my battlefield my company

Chapter 174 Fighting with E Company

Chapter 174 Fighting with E Company

More and more American soldiers gathered around. Seeing the thin and thin Fan Xiaosi holding Gordon, who was as tall as a mountain, it was as funny as a clown hugging an elephant. The American soldiers couldn't help laughing, saying something If the words were mocking, they were afraid that the Chinese soldiers would not understand, so they even made body language.

Although the Chinese and American soldiers could not understand each other's words, they both knew that the other side had nothing good to say.

Fan Xiaosi put his head against Gordon's furry chest, gathered enough strength, and stretched out his legs to try to trip Gordon, but found that the legs of this big American were as thick and powerful as elephant legs, no matter how he pushed , how to trip, how to break, the other party still stood there like a mountain, stretched his arms, and laughed.

Fan Xiaosi gritted his teeth, came up hard, raised his knee, and slammed into Gordon's crotch hard.

"Shit." Gordon cursed after screaming. He bent down, stretched out his big palm-like hand, grabbed Fan Xiaosi by the back of the neck, picked him up, threw him out, and fell to the ground. .

"Hit your ass."

Wang Xiaoxiang had already forgotten where he was, and he only knew that his good brother had suffered a loss, so he pulled off the leather belt from his waist with a "shua", and threw it at Gordon with a "crack".

The Brotherhood of Brothers has always been a united heart, no matter how powerful the enemy is, it will not be afraid.

The American soldiers saw that the Chinese soldiers fought two against one, so they also joined the battle group one after another. Seeing this, the Chinese soldiers also pulled down their waist belts in unison, and lashed at the American soldiers. They knew that their strength was stronger than their own. However, the opponent didn't fit close to the opponent at all, and used the length of the belt to make up for the disadvantage in strength. The American soldiers, for a while, had nothing to do with the Chinese soldiers who took off their shirts and their bodies were slippery.

The belt pulled on my body, it was really painful!

Fist landed on the body, that is also painful!
Suddenly, a corner of the bathhouse became a mess.

As a veteran, Zhao Fugui knew that it was a taboo to fight with other soldiers on other people's land, so he quickly shouted: "Brothers, don't do it, don't do it, don't do it."

But the two sides were already fighting, and the American soldiers couldn't understand him.

Zhao Fugui shouted at the top of his voice: "Brothers, the officer said, when we arrive in the United States, we are guests, we must not... ouch, hell... Damn it, your grandma even beat me, I beat you!" You big-nosed Yankee..."

The Americans are tall and powerful, while the Chinese soldiers are exhausted from the journey, and each of them is airsick and vomits half to death. They start to rely on the belt in their hands, and they can still have a slight advantage. After a long time, how can they still be American soldiers? opponent……

After sleeping for several hours without being disturbed by anyone, Yan Zhi still felt exhausted when he woke up, but the nausea had disappeared, and the time difference still hadn't adjusted.

Brush your teeth, wash your face, and eat a little snack.I have to say that the food of the American army is good.Yan Zhi was grateful from the bottom of his heart for the American military's arrangement of board and lodging for the Chinese soldiers.

The staff of the Chinese embassy told Yan Zhi that the officers and soldiers of the countries allied with the United Nations were all placed at Camp McCall in North Carolina. Soldiers from all countries were treated the same and had their own separate barracks.

There are eight bathrooms in the Michael base, and the hot water supply is available around the clock. After having a good snack, Yan Zhi went to another bathroom to take a bath with Zhou Youcai and Fang You.

On the flagpole in front of the barracks of the Chinese Independent Company, the flag of the blue sky and white sun is flying, which is very kind in the sun.

Walking out of the barracks, at a glance, the national flags of many countries are flying in front of their barracks.

This fully reflects the US military's respect for the allies.

Yan Zhi felt that this was a bit like an Olympic event.

Since this time is a pre-signing event among the allies of the United Nations, the guns and ammunition of soldiers from various countries were not carried with them, but were transported to the United States, and then managed by special personnel from the United States. Soldiers from various countries came to the United States to exchange and communicate. , No need for real ammunition.

