my battlefield my company

Chapter 10 Brotherhood

Chapter 10 Brotherhood

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Yan Zhi asked the death row prisoners to sit on the ground, take a rest, relax, and listen to his lecture: "Everyone, from the moment you come back, your status as death row prisoners has changed."

The death row prisoners turned their Adam's apples up and down, their expressions tense and full of anticipation, and they looked at Yan Zhi helplessly, and the whole forest was surprisingly quiet.

The death row prisoners don't know whether they will face a blessing or a curse when they come back this time.But in any case, as death row prisoners, they still have the opportunity to go home and reunite with their parents, wives and children for three days, so they have no regrets.

In the war years when supplies were severely scarce, the period from the death penalty to the execution of a prisoner would not exceed ten days.One more day of food is wasted.Although death row inmates eat worse than dogs.

"From now on, you are no longer death row prisoners, you are soldiers of the national army." Before the death row prisoners cheered, Yan Zhi said, "But!"

The mouths of the prisoners who had just opened were closed again.

"In the next period of time, I will train you like a devil. If anyone can't survive this hell-like training, please go back and forth."

"Everyone remember, whoever does not abide by the military regulations I set, please come and go. My army will never allow people who do not abide by the military regulations to exist."

The death row prisoners breathed a sigh of relief, with joy and tears blooming on their faces at the same time, and some even cried loudly, as if they had experienced a rebirth.Hell-style training?Devil training?Could it be worse than guns?

Seeing the death row prisoners crying and laughing like children, Nalan Mingyue and the sisters were also moved. Most of these death row prisoners participated in the battle to defend Nanjin and Tianjin. Soldiers, the national strength is weak, the weapons are outdated, most of the soldiers have not been trained, and some soldiers have joined the battle just a few days after enlisting in the army, what else can you expect them to do?Being able to resist desperately is already an iron-blooded loyalty.

At this time, the Nalan sisters looked at Baby Fat with less contempt and more praise and warmth.

"From now on, as long as you say something, sir, we will follow you all the way up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire."

A loud voice sounded from behind the line.

It was Wu Zhonghua.

Yan Zhi didn't even look at Wu Zhonghua, and shouted, "Wu Zhonghua!"


"You are 5 minutes late, and you will be fined to do 2 push-ups on the spot within [-] minutes."

"push ups?"

All soldiers were dumbfounded.At this time, they really don't know what push-ups are.The usual training of the troops is to run casually and stab the bayonet a few times indiscriminately. In order to save bullets, even soldiers who have not even fired a gun can go to the battlefield.

Who knows what a push-up is.

Yan Zhi's face was full of embarrassment, but he had no choice but to lie on the ground and do a few demonstrations, and then said to Wu Zhonghua: "Do it."

"Yes, sir!" Wu Zhonghua said and got down on the ground.

"Zhou Youcai, you go to supervise, count the time, and count. If he loses one, you make up two hundred push-ups."

"Yes, sir!"

Zhou Youcai held the pocket watch with a dazed expression on his face, whoever I provoked me.

"If you can come back, it means that you still have self-knowledge and self-discipline. This proves that you love your parents, wives and children deeply, and it also shows that you have a sense of responsibility and are a man!"

Yan Zhi said as he walked back and forth among the death row prisoners sitting cross-legged, "Only when you come back can you be qualified to be my soldiers."

"Each of you must keep in mind that in the future, if you die on the battlefield, then you are martyrs, warriors, and heroes of the country. Your names will be engraved on the monument, engraved in history, and remembered by the people." Compete to pass on the eulogies, pass down the generations, and flow through the ages."

"If you die fighting for your country, your parents, wives and children will be proud of you and will be respected by people because of you. They will live with their heads held high and live with glory!"

What Yan Zhi said was impassioned, and the prisoners on death row heard it with enthusiasm. One must die, whether to die in shame as a prisoner on death row, leaving the family members alive, or to die in battle as a soldier, leaving noble honors to the family members. They can tell the difference.

Even Nalan Mingyue and Huiyue were affected by Yan Zhi's words, and their eyes were a little moist.Women are soft-hearted and are always easily moved by the words "parents, children, family". This is also the biggest weakness of all women in their lives.

Since the Anti-Japanese War, the Chinese army has been retreating steadily and morale has been low, but Yan Zhi's words are so impassioned and impassioned that the prisoners on death row will not hesitate to die.

At this time, Yan Zhi is the benefactor of these death row prisoners and their savior.

"So, whether you are willing to be a death row prisoner and have shame engraved on your soul, or you are willing to go forward bravely as a soldier, become famous in the future, and be passed down to future generations, it depends on your own choice."

The death row prisoners stood up in unison: "We are willing to follow you, sir, and we will follow you with swords and fires, and we will never retreat."

"Also, our team is different from other teams, because you were once on death row, and you may be looked down upon. So, you have to work hard, you have to be tenacious, you have to make progress, and you have to use the blood of the enemy to make those who look down upon you Our people are impressed."

"Yan is crazy!"

