Mr. Wen, show your heart

Chapter 330 33 What kind of ecstasy did Yuan Ke give you

Chapter 330 330 What kind of ecstasy did Yuan Ke give you
Jiang Chuchu hugged her hands, and rolled her eyes to the sky.

"Am I his father or his mother? How do I know where he is going?"

"Chuchu..." Xu Yu just called her by name, with a haggard look on his gloomy expression, and a somewhat helpless tone.

As soon as Jiang Chuchu saw her expression, she couldn't help becoming upset, waved her hands, and said impatiently with her face turned away.

"Okay, don't act like a little daughter-in-law, your boyfriend is fine, he just left with his brother."

Xu Yu's expression became tense: "His brother, Yuan Cheng?"

"You...forget it, you can come in."

Jiang Chuchu didn't know where she got the patience to let Xu Yu into the house, but she even recounted what happened in the afternoon to her.

When she was talking, Wen Jiusi sat beside her, occasionally touching her shoulders or hair, as if she was petting a small animal, with gentle eyes.

At the end, Xu Yu asked with some embarrassment.

"Chuchu, can you accompany me to the bank tomorrow?"

Jiang Chuchu leaned on Wen Jiusi and looked at Xu Yu warily: "What are you doing?"

"...Yuan Ke doesn't have any money or a card, and he can't connect to his mobile phone now. I want to withdraw some cash and find a way to give him a backup."

Hearing this, Jiang Chuchu's heart suddenly felt angry, she stood up and stretched out her fingers, almost reaching Xu Yu's forehead.

"I said, is there something wrong with you? Didn't you stay with Yuan Ke for money in the first place? It's good now. Not only did you not get a few cents, but you still have to pay back? What did Yuan Ke feed you? Ecstasy!"

Xu Yu didn't even answer the scolding, but pursed his lips with a lonely and determined expression.

Seeing her like this, Jiang Chuchu became even angrier: "Tell me about you, where is the cleverness that fooled me back then? Why did you fall on a man?"

"Chuchu... the matter between us, you—"

"It's worth it." Jiang Chuchu waved his hand immediately: "I don't want to hear about your affairs, let alone take care of them! You can find someone else."

After Xu Yu left, Wen Jiusi didn't speak for a long time.

Jiang Chuchu leaned over and pinched his handsome face, "What are you thinking?" The key is that he is still staring at Xu Yu's back, which is unbearable.

When Wen Jiusi came back to his senses, he couldn't help laughing: "Why are you jealous? I was just thinking... the situation today is a bit weird."

"After all, Li Yunjia is Li Bowen's biological daughter. Although her mother's family is not as good as Li's, she can still compete with Yuan Cheng. How could she retire so easily..."

Jiang Chuchu wondered: "Could it be that Yuan Cheng's people have given Li Yunjia and her mother any benefits? After all, no matter how tough Yuan Cheng's methods are, Li Yunjia's mother and daughter are Li Bowen's legal relatives after all, and it is impossible to share any benefits. not."

Wen Jiusi rubbed her head, thoughtfully.

"You're getting smarter."

Early the next morning, Jiang Chuchu woke up very early, and as soon as she stepped out of the bedroom door, she met Wen Jiusi with the expected expression—the words were heartless, so she couldn't be relieved?
Xu Yu was also surprised to see Jiang Chuchu, but he quickly reacted and showed a sincere smile.

"Chuchu, you're here."

Jiang Chuchu sullenly said, "I'm afraid that you are not familiar with the place here, and if you take so much money, you will cause some trouble, and then you will be in trouble as your neighbor... Hurry up and change your clothes and come out."

(End of this chapter)

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