Literati Sanctification

Chapter 262 Appease

Chapter 262 Appease
"You can't kill me. My family has a lot of money. I can give it to you. You can't kill me. As long as you don't kill me, I can give you as much money as you want!"

Hearing Heng Xiulin's words, the prince's face changed drastically, and then he yelled at Heng Xiulin directly, but he never thought that Heng Xiulin really wanted his life!

Thinking of this, his face is pale, he doesn't want to die yet, so he must not die, in order to survive, he is willing to do anything, so the current Wang Zimin, at this time, It's completely insane.

He kept roaring directly, wanting Heng Xiulin to let him go and leave him a way out, but to Heng Xiulin, his words were not attractive at all.

Dang even said with a sneer at the princely citizen.

"Your Wang's family has already been ransacked by me. Where is the money left? Go down and dream!"

When Wang Zimin heard this, he was stunned for a moment, then he opened his eyes wide and stared at Heng Xiulin. He was in the prison, and no one informed him, so he naturally didn't know, his own The Wang family has already been confiscated, and even all the money was taken away by Heng Xiulin.

When Wang Zhiyuan heard Heng Xiulin's words, he also stared at Heng Xiulin with red eyes, and he never thought that he was just arrested, and he was not even charged. Now, Heng Xiulin actually dared to search their house!

This matter is already equivalent to killing first and then playing. Moreover, Heng Xiulin's actions are obviously not prepared to leave them a way out, otherwise, Heng Xiulin is impossible. When the charges have not been settled, Confiscate their homes!

Thinking of this, he felt very decadent in his heart. In fact, what Heng Xiulin meant was very clear. He had already decided that he would kill them. Even if there was no evidence, he could convict them, but Heng Xiulin still would not let them go.

At this time, Wang Zimin also completely lost his temper. His Wang family has been confiscated, and he has lost all his wealth. The idea of ​​buying a life with money is naturally in vain.

Under such circumstances, he naturally has nothing to do. Moreover, even if Heng Xiulin is willing to let him go now, what's the use? He doesn't even have any money. When he goes out, he has no money. Who wants to follow him.

The anger of the people in Musi City towards him might not survive the first night, so he also knew that he would never survive.

Looking at Wang Zimin who seemed to have given up resistance, Heng Xiulin sneered, without any sympathy in his heart, and then waved his hand to let the guards take him down.

"Take him to the prison cell, and tomorrow he will be pulled out and chopped up. If he dares to resist at all on the way, he can be executed on the spot."

What Heng Xiulin said is that there is no room for negotiation. Anyway, he has already been convicted, which is equivalent to a capital crime. If he wants to resist, he will be executed directly, and it is no big deal.

"Yes, my lord!"

When the guards heard the words, they immediately rubbed their palms, and a look of excitement flashed across their faces. They were all looking forward to it. It would be great if the other party could resist for a while. There is no need to wait until tomorrow to kill this person.

Seeing the expressions on the faces of these guards, the three of Wang Zhiyuan didn't know what they were thinking, and even felt a chill in their hearts. Under the leadership of these guards, they walked obediently towards the front.

Although it is said that tomorrow is also death, but if they can live until tomorrow, no one wants to seek death now. This is what the three of them think in their hearts, so right now they dare not touch these guards at all.

Seeing these three people so well-behaved, disappointment flashed across the faces of the guards. Seeing this, it was impossible for these guys to resist. The three of them walked towards the cell.

And Heng Xiulin looked at the servants on the ground, and then counted the crimes one by one. Although some guys are servants, they did some hurtful things under the orders of others, but after all He started, so Heng Xiulin was not polite, and sentenced to death one by one.

And some guys are accomplices. For relatively minor matters, Heng Xiulin was sentenced for a few years and did not directly kill them. Some people did nothing. Heng Xiulin also directly announced that they would be released on the spot.

After Heng Xiulin sentenced these people for their crimes, the people immediately cheered and cheered. They were so happy to see this scene in their lifetime. They all thought that when they died, they would be Can't see these three people, when they are judged.

Unexpectedly, this day finally came, and it came so fast, which made them so unhappy, so unhappy, so now they are constantly shouting, Heng Xiulin's name, and thank you constantly Heng Xiulin.

Without Heng Xiulin, they would still be living under the control of Li Zhongwei and Wang Zhiyuan, life would be worse than death, but now they finally have hope again, the hope of being able to survive, the hope in their hearts Happy, probably only they know best in their hearts.

Heng Xiulin looked at the people, cheering continuously, and then smiled slightly, then sat quietly, and then looked at them, without interrupting them.

Heng Xiulin knows the joy in their hearts, so he also knows that they need to vent now, so naturally he won't disturb them at this time, the happiest time.

"Go, inquire about the identities of those women, and then report to me."

