my battlefield my company

Chapter 196 Hiding in the Closet

Chapter 196 Hiding in the Closet
The Yankees who were beaten all ran away, and of course Fan Xiaosi and the others had to clean up the mess.

Seeing Fan Xiaosi who had gone and returned, the owner of the bar was a little flustered, thinking that after the soldiers returned, they regretted losing the money and went back to the bar to ask for money.

Handing the banknotes to the bar owner first, Yan Zhi ordered beer for each of the three Fang You, and told them to drink whatever they wanted, today's sir treats them.

This kind of enjoyment is unimaginable in China. It is rare for soldiers to enter a bar, so they are allowed to drink to their heart's content.

During the war years, the lives of soldiers were worthless, and they might meet Hades accidentally one day.

You have to cherish your own soldiers.

Let them enjoy while they can, and let them eat, drink and play while they can.

This is also the reason why Yan Zhi has been defending his shortcomings.

Seeing that Yan Zhi was friendly, casual, and generous, the bar owner told Yan Zhi that before they came, the Americans who were beaten had already been here once, and seeing their posture, they wanted to come back for revenge.

Yan Zhi knew that the bar owner wanted them to drink good wine, ask good things, and leave quickly, so as not to fight in their bar again and disturb his business, so he asked straight to the point: "Is there a guy named Ye here?" Ya's Chinese girl."

"Is that the girl who fought with them?" The bar owner said, pointing at Fan Xiaosi and the others.

"Yes!" Yan Zhi said, "We're here to find her, tell me her address, and we'll leave right away."

"That girl's name isn't Ye Ya, she's Ye Xuan."

"Ye Xuan?"

"Yes. Her name is Ye Xuan. She said she has a twin sister named Ye Ya."

The bar owner said, "She has only been here for a few days. She is very smart and beautiful. After the fight, she disappeared. I sent people to her residence, but I couldn't find her."

Yan Zhi said, "Where does she live, can you tell me?"

Out of the bar, Fan Xiaosi asked Yan Zhi how he knew Ye Xuan would use her identity as a Chinese citizen.

Yan Zhi said that during World War II, all M and R descendants were under control, and Ye Xuan could only show her Chinese citizenship certificate, otherwise she would be sent to a special place immediately.

Yan Zhi followed the path pointed by the bar owner, and came to an apartment building that seemed to be the residence of rich people, and found Ye Xuan's rented room.

After knocking on the door for a while, an old lady next door told Yan Zhi that the little girl in this room came back more than an hour ago, took some things and left.When the old lady spoke, she looked at Yan Zhi with a vigilant expression.

Yan Zhi thanked him.

The old lady closed the door.

Yan Zhi walked to the end of the corridor, and when he turned his head, the old lady stuck her head out of the room and looked at Yan Zhi like a spy.

Yan Zhi laughed dumbly, took the three of them away, and returned to the independent company.

Half an hour later, Yan Zhi and Zhao Fugui came back again. They were sitting not far from the apartment, staring at the people coming in and out.

Zhao Fugui took out a cigarette to the officer, and helped to light it up: "Sir, if the girl in the room is really Ye Ya, what are you going to do?"

Yan Zhi smoked a cigarette and didn't speak.what to do?Before that, he silently asked himself many times, what should he do if this girl is really Ye Ya?kill?do not kill?Dilemma.

Seeing that the officer did not speak, looking for Fugui also smoked silently, and handed another to the officer after smoking one.

Just as Yan Zhi was about to continue, the old lady who thought he was a thief walked out of the apartment and got into a taxi.

Yan Zhi stood up and clipped the cigarette Zhao Fugui gave to his ears. The two entered the apartment and opened the door directly. Then, Zhao Fugui left.

After taking off his shoes and entering the room, Yan Zhi seemed to smell Ye Ya's breath, but it seemed a little different.

There was no one in the house.

This is a fully furnished apartment with bathroom, living room, master bedroom and guest bedroom. Although the kitchen is spotless, there is no trace of cooking.

The rooms are very tidy, it doesn't look like they left in a hurry and never came back, the room was decorated with a youthful atmosphere by Ye Xuan, and it didn't look like they wanted to stay for a few days and then left.

There was a photo frame on the bedside table in the bedroom, and the girl in the photo was Ye Ya.

Yan Zhi picked up the photo frame and looked carefully, the girl in the photo seemed a little different from Ye Ya.

There are two very beautiful words on the back of the photo: Ye Xuan.

Frames look old, photos are new.

Yan Zhi opened the door of the closet, and it was full of girls' clothes. There was nothing suspicious, but there seemed to be Ye Ya's smell in the closet.

Yan Zhi reached out and touched the bed slowly, not leaving any marks on the neat sheets, but found a Browning pistol at the end of the bed with a full magazine.

There is nothing wrong with a girl in the United States owning a Browning pistol for self-defense.

Yan Zhi took out his handkerchief, wiped the pistol once, and put it back in its original place without leaving any traces.

There was a worn pajamas at the head of the bed, Yan Zhi stretched out his hand, but stopped a few centimeters away from the pajamas.


If you want to know if Ye Xuan is Ye Ya, you don't need to tell from the pajamas.


forget it.

This is a bit obscene.

Although I have an honest heart.

After searching all the places in the house, Yan Zhi decided to leave without finding anything suspicious.

As soon as I arrived at the door, before I put on my shoes, I heard footsteps coming from the corridor.

Then, there was the sound of a key being pulled out.

someone is coming.

The sound of footsteps is a woman.

Yan Zhi didn't have time to put on his shoes, so he took the shoes and returned them.Where did Mr. Zhao die? The owner of the house came back, but he didn't report a letter.

Among the several rooms, the only one that could hide people was the big wardrobe in the bedroom, Yan Zhi got in without hesitation.

It is always embarrassing to be found sneaking into the room, no matter if it is Ye Ya or Ye Xuan.

If the visitor is really Ye Ya, what should I do? Kill her?Whoever Yan Zhi wanted to kill would never leave any clues behind.

It couldn't be Yeya.

Yeya died, in my arms.

Yan Zhi told himself again.Since it wasn't Ye Ya, then Ye Xuan was the one who came, so she couldn't be found out.

In the closet, Ye Ya's breath was obvious.

Could it be that Ye Ya really lived in this room?Is Yeya really not dead?
After the sound of the key being inserted into the lock, there was the sound of the door being pushed open, and then the door was closed again. A person walked into the room, hung up his bag, took off his shoes, put on slippers, and walked into the living room.

Yan Zhi wanted to leave, but had to go through the living room.

After a while, the sound of boiling water came from the kitchen, and Yan Zhi just wanted to get out of the closet to sneak away, when the sound of footsteps returned to the living room.

After a while, footsteps came to the kitchen, and immediately returned to the living room, and then Yan Zhi heard the sound of cups.

After a while, the sound of "cracking" footsteps came towards the bedroom.

There are ventilation windows on the big wardrobe, Yan Zhi gently pushed aside the clothes, and saw a familiar figure from behind.

Ye Ya?

But this figure has short hair, while Ye Ya has long hair.

Then, the sound of footsteps spread out again, passing the living room, walking to the bathroom, and hearing the sound of running water.

Just as Yan Zhi was about to walk out of the closet, the sound of footsteps came back from the bathroom to the living room, followed by the sound of a teacup being placed on the table.

Footsteps, walking from the living room to the bathroom, Yan Zhi heard the sound of running water.This is testing the water temperature.

Carrying her shoes, Yan Zhi tiptoed out of the closet. Just as she reached the door of the bedroom, the sound of footsteps came from the bathroom to the living room. After a pause of more than ten seconds, she walked towards the bedroom again.

Yan Zhi lamented that he, the world's top killer and the major of the independent company of the national army, was forced to get into the closet of the girl's house and could do nothing. destroyed.

At this moment, the sound of undressing and throwing on the bed came from outside the closet.

Then, the wardrobe was opened.

(End of this chapter)

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