As soon as he walked into the bathroom, Yan Zhi saw Lieutenant Mike Winters who he met when he went to the camp just after getting off the plane, wearing a clean white shirt.

Second Lieutenant Mike Winters has a strong body, but his face looks very elegant, and he is a little shy when he smiles. When he sees Yan Zhi, he smiles and nods.

Second Lieutenant Winters is very friendly, even when chatting with his companions, he feels very peaceful.

Yan Zhi still couldn't remember where he had heard the familiar name of Second Lieutenant Winters.And his unit, the 101E Airborne Division, sounds familiar too.

That night, the soldiers of Brotherhood were given a sumptuous dinner.

Considering the airsickness and vomiting of the soldiers these days, there was no wine that night, only steak, beef and other meat products, as well as potatoes, vegetables, soup and some seasonal fruits.

Of course, the most delicious thing is steak, medium rare steak.

It is a luxury to be able to eat fat meat in China. The soldiers have never seen such tender, soft and fragrant steak and beef.

The American cooking soldiers said, you can eat as much as you want.

Chinese soldiers don't know how to use knives and forks, so they eat beef and steaks with their hands, and their saliva overflows.It is more enjoyable to eat large pieces of meat with your hands, and the American cooking soldiers in the busy kitchen can hardly keep up with the cooking.

Yan Zhi asked the soldiers to eat less, because they ate too much beef that was half-rare, and it was not easy to digest.

But no one paid him any attention.

The potatoes and vegetables on the table were barely touched.

Everyone knows that beef is better than potatoes, more expensive than potatoes, and more fragrant than potatoes.

There was dessert after the meal, but the soldiers couldn't eat it anymore, and it almost stuffed their throats.

Looking at the way his soldiers eat, Yan Zhi feels helpless and at the same time pities them. Compared with the wartime meals of American soldiers, Chinese soldiers are really pitiful.

What surprised Yan Zhi was that Zhao Fugui and Fan Xiaosi changed their usual yelling, and the two of them were quite dull when eating, sitting far away from the other dozen or so soldiers in the 1st row with their plates.

Maybe it's because Mr. Zhao hasn't recovered from his airsickness yet!Yan Zhi glanced at Zhao Fugui and the others, then continued to talk with more than 20 elites from various theaters about American weapons and equipment and the current trend of the world battlefield.

That night, everyone slept soundly, with good beds and a good environment. The soldiers were tired for a few days and slept like pigs.

It was not bright in the morning, and the surroundings were still pitch black. When we got up, the sound of bugles spread throughout every corner of the McCall military base through horns.

Since Nalan Xinghui had business to do and had not yet come to meet with the troops, the U.S. military sent a translator, Second Lieutenant Roberta Vinci, to the Chinese Independent Company.

Yan Zhi's English is 666, but he is too lazy to translate.

Second Lieutenant Roberta Vinci told Yan Zhi that this is a compulsory course for all soldiers in the McCall military base every morning-climbing Mount Crash.

Today's compulsory course is a bit different, today there is the participation of the United Nations military mission.

Since Second Lieutenant Roberta Vinci was fooling around outside and getting drunk last night, he did not go to the Chinese soldiers' barracks to report the next day's training schedule.

The Brothers Company didn’t receive the training notice the night before, and the soldiers thought they could have a good night’s sleep, so they felt a little rushed. After they were fully dressed and assembled, soldiers from other countries had already set off.

Lieutenant Roberta Vinci was dressed in white sports shorts and light elastic boots, which was in great contrast to the Chinese soldiers in long coats and high-top yellow military shoes.

As soon as he ran out of the McCall training base, there were non-commissioned officers who specially recorded the departure time of soldiers from various countries, and recorded the departure time of the independent company.

 There are relatively few chapters published these days, and I am collecting manuscripts.There is no food in stock, and I feel flustered.

(End of this chapter)

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