Dressed as a sweet bag in the heart of a tyrant

Chapter 194 Mino's Loyal Suitor

Chapter 194 Mino's Loyal Suitor

Five years later

Five years passed in the blink of an eye.

After Mino left secretly with the black sword that day, he heard that many major events had happened between Wei and Xiao.

The first major event: Xiao Guohuang bestowed the captain of the Red Guard, Guimu, as the prince of the opposite sex, titled Ghost King, and took charge of all the military power in the entire Xiao Kingdom.

The second major event: Princess Hu Guozun of the Wei State and Princess Xiao Guobao both disappeared. It is said that they were abducted by the miracle doctor Wuyou.

Therefore, the King of War of the State of Wei and the King of Ghosts of the State of Xiao were very angry.

So in a fit of anger, a wanted order was issued to the whole world.

Regardless of people in the world or court officials, as long as this person is caught, they can all be made a marquis and a prime minister.

And said that one person should do something.

Therefore, what Miraculous Doctor Wuyou did has nothing to do with the descendants of Wuyou disciples.

No one is allowed to make trouble in the medical clinic, let alone torture the people in the medical clinic to extract confessions.

The third major event: the emperors of the Xiao Kingdom and the Kingdom of Wei suddenly announced the emperor's list at the same time to announce to the world that Princess Huguozun would be married to the King of War and the Princess of the National Treasure would be married to the King of Ghosts.

The fourth major event: the two countries joined forces and launched a war against the southern country at the same time.

For a while, the people of Pei Guo panicked.

They don't understand, Xiao Guo and Wei Guo suddenly made such a move, is there some kind of conspiracy?
Therefore, no matter the streets or alleys or tea houses and restaurants, the common people are talking about it.

Regarding these four major events, they have also become a topic of discussion for them.

"I heard that the princesses of the two countries are very likely to be hidden in our Pei country by the miracle doctor Wuyou. Do you think this is possible?"

"Shouldn't it? If that's the case, it's impossible for the King of War and the King of Ghosts to fight against the Southern Kingdom, but our Pei Kingdom."

"What you said is also reasonable, but maybe this war is just to show us off?"

"That's right! Maybe the King of War and the King of Ghosts were worried about disturbing the two princesses, so they decided to attack the Southern Kingdom instead?"

"Yes, yes, yes, I agree with this point of view! The two princesses are noble, so they can't be hurt at all."

"Tsk, if that's the case, maybe I'll be lucky enough to grab the miracle doctor Wuyou as soon as I go out, and go to the two countries to become kings and pay respects?"

"Hahahaha... You have a good idea! If the miracle doctor Wuyou is really so easy to catch, he would have been a prisoner for so many years, okay?"

"That's right, I see you, you'd better be your drunkard! Drink a pot of wine, and you'll have everything in your dreams."

"Yes, yes, the beauties in the dream are all yours, the king's worship is also yours, and even the whole world may be yours. It depends on you. How big is the world in the dream and how far is the mind? ,Hahaha……"


A table of people chatted and chatted, and suddenly burst into laughter.

The teahouse is full of voices of gossip from the people, and there are even storytellers talking about the love and hatred between the two kings and the two princesses with relish.

It can be said that it is a big show.

Hei Jian kept his face dark the whole time, helplessly looking at his boss who was listening with great interest, feeling extremely melancholy.

Why does the boss never tire of hearing these rumors?

He has already heard calluses growing out of his ears, okay?

Five years have passed, and the boss has changed from a brat...


An eight-year-old child who has not experienced much in the world has grown into a slim girl who is all over the country.

different than ever.

The boss has never worn a red dress since he came to Pei country.

Instead, he was dressed in white robes all day long, with a handsome and unrestrained appearance.

And he has also grown from a young boy to a mature, stable, talented young man with a weak crown.

Withdrawing his thoughts, he looked at the boss who was wearing a white men's suit and a white jade crown on the opposite side again.

Well, I still listened with gusto, as if I was listening to a book for the first time.

With a dark face, he couldn't bear to ask: "Boss, do you really never tire of hearing it?"

This is too weird, okay?

Moreover, the protagonist in the book is herself.

I don't know what's so good about it?

Hearing this, Mino patted his hands, and looked up at the angry black sword on the opposite side.

She raised the corners of her lips, looked at him with eyes that were as gentle as water and with a smile in her eyes, and said, "Xiao Hei, don't you think...it's interesting?"

"..." Hei Jian shuddered.

"Boss, don't look at me like that."

At the end, I couldn't help but add another sentence: "I'm afraid."

That gentle and smiling appearance is scary, isn't it?
As long as you observe carefully, you can catch the deep and unwavering pool of ice in her eyes.

"Hehe." Mino laughed lightly when he heard the words: "My little Heihei, when did you become so timid? You are usually a person who kills people without even blinking an eye~"

"..." The black sword had a black line on its end.

Looking at Mino's smiling eyes, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Well, the boss is getting more and more perverted.

Especially when laughing.

Although she looks warm and gentle like jade, tender and gentle, but in her heart she is cruel, merciless, and ruthless.

It's a pity that everyone in the world was successfully deceived by his face.

Tsk, anyone who takes a look at it can't help but praise it.

What a handsome young man with picturesque facial features, exquisite eyebrows and eyes, like a banishing fairy!
It's a pity, how did they know that this exiled fairy is not only a woman, but also an extremely dangerous devil?
Hei Jian sighed inwardly, and said dissatisfiedly: "Boss, how many times have you said this? Don't call me Xiao Hei, Xiao Hei Hei."

It is said in the chip that most of the names like Xiaohuaxiaocao and Xiaoheixiaohong are common names for cats and dogs.

He is neither a cat nor a dog, so he should not be called Xiao Hei or Xiao Hei Hei.

Hmph, even the boss can't call him that!
Minowin glanced at Heijian calmly, and asked with a half-smile: "Oh? Then what do you want me to call you? Little Sword? Or Little Sword?"

"!!!" Black Sword.

"Boss, can't you just call me Black Sword like you did before?"

Small sword, small sword...

What the hell are these names?

"I can't." Mino snorted coldly, and then said: "It's not affectionate enough even with a first name."

Hei Jian: "...Okay, as long as you are happy."

Xiao Hei's name is likely to follow him for the rest of his life.

He sighed in his heart: What can he do with such a boss?

Besides pampering her, can he beat her up?
The point is...he can't beat him either!
The naive conversation between the two finally came to an end.

Because, a man shining with 'light' suddenly walked in from the door of the teahouse.

The momentum of his appearance almost has an aura of "out-of-print knight".

Why is it called a knight?

Because this man is not only noble, but also the loyal suitor of his boss.

It's not...

As soon as he entered the teahouse, he was able to catch the location of the boss immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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