Looking at Yan Zhi who was giving a passionate speech, Nalan Mingyue said to herself.

After smoking another cigarette, Yan Zhi continued, "Soldiers who don't want to be generals are not good soldiers. I can tell you responsibly, after three years at most, the little devil will surrender, we"

After thinking about it, Yan Zhi felt that it was better for him not to talk about what happened after the devil surrendered.

"Every army must have a number. From now on, our team will be called..."

Everyone looked at Yan Zhi, even Wu Zhonghua and Zhou Youcai stopped and looked at Yan Zhi.

These inspirational words just now, Yan Zhi had a draft before, but he chose a name for this team on a whim.

Called Wolf Company?Tiger Company?Anti-Japanese Company?Company of Heroes?Or is it called the Mad Dog Company, which means to attack the enemy like a mad dog?I remember that there used to be a famous football coach in China who instilled in his players the idea of ​​chasing the ball like mad dogs on the pitch.

No, let alone Mad Dog, people in this era will not accept this name.

Suddenly, the name of an American movie jumped into Yan Zhi's mind——

"In our team, there are both the National Army and the Eighth Route Army. Although there are slight differences between our two parties, the KMT and the Communist Party are unambiguous about the national life and death of the Anti-Japanese War. There are some disputes over family property, but if foreign enemies want to get involved in their family property, they will never agree. The two brothers will join hands to resist foreign enemies without hesitation. The two parties of the country and the Communist Party are brothers, so our team Just call... brother... brother... Lian!"

Yan Zhi said slowly and forcefully.

The crowd instantly boiled.

Yan Zhi said: "Everyone, go back to the barracks, get your uniforms, and get your badges."

"Yes, sir!"

Yan Zhi wore sunglasses, lit a cigarette, Xiexie held it in his mouth, and said, "Brothers, welcome to the devil training camp."

"War smoke rises, the country looks north, the dragon flag rolls up, the horse roars, the sword is like frost, and the heart is like the Yellow River, who can resist in 20 years..."

Yan Zhi was a little complacent. He squinted his eyes and sang this old song. He forgot the title of the song and couldn't remember all the words, but the melody was familiar from old times.

Nalan Huiyue lightly clasped the big braid on her chest with both hands, and asked, "What song is this, it's really nice!"

"This face is crazy, the baby is crazy fat!"

In the evening, the first words Nalan Huiyue said after returning home shocked everyone at the dinner table except Nalan Xinghui.

At this moment, Nalan Xinghui felt a little relieved, if Yan Zhi was really crazy, she would be able to divorce the engagement as a matter of course.This marriage was originally a drama, and she had the right to end the drama.

Nalan Zhongzhong's face was like an ancient well, his eyes were calm and he sat next to his old father, holding a spoon in his hand, feeding water to his father whose eyes lit up after hearing Huiyue's words.

Mrs. Nalan was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly asked: "Huiyue, why is Yan Zhi crazy?" Although choosing Yan Zhi to be her son-in-law was only an expedient measure, if Yan Zhi really went crazy, it would be a big deal for the Nalan family. Reputation can have a big impact.

"This Yan Zhi, too." Nalan Huiyue has a quick mind and a good memory. She imitated Yan Zhi's manner and expression, and demonstrated his impassioned speech. I was taken aback for a while.

Nalan Huiyue winked at Xinghui, and said strangely: "Second sister, if you don't want this marriage, you can give me the baby fat!"

Everyone looked at each other, this is not Yan Zhi crazy, it should be Hui Yue crazy.

Nalan loyally scolded Huiyue: "Nonsense!"

After watching Huiyue's performance, everyone looked at Nalan Mingyue again.

Nalan Mingyue nodded: "The gang of condemned prisoners followed Yan Zhi with all their hearts. Grandpa, father, mother, you didn't see how ruthless Yan Zhi trained soldiers, he was like a devil. Those soldiers All of them are crooked, with fierce eyes, and they are not good at looking at them. I have read their resumes, some have been bandits, some are good at thieves, some are rebellious, some are sinister, But they treat Yan Zhi with admiration and admiration from the bottom of their hearts..."

Grandpa Nalan showed a smile on his face: "Brands of Brothers...Bands of Brothers...Okay...Okay! Ancestors, my Nalan family has successors..."

Hearing Grandpa's words, a black line flashed across Nalan Xinghui's forehead.

"Second Sister, let's go to Yan Zhi's brother company tomorrow to watch their training. Yan Zhi's method of training soldiers is so special!" Nalan Huiyue said while looking at her father, "Father, I believe that his method of training soldiers is Some you haven't even seen."

Nalan Zhongcheng feigned anger: "Go back to the house and do your homework, the girl's house, and run to the barracks every day, what a shame."

"Who can resist in 20 years." Nalan Huiyue hummed this sentence repeatedly, then avoided her father, stuck out her pink tongue, and made a face at her second sister.

Nalan Xinghui was already used to this, and said to his sister, "I want to go with you, I don't have time."

(End of this chapter)

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