Heng Xiulin recruited a guard, and then told the guard directly, the women Heng Xiulin said were naturally the women who had just been rescued, the identities of these women should be recorded, Heng Xiulin is still useful of.

After a while, the investigation of the identities of these dozens of women has been completed. Heng Xiulin took the identities of these women and looked directly at them, and then sighed slightly, originally they were all married, but Now it is such misfortune.

Maybe some people will sympathize with these women, but for them, they will not accept it. It is estimated that it will be impossible for these women to marry in the future, but Heng Xiulin has nothing to do about this matter.

Because even if he is standing here and talking to these people about the misfortune of these women, there is still no one who is willing to take these women, because some concepts are already deeply ingrained in the hearts of these people.

"Please be quiet, everyone."

Heng Xiulin looked at the crowd, then waved his hand, suppressed everyone's voices, then yelled, and then, at this time, everyone was almost cheering, when they heard Heng Xiu After Lin's words, everyone fell silent.

Regardless of other things, everyone still respects Heng Xiulin very much, so they will not disobey Heng Xiulin at this time.

"I have already recorded here. In Musi City, all the families who have been persecuted by the Wang family and the Li family, I will use the money confiscated from these two families to compensate these families. All the families who read their names People, please come up and get your compensation."

Heng Xiulin looked at the people below, and said directly, after confiscating the two houses, Heng Xiulin directly decided how to deal with the sum of money obtained.

And the people below, after hearing these words, burst into tears. Everyone knew about Heng Xiulin's search of these two houses, and they all saw the money that was seized from it.

But no one said anything, even if they felt in their hearts that the money would fall into Heng Xiulin's pocket in the end, no one said anything.

Because in their view, Heng Xiulin directly arrested Li Zhongwei and Wang Zhiyuan, and put him on trial. Such a person swallowed all the money, but How can it be.

After all, no matter what happens to the money, it will not be their turn. In their view, as long as these two people can be brought to justice, it will be the best comfort for them.

As for the others, they didn't even think about it, but they never expected that at this time, Heng Xiulin actually made this decision, which made all of them have an unexpected decision.

Originally belonged to Heng Xiulin's money, he actually took it out directly, and wanted to give such a sum of money to everyone, how could everyone not be moved by this?
Probably the good officials in the legend are probably Heng Xiulin. Everyone silently thought that Heng Xiulin had been asking and investigating before, and it was someone who suffered such persecution. At this time, they finally understood.

In addition to convicting these two families, Heng Xiulin has also thought about compensating these families, so right now, Heng Xiulin is directly standing up and ready to do it.

Heng Xiulin looked at the cheering crowd below, waved his hand directly, and then summoned guards, took more than 200 taels of silver, a total of dozens of copies, and asked them to bring them in front of these women.

"I'm powerless and deeply guilty for the horrible torture you've suffered. This is my own decision. I can give you some compensation. Accept it."

Heng Xiulin looked at the women below, then waved his hands, and then spoke to them.

"Thank you sir, thank you sir!"

Seeing the white silver in front of them, these women are all very moved at this moment, and they are naturally very clear about what kind of situation they will encounter in the future.

Based on what happened to them, it is impossible for someone to take them in the future, and the money from Heng Xiulin directly gave them hope. With this money, as long as they are not lazy, they will still be able to live a lifetime .

If they had some business minds, the money would be enough for them to start some small businesses to support themselves.

So at the moment, they kowtowed to Heng Xiulin to thank him, which shows that they are really grateful to Heng Xiulin to the extreme.

Seeing this, Heng Xiulin immediately waved his hands again and again, signaling that they don't need to do this. Then, Heng Xiulin directly called dozens of guards and gave them instructions.

"Escort these women so that they can go home smoothly."

After all, they were just weak women, with such a sum of money on them, Heng Xiulin was still a little worried that they would have an accident, so right now he sent guards directly to escort them.

Seeing that Heng Xiulin made such a proper arrangement, these women were even more grateful. After sending these women away, Heng Xiulin directly read the list one by one according to the list he got.

Then the money was distributed one by one, and almost all the families got a lot of money, which was enough for them to live a prosperous life.

Some people see this, although they are envious, but when they think about it, they don’t think about it anymore. They are thinking about it, and they don’t want to. After all, it is the pain of losing their children. to admit.

There are even some whose families have been destroyed. Even if they live in extreme poverty in such a tragic situation, they are already extremely happy if they are all around. No one will feel dissatisfied because of this. of.

After distributing the money, it was already dark. After dealing with these matters, Heng Xiulin breathed a sigh of relief, and then went straight back home. His business was done, so naturally he didn't need to stay here.

And at this time, every household is filled with smoke. Today may be the most comfortable day for them. Some families will prepare a very sumptuous dinner today, and Xiaoyu is also in the past. I left early to prepare for Heng Xiulin to cook.

(End of this chapter)

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