, they did have the qualifications, but now, they have a large resident and four medium sized resident, how can they compete against each other!

More importantly, since Station No. 44 is located in the center of the battlefield, although it is not adjacent to Moonlight City, it is not far away.

What about the five major guilds? When I built the city last time, the Light faction sent a big gift.

(End of this chapter)

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