Secret 1

Chapter 32 Piranha

Chapter 32 Piranha (1)

Yang Mou's DV was aimed at the side of the road, and there was a fiery red flower in the lens, which was so dazzlingly red in the desolate haystack.There are water droplets rolling on the huge petals, which symbolizes some kind of bewitching vitality, which seems to be burning at any time.

"This is Manjusawa!"

Yuling squatted in front of the flowers, caressing the flowers, branches and leaves, like a pilgrim from afar, finally discovering the smile of God.When I was a child on the edge of the village, I would occasionally see this fiery red flower, which attracted her as if by magic.

"The legendary flower from the other side?"

Surprised, Yang Mou pushed the camera forward, just in time to capture Yu Ling's slender hands.

Yu Ling turned her head and smiled back, but seeing Cheng Cheng's pale face, her smile froze suddenly, she got up and continued walking towards the mountain.

The three of them walked on the mountain road, which was also the way down the mountain in the morning.Two hours ago, they were attacked by wolf dogs in the car.Yang Mou, Yu Ling, and Cheng Cheng jumped out of the car and fled, while Tong Jianguo and Qian Mozheng stayed behind to "Dances with Wolves", and the first group was divided into two groups.The three fled into an alley, regardless of whether there were wolf dogs chasing them, they just ran forward desperately.After crossing several roads in one breath, I couldn't tell the east, west, north and south at all, only to find that there were no wolf dogs behind.

Now they were completely lost, wandering on the eastern edge of the city.After walking around for more than an hour, they finally walked out of Nanming City, just in time to meet the mountain road.The original plan was to go to the reservoir on the mountain to find the water source upstream.After discussing, they decided that since they have come here, they should continue to complete the previous plan.

So, the three of them embarked on the road together, trekking hard for more than one kilometer, and came to the fiery red manjushahua.

Jiancheng's eyes were gloomy and frightening, Yu Ling never dared to get close to him, so she and Yang Mou walked ahead quickly.Yang Mou turned off the DV power, he has been worried about the battery problem.After entering Nanming Kongcheng, he replaced the DV with a spare battery, in case it runs out again, it will be completely finished.

The one who dragged him last was Cheng Cheng, looking up at the mountains on both sides, as if all the rocks were about to fall on him, burying him in this remote wilderness.He quickened his pace, clenched his hands tightly into fists, and took a deep breath, but his heartbeat couldn't come down to normal. Could it be that there was a problem with premature strokes?
I really want to jump up and slap myself twice, my mind is full of my wife's face.Huang Wanran is still beautiful and charming, but in his eyes, she has become a Medusa - poisonous snakes are hidden in her hair, scorpions crawl out of her pupils, and spiders are spit out from her red lips.

Almost screaming in fear, Jiancheng felt his beating heart, and found that he was still on the mountain, and Yang Mou and Yu Ling were walking more than ten meters ahead.

Yeah, better not to see her again!
In the corridor of the base camp at noon, the word "divorce" that Huang Wanran said to Cheng Cheng was just like Tyson's heavy punch, hitting his fragile heart just right.

She has held back these two words for many years, and has always maintained a superficial calm.But under this pool of stagnant water, there were increasingly fierce winds and waves hidden, until a few hours ago when it broke out suddenly, it instantly drove him into the bottom of the sea and buried him in the belly of the fish.


Repeating these two words again from the bottom of my heart, Cheng Cheng felt that the sky was about to collapse.He knew very well what divorce meant, and of course his wife knew it very well—meaning that half of the personal assets would be divided!

If he divorces, he will lose half of the 80% shares of the company he owns; half of his personal account in the bank; half of the villa worth 1000 million; half of the limited edition Cadillac car...

Also, everything about my daughter.

If all these "half" are realized, there will be at least 5000 million RMB!And all the happiness of the rest of my life.

Even if there is a lawsuit in the court, since his wife has all the evidence of his "mistress", he will definitely be judged as the wrong party in the divorce, and all judgments will be against him.Even if you return home tomorrow to transfer property, the money in the company account cannot be moved casually.He has a record of transferring assets before, and his every move is monitored by the bank. If he is found to be money laundering, he will be finished.

In a trance in the establishment of the mind, people have come to the middle of the mountain. At the end of the road are several buildings, and a dam that crosses the canyon. A pool of clear water is rippling among the mountains.

Yang Mou and Yu Ling ran to the side of the reservoir, knelt down to touch the clear lake water, their fingers were cold and delicate, like silk passing over the skin.

"Let's go to that house and have a look!"

Establishment finally let go of his worries for the time being, and called out from behind, Yang Mou hurried back and ran over.

The two walked into the building by the lake. Inside was a large factory-like warehouse filled with various machines and equipment, all covered in thick dust.

"What are these for?"

Yang Mou asked with his nose covered, but he didn't answer, and walked deeper in silence.There is a staircase ahead, but it goes underground.Yang Mou took out the flashlight, and the face under the flashlight was really scary, as if he had just killed someone.

"Do you have the guts to go down and have a look?"

The provocative question made Yang Mou emboldened: "I am a documentary director, so of course I have to have the courage to face danger."

So, he walked ahead with a flashlight in his hand, and the two went down the stairs one by one.

At the bottom is a dark corridor, and Yang Mou continued to walk forward with a flashlight, as if he had come to an underground tomb.The two of them didn't take a few steps before they heard deafening resonance from the surrounding cave walls.The sound came continuously, like thousands of troops fighting, surrounding them impenetrably, and the light in Yang Mou's hand trembled constantly.

"Don't be afraid! It's the sound of the dam's spill."


The surrounding voices were so loud that Yang Mou couldn't hear clearly at all.

Establishment had no choice but to say loudly into Yang Mou's ear: "We are already inside the dam!"

"My God? Is this the sound of water coming out of the reservoir?"

Yang Mou screamed hoarsely, thinking that he was already in the dam, he felt a sense of insecurity all over his body, as if the current would swallow him up at any time.

"Yes, I guess the flood outlet should be right under our feet." Li Jianli simply lay down on the ground and listened with his ear against the cement slab. He was soon overwhelmed by the shock, and hurriedly got up and said loudly, "That's right! The water flows from below. Going out, due to the drop of tens of meters, it will generate huge energy. And this tunnel is like a resonance box, and the sound will be earth-shattering when it reaches here."

After that, they continued to walk forward, and the corridor turned into a large room, and many machines and computers were illuminated by the flashlight.This is the center of the dam, but due to the installation of sound insulation equipment, the noise is much lighter than before.

Set up turned on his flashlight and carefully looked at the drawing board on the wall.There were many complicated circuit diagrams drawn on it, but Yang Mou couldn't understand them at all, so he could only continue walking forward.The space here is quite large, and there are all kinds of strange things.He turned around and took a picture with the flashlight again, only to see that Chengcheng was still looking at the circuit diagram, with an expression like a fool, standing there stiffly.

Suddenly, Yang Mou thought of Yuling—bad!I left her alone just now, and Yuling must have followed without him. Would it be dangerous to be alone by the lake?

He immediately dropped the dazed establishment, ran back to the corridor quickly, endured the torment of the loud noise on his ears, and rushed up the stairs in one breath.

Back under the mountains and the sky, his pupils were stung immediately.He rubbed his eyes looking for Yuling, but there was no sign of her at all.

Yang Mou's heart sank, and he shouted again: "Yu Ling!"

His voice echoed in the valley, and he clenched his fists and walked to the lake, only to find two clothes on the pebble beach—that was what Yu Ling was wearing just now, a beautiful and slender tube skirt and a tube top.

Looking carefully at the lake surface, a mass of black hair floated among the water waves, followed by round white skin, smooth and attractive shoulders, and a completely bare back, followed by...

The heartbeat became more violent, and Yang Mou couldn't help swallowing a big mouthful of saliva, his hands couldn't help shaking, and he couldn't help touching the DV at his waist.

He dodged and hid behind a bunch of bushes, turned on the DV camera and aimed at the lake, and under the cover of the grass and branches, he clearly ingested the jade spirit in the water.

This is a mermaid.

She had been diving in the water just now, but she didn't hear Yang Mou's cry.Now her half naked body is flickering on the surface of the water.The wet long hair stuck to the back, the slender arms stroked the water, and the legs were brought together like a fish's tail.From the shoulders to the soles of the feet, the whole body is like an ancient spinner. This is the beautiful shape of a dolphin—it seems that Cao Xueqin is right, women are really made of water, and they are born as aquatic animals like dolphins.

It's a pity that it is only the lake water that hugs her at this moment, not a pair of strong hands.

Yang Mou was blushing, but kept adjusting the camera to focus on every detail of her body.Although this scene cannot be broadcast in the documentary, this natural "Picture of Beauty in the Tai Family Playing in the Water" is hard to come across even if you break through the iron shoes.

For a moment, he didn't care about any moral issues. Although this can be called a crime in the West or China, the Thai people may not take it seriously.Moreover, Yang Mou couldn't control himself at all, as if the person who shot the DV was not him, but his hands.It was the hand manipulating the machine that was seduced by the jade spirit, and this amazing beauty had to be filmed.

No, he no longer regards Yuling as a "person"—the life in the green reservoir has already integrated with nature, and she is a part of the sky, earth, mountains, and water, or is she a part of her predecessor? Is it a fish, a piece of algae, a drop of water, a soul in the valley?
If Qu Lingjun saw it more than 2000 years ago, she would definitely become the lovely "mountain ghost" described by the poet.

When Yang Mou thought of this, he felt more relieved, his breathing gradually calmed down, and he calmly manipulated the DV camera to capture every moving moment.

Suddenly, the jade spirit on the lake was a little strange.

She raised her head from the water, with half of her chest exposed, apparently "stepping on water" with her feet.Yang Mou's camera moves forward quickly, clearly showing her nervous expression, looking around the reservoir.

Spotted his voyeur?
Yang Mou's hands also trembled, but she was so far away, it was extremely difficult to find the camera hidden behind the bushes.

No, Yuling encountered other situations!
She trembled in the water for a while, then submerged her head in the water, but one hand stretched out of the water and scratched, causing circles of ripples.

Lack of strength and cramps?
Swimming in this deep water, the most fatal thing is cramps!Yang Mou couldn't care anymore, he left his precious DV and rushed out from behind the bushes.He ran all the way to the edge of the reservoir, took off his shirt and jumped in.

The cold lake water wrapped him, and he desperately opened his arms to paddle.Water kept gushing up to his eyes, blurring his vision, and the jade spirit in the middle of the reservoir was almost gone.

When he swam to that point anxiously, he only felt a slight numbness in his back, followed by another one.Then, his leg was firmly grasped by a hand.

Seeing that he was about to be dragged down by that hand, Yang Mou took a deep breath and dived into the water together.From a distance in the clear water, there is only a pile of black matter like water plants - it is clearly Yuling's hair!

He raised his leg with difficulty, grasped the fluttering hand, and then touched a face.Open your eyes wide in the water and confirm that it is Yuling.

Everything is like a dream—the naked beauty in the water, her long hair grows like seaweed, her eyes sparkle in the water waves, her skin is as smooth as a dolphin, and her snow-white body is exquisitely curvy.

Yang Mou's adrenaline was fully secreted.

However, there is still a large school of fish surrounding them, these fish are only as small as catfish, but they are clinging to Yu Ling's legs.A few more fish swam in front of him, boldly rushing to his forehead, followed by a slight sting.

He was still holding his breath, and looking at the appearance of these small fish, it reminded him of a foreign documentary about piranhas in the Amazon River—the same appearance, even the way of attacking people was different. exactly the same.

The inexplicable fear made him hug Yuling tightly, and swing his legs with all his strength, the fish still followed them.

Finally, the two surfaced together.

Just as they were breathing heavily, the sole of his foot was pricked by the fish's mouth again, and he almost cried out in pain.Yu Ling also seemed to have recovered, and the two of them swam to the shore together, and fish followed them along the way.

When they climbed to the shore exhausted, the piranhas stopped attacking.

After escaping from the dead, Yuling spit out a few sips of water in her mouth, gasped and said, "Thank you! You saved my life."

Although Yang Mou was also in shock, he stared at her intently.

Only then did Yuling realize shyly that she was being completely exposed to the broad daylight.

The clothes she took off happened to be next to her, and she quickly grabbed them and put them on her body, furrowing her brows and scolding softly: "Don't look at it! You are so bad."

Yang Mou immediately turned his head away, grabbed his coat and ran back to the bushes, where the baby DV was still lying there.He wiped his body behind the bushes and took a closer look at his skin. Sure enough, there were many small red dots. Fortunately, they did not bleed, like mosquito bite marks.

That's right, it must be dried by piranhas!
But how could there be piranhas here?It's completely unreasonable.

However, the existence of this mysterious Nanming City is completely beyond common sense.

Maybe there are more incredible things waiting for them?

He put on his clothes and walked out of the bushes. Yu Ling had also put on her tube skirt, and two patches of red glow flew across her cheeks.Yang Mou walked up to her embarrassingly, and said awkwardly, "How are you?"

"much better."

Yu Ling raised his arm to show him, there were a dozen small red dots on it, but they were slowly fading away. It seemed that the piranha's attack power was not as bloody as it was said in the legend.

But the effect they produced was just as terrifying. Anyone who was bitten by a piranha would not be killed, but would definitely feel sore and itchy.The result is exhaustion and cramps, and finally sinks to the bottom of the water and drowns, becoming a delicacy for piranhas-a veritable burial in the belly of the fish.

Thinking about it is really scary!Maybe there is more on Yu Ling, I hope it can fade away as soon as possible.

What he is most worried about now is, will these damn piranhas be poisonous?
Although fish poisoning is relatively rare, no one can tell what the consequences will be if the toxin enters the blood!

They retreated far away in fear, not daring to approach the clear water again.Although it looks so calm and beautiful, there are a group of dangerous monsters hidden under the water.

However, Qian Mozheng also went swimming in the water this morning, how could he be safe and sound?

Yang Mou couldn't explain all this, he lowered his head and stared into Yu Ling's eyes.Her wet hair stuck to her face, and pearly drops of water slid from the tip of her nose.The red spots on her shoulders bitten by piranhas made her even more sexy.She also realized it in an instant, and hurriedly turned her head away.

A gust of cold wind blew from the depths of the canyon, and the water surface was like a broken mirror, with countless fragments stinging the eyes.

They all retreated to the edge of the woods. It was nearly five o'clock, and the day was gradually coming to an end. There were still many secrets hidden in this mysterious mountain.

By the way, is the establishment still inside the dam?

base camp.

The mirror, another mirror, was shattered.

Several cracks spread rapidly, many broken glass peeled off in the sink, and the crisp breaking sound was still solidified, continuing to tear Henry's eardrums.

His face was also shattered in the mirror—the nose was split in the middle, the left eye was gone, the right eye was bloodshot, most of the lip was missing, the jaw was mutilated, and the throat seemed to be cut open.

Broken faces, broken people, broken everything, just like this broken city.

And a broken candle.

Blood was dripping from the corner of Henry's mouth, and he stared at himself coldly.The light red candle halo reflected through the mirror and spread all over the body, like a blood-colored oil painting.

Certain voices roared in the memory, those eyes so indifferent, and ears filled with a terrible urging:

"It must be must be must be done..."

He kept chanting silently in his heart, as if returning to that night, in that fatal secret room, everything was irreversible.

(End of this chapter